
What ails the meadows, their necks bowed in submission,

ما لليراع خواضع الأعناق

1. What ails the meadows, their necks bowed in submission,
As the elegy passes by, and they are immersed in sorrow -

١. ما لِلْيَراعِ خَواضِعُ الأعْناقِ
طرَقَ النّعِيُّ فهُنّ في إطْراقِ

2. As if pallor has dyed their faces,
And sickness of grief and anxiety has overtaken them.

٢. وكأنّما صبَغَ الشّحوبُ وجوهَها
والسُقْمُ منْ جزَعٍ ومنْ إشْفاقِ

3. What ails the pages - their gardens have withered away in lament,
Though they were like leaves green.

٣. ما للصّحائِفِ صوّحَتْ رَوْضاتُها
أسَفاً وكُنّ نَظيرَةَ الأوْراقِ

4. What ails the goblets - abandoned and neglected -
The butler forgot them and the cupbearer slept.

٤. ما للبَيانِ كُؤوسُه مهْجورَةٌ
غفَلَ المُديرُ لَها ونامَ السّاقِي

5. What ails me - I lost my patience and fortitude,
Yet patience in tribulations is a trait of the virtuous.

٥. ما لِي عدِمْتُ تجلُّدِي وتصبُّري
والصّبْرُ في الأزَماتِ منْ أخْلاقِ

6. A calamity has befallen the people of eloquence and rhetoric,
It makes the breath run short and the sighs overflow.

٦. خطْبٌ أصابَ بَني البَلاغَةِ والحِجا
شَبَّ الزّفيرُ بهِ عنِ الأطْواقِ

7. Now that Abu al-Hasan al-Ridha has passed away,
Excellence itself has completely passed away.

٧. أمّا وقدْ أوْدَى أبو الحسَنِ الرِّضا
فالفضْلُ قدْ أوْدَى علَى الإطْلاقِ

8. The treasure of knowledge - its coins will never perish,
Nor diminish no matter how much is spent.

٨. كنْزُ المَعارِفِ لا تَبيدُ نُقودُه
يوْماً ولا تَفْنَى علَى الإنْفاقِ

9. Who will host the finest gatherings,
Between Syria and Iraq?

٩. مَنْ للبَدائِعِ أصْبَحَتْ سمَرَ السُّرَى
ما بيْنَ شامٍ في الوَرَى وعِراقِ

10. Who will spare the meadows from his malice,
The poison of enmity and the keys of sustenance?

١٠. مَنْ لليَراعِ يُجيلُ منْ خطّيِّها
سُمَّ العِدَى ومَفاتِحَ الأرْزاقِ

11. Branches laden with fruit, symbols of prosperity,
And palms bearing the nectar of healing.

١١. قُضْبٌ ذَوابِلُ مُثْمِراتٌ بالمُنَى
وأراقِمٌ ينْفُثْنَ بالتّرْياقِ

12. Who will gather together the beauty of the red parchments -
The shyness of the cheeks and the dye of the eyelids -

١٢. مَنْ للرِّقاعِ الحُمْرِ يجْمَعُ حُسْنُها
خَجَل الخُدودِ وصِبْغةَ الأحْداقِ

13. That plunder the enemy's entrails as if they were
The fatal pages of polished swords.

١٣. تغْتالُ أحْشاءَ العَدوِّ كأنّها
صَفَحاتُ دامِيَةِ الغِرارِ رِقاقِ

14. And shake the bosoms of the loyalist as if they were
The gently blowing breeze gladdening the cupbearer.

١٤. وتَهُزُّ أعْطافَ الوَليِّ كأنّها
راحٌ مُشَعْشَعَةٌ براحَةِ ساقِي

15. Who will lead in the battlefields of knowledge
The steeds of rhetoric, noble Arab horses.

١٥. مَنْ للفُنونِ يُجيلُ في مَيْدانِها
خيْلَ البَيانِ كريمَةَ الأعْراقِ

16. Who will elucidate the doors of truth that were ambiguous
And open them to the people though they had been shut.

١٦. مَنْ للحقائِقِ أبْهمَتْ أبْوابُها
للنّاسِ يفْتَحُها علَى استِغْلاقِ

17. Who will seek his glory through noble deeds
And support them though they fail.

١٧. مَنْ للمَساعي الغُرِّ تقصِدُ جاهَهُ
حرَماً فينْصُرُها علَى الإخْفاقِ

18. How many firm covenants did he uphold
In Allah, and untie what bonds had been tied!

١٨. كمْ شدّ منْ عقدٍ وَثيقٍ حُكْمُهُ
