
He who gives his friends no share of his wealth

من لا نصيب لصحبه في خيره

1. He who gives his friends no share of his wealth
And when asked, fulfils not another's need -

١. مَنْ لا نصيبَ لصَحْبِهِ في خيْرِهِ
وإذا سَعَى لمْ يقْضِ حاجَةَ غيْرِهِ

2. Seek him, whenever you desire, and say:
May God inspire him to console his fellow!

٢. فاقْصِدْ أباهُ متى أرَدْتَ وقُلْ لهُ
اللهُ يُلْهِمُهُ العَزاءَ بأيْرِهِ