
My story of longing was raised to Yahya

رفعت قصة اشتقاقي ليحيى

1. My story of longing was raised to Yahya
So he frowned, refusing madness

١. رُفِعَتْ قصّةُ اشْتِقاقي ليَحْيى
فزَوى الوجْهَ رافِضاً للفُتوّهْ

2. And he threw the book with weak pretense
I said: "Yahya, take the book with strength"

٢. ورمَى بالكِتابِ ضُعْفَ اهْتِبالٍ
قُلْتُ يَحْيى خذِ الكِتابَ بقوهْ