
They cursed an innocent with their evil assumptions,

لعنوا بريا من خبائث ظنهم

1. They cursed an innocent with their evil assumptions,
So may God curse the people of the amber market.

١. لعَنوا بريّاً منْ خبائِثِ ظنّهِمْ
فاللهُ يَلْعَنُ أهْلَ سوقِ العنْبَرِ

2. By God, I will never set foot in their market,
For all time, for that is the market of shame.

٢. واللهِ لا أوْطأتُ ساقي سُوقَهُمْ
أبَدَ الزّمانِ فتِلْكَ سوقُ العَنْ بَري