
You were angered at this creation,

من استغضبت من هذي الخليقه

1. You were angered at this creation,
With anger and denial of the Creator,

١. مَنِ اسْتَغْضَبْتَ منْ هَذي الخَليقَهْ
بمُغْضِبَةٍ بإنْكارٍ خَليقَهْ

2. Yet no goat or donkey was angered -
Not figuratively, no, in truth!

٢. ولمْ يغْضَبْ فتَيْسٌ أو حِمارٌ
مَجازاً لا لعَمْري بلْ حَقيقَهْ

3. I sent you a messenger with my servant,
But you did not obey the messenger or servant.

٣. بعَثْتُ بمُرْسِلٍ لكَ معْ عَتيقي
فلَمْ تُطِعِ الرّسولَ ولا عَتيقَهْ

4. You put the blame on the envoy
When you were hasty and did not let him explain.

٤. وطوّقتَ السّفيرَ الذَّنْبَ لمّا
عجِلْتَ بهِ ولمْ تُبْلِعْهُ ريقَهْ

5. An imam leading the community, and reproving piety,
Conveying proof and protecting dignity,

٥. إمامُ جَماعَةٍ وقَريعُ تَقْوَى
ومُبْلِغُ حُجّةٍ وحَفيظُ سِيقَهْ

6. You have afflicted the days with an incurable disease,
Over which clear thinking will have no sway.

٦. فَبُؤتَ بِها علَى الأيّامِ داءً
عُضالاً لا تُفيقُ علَيْهِ فيقَهْ

7. You denied your excuse with a confession,
Increasing blame that stains the path.

٧. وقدْ عارَضْتَ عُذْرَكَ باعتِرافٍ
فزِدْتَ مذمّةً تسِمُ الطّريقهْ

8. After a confession, is there still dispute?
After being unbound, is there still bondage?

٨. وهلْ بعْدَ اعْترافٍ منْ نِزاعٍ
وهلْ بعْدَ افْتِصالٍ منْ وَثيقَهْ

9. Whoever is ignorant of rights, obeys his soul
Sunk in the sea of ignorance, drowning.

٩. ومَنْ جهِلَ الحُقوقَ أطاعَ نفْساً
ببَحْرِ الجهْلِ راسِبَةً غَريقَهْ

10. The survival of the boat is unlikely
When the engineer sets up his catapult.

١٠. ومَنْجَى نيقَةٍ أمْرٌ بَعيدٌ
إذا نصَبَ المهَنْدِسُ مَنْجَنيقَهْ