1. If tears' eyes are really eyes,
Then its human is not who we are, nor pretense.
١. إذا كان عيْنُ الدّمْعِ عيْناً حَقيقةً
فإنْسانُها ما نحْنُ فيهِ ولا دَعْوى
2. So it remains as a playground for the best company and enjoyment,
And its adorned dwelling remains for me a dwelling.
٢. فدَامَ لخَيْرِ الأنْسِ واللهْوِ مَلْعَباً
ولازالَ مَثْواهُ المنعَّمُ لي مَثْوى
3. The Pleiades wish they had soil,
And Aldebaran praises it, and Capella guards it.
٣. تَوَدُّ الثُرَيّا أنْ يكونَ لهُ ثَرى
وتمْدَحُهُ الشِّعْرَى وتحْرُسُ العَوّا