
O son of caliphs, O eminent Mohammed

يا ابن الخلائف يا سمي محمد

1. O son of caliphs, O eminent Mohammed
O you whose eminence cannot be contained by any besieger

١. يا ابْنَ الخَلائِفِ يا سَميَّ محمّدٍ
يا مَنْ عُلاهُ ليسَ يحْصُرُ حاصِرُ

2. Rejoice, for you are the restorer of the kingdom which
Without you would have become erased ruins

٢. أبْشِرْ فأنتَ مجدِّدُ المُلْكِ الذي
لوْلاكَ أصْبَحَ وهْوَ رسْمٌ داثِرُ

3. Who can resist you, inheritor, when
With your rise the kingdom revolves according to your will

٣. مَنْ ذا يُعانِدُ منْكَ وارِثَهُ الذي
بسُعودِهِ فلَكُ المَشيئَةِ دائرُ

4. The caliphate has surrendered its affairs to you
For you were its strong, victorious guardian

٤. ألْقَتْ إليْكَ يدُ الخِلافَةِ أمْرَها
إذ كُنْتَ أنتَ لها الوَليَّ الناصِرُ

5. This one cries out to you while it and
A fierce, tumultuous sea are between you

٥. هَذا وبيْنَكَ للصّريخِ وبيْنَها
حرْبٌ مضرَّسَةٌ وبحْرٌ زاخِرُ

6. He whose work this was at the beginning
Will have a good end and a mighty conclusion

٦. مَنْ كان هَذا الصَّنْعُ أوّلَ أمْرِهِ
حسُنَتْ لهُ العُقْبى وعَزَّ الآخِرُ

7. My master, I have love for your eminence
And God knows what hearts conceal

٧. موْلايَ عِنْدي في عُلاكَ محبّةٌ
واللّهُ يعْلَمُ ما تُكِنُّ ضَمائِرُ

8. My heart tells me you will unite
The glories of Chosroes and my share in you is abundant

٨. قلْبي يُحدِّثُني بأنّكَ جابِرٌ
كسْري وحظّي منْكَ حظٌّ وافِرُ

9. I have set down my burdens on the soil of your ancestors
So my means to your eminence is a radiant light

٩. بثَرَى جُدودِكَ قد وضَعْتُ حَقيبَتي
فوَسيلَتي لعُلاكَ نورٌ باهِرُ

10. I have exerted my effort and strived
As your sword of authority flourishes

١٠. وبذَلْتُ وُسْعي واجْتِهادي مِثْلَما
يَلْقى لمُلْكِكَ سيْفُ أمْرِكَ عامِرُ

11. It is the guardian of you, charging ahead
Resolute of purpose, a sharp blade

١١. وهُوَ الوليُّ لكَ الذي اقْتَحَم الرّدى
ونَضا العَزيمَةَ وهْوَ سيْفٌ باتِرُ

12. It is the guardian of your ancestor in adversities when
Tribes and clans had abandoned his eminence

١٢. ووليُّ جدِّكَ في الشّدائِدِ عنْدَما
خذَلَتْ عُلاهُ قَبائِلٌ وعَشائِرُ

13. So seek advice from it and know that it is
In every predicament, a skilled healer

١٣. فاسْتَهْدِ منْهُ النُّصْحَ واعْلَمْ أنّهُ
في كلِّ معْضِلَةٍ طَبيبٌ ماهِرُ

14. I sent it to take my place before reaching you
As an evident excuse prevented me from you

١٤. وبعَثْتُها لتَنوبَ قبْلَ توصُّلي
لكَ إذْ عَراني عنْكَ عُذْرٌ ظاهِرُ

15. If I rushed some of my praises
They are blossoms, and blossoms precede fruits

١٥. إنْ كُنْتُ قدْ عجّلْتُ بعْضَ مَدائِحي
فهِيَ الرِّياضُ وللرِّياضِ بَواكِرُ