
O Abu Qasim, you have remained just in dispensing virtue,

أبا قاسم لازلت للفضل قاسما

1. O Abu Qasim, you have remained just in dispensing virtue,
With the scale of justice, you aid the truth for those who aided it.

١. أبا قاسِمٍ لازِلْتَ للفضْلِ قاسِماً
بميزانِ عدْلٍ ينْصُرُ الحقَّ مَنْ نَصَرْ

2. Your ink is fine musk, goodly scent and sight,
Else the blackness of heart, emptiness, and blindness of vision.

٢. مِدادُكَ وهْوَ المسْكُ طيباً ومنْظراً
وإلا سَوادُ القلْبِ والفَوْدِ والبَصَرْ

3. We knew him as eloquent in every branch of knowledge,
Yet how brief in respecting the sanctity of affection!

٣. عهِدْناهُ في كلِّ المَعارِفِ مُطْنِباً
فَما بالُهُ في حُرْمَةِ الوُدِّ مخْتَصِرْ

4. I think you chose him from the night of union with us,
And that night is known for being short.

٤. أظنّكَ منْ ليْلِ الوِصالِ انْتَخَبْتَهُ
إلَيْنا وذاك اللّيلُ يوصَفُ بالقِصَرْ

5. We wanted you to excuse what you are apt to excuse,
And the like of you is not blamed or limited.

٥. أرَدْنا بكَ العُذْرَ الذي أنتَ أهْلُهُ
ومثْلُكَ لا يُرْمى بعِيٍّ ولا حَصَرْ