
Tell the one who recalled guidance and its covenants

قل للذي ذكر الهدى وعهوده

1. Tell the one who recalled guidance and its covenants
Then wept and became fearful of losing it

١. قلْ للّذي ذَكَرَ الهُدى وعُهودَهُ
فبَكى وأصْبَحَ مُشْفِقاً منْ فَقْدِها

2. The rights of God, majestic be His majesty, were usurped
So Abu al-Hasan the Younger decreed their restoration

٢. غُصِبَتْ حُقوقُ اللهِ جلَّ جَلالُهُ
فقَضى أبو الحَسَنِ الصّغير بردِّها