في اللهِ أو أفْتى بحلِّ وِثاقِ

19. Open-armed he was to every towering misfortune,
Exhausting those skilled in asylum and refuge.

١٩. رحْبُ الذِّراعِ لكُلِّ خطْبٍ فادِحٍ
أعْيَتْ رِياضَتُهُ علَى الحُذّاقِ

20. Hard to handle in amity and love,
Yet easy for the chaste and wise.

٢٠. صعْبُ المَقادَةِ في الهَوادةِ والهَوى
سهْلٌ علَى العافِينَ والطُّرّاقِ

21. He rode the path to gardens and fair maidens,
Who welcomed him with embraces and hugs.

٢١. ركِبَ الطّريقَ الى الجِنانِ وحورُه
يَلْقَيْنَهُ بتَصافُحٍ وعِناقِ

22. Wondrous is the intimacy found in dreaded solitude,
And the visitation at the abode of separation!

٢٢. فأعْجَبْ لأنْسٍ في مظنّةِ وحْشَةٍ
ومَقام وصْلٍ في مَقامِ فِراقِ

23. Sweetened with praise for deeds well done,
And shrouded in the virtues of noble character.

٢٣. أمُطَيَّباً بمَحامِدِ العَمَلِ الرِّضا
ومُكَفّناً بمَكارِمِ الأخْلاقِ

24. Never did I think, before your funeral procession,
That I would one day walk proudly with your bier upon my shoulders

٢٤. ما كُنْتُ أحسَبُ قبْلَ نعْشِكَ أنْ أرَى
رَضْوَى نَسيرُ بهِ على الأعْناقِ

25. Never did I think before your burial in the earth
That hidden within it were the depths of minds.

٢٥. ما كُنْتُ أحسَبُ قبْلَ دَفْنِكَ في الثّرَى
أنّ اللّحودَ خَزائِنُ الأعْلاقِ

26. O star of guidance! Now that you have gone
Darkness lingers in these horizons

٢٦. يا كوْكَبَ الهُدَى الذي منْ بعْدِه
ركَدَ الظّلامُ بهذِهِ الآفاقِ

27. O peerless one! No matter what transpires in the arena
You were first, surpassing the racers.

٢٧. يا واحِداً مهْما جرَى في حلْبَةٍ
جَلّى بغُرّةِ سابِقِ السّبّاقِ

28. O resident of the tomb! Yet your remembrance
Will forever accompany travelers and friends.

٢٨. يا ثاوِياً بطْنَ الضّريحِ وذكْرُهُ
أبَداً رَفيقُ رَكائِبٍ ورِفاقِ

29. O refuge for those whose cries reached you, finding
No room on earth for a helper or protector!

٢٩. يا غوْثَ مَنْ وصَلَ الصّريخَ فلمْ يجِدْ
في الأرْضِ منْ وزَرٍ ولا مِنْ واقِي

30. You were but a cloud pouring forth without thunder and lightning.
You were but a well-watered garden,

٣٠. ما كُنتَ إلا دِيمَة مَنْشورَةً
منْ غيْرِ إرْعادٍ ولا إبْراقِ

31. Bearing whatever fruits and leaves you desired.
O you who has turned away from us and saddled your mount!

٣١. ما كُنتَ إلا روْضَةً ممْطورَةً
ما شِئْتَ منْ ثمَرٍ ومِنْ أوْراقِ

32. Why not stay, even for a moment?
Gently, dear father! Do not overburden us.

٣٢. يا مُزْمِعاً عنّا العَشيَّ رِكابَهُ
هَلاّ لبِثْتَ ولوْ بقَدْرِ فُواقِ

33. Do not forget your customary tenderness.
Permit us, even if briefly, to visit your tomb,

٣٣. رِفْقاً أبانَا جَلّ ما حمّلْتَنا
لا تنْسَ فينَا عادَةَ الإشْفاقِ

34. That we may continue to draw life from you.
If the means to meet are blocked,

٣٤. واسْمَح ولوْ بمَزارِ لُقْيا في الكَرَى
تُبْقِي بِها منّا علَى الأرْماقِ

35. Imagination will make up for the longing of the yearner.
Wondrous is the soul that bid you farewell, fully convinced

٣٥. وإذا اللّقاءُ تصرّمَتْ أسْبابُهُ
كانَ الخَيالُ تَعِلّةَ المُشْتاقِ

36. That, after you, there will be no day of reunion!
If she did not share your grave - which you drank to the dregs -

٣٦. عَجَباً لنَفْسٍ ودّعَتْكَ وأيْقَنَتْ
أنْ ليسَ بعْدَ نَواكَ يوْمَ تَلاقِي

37. What excuse has she, despite your merit?
If our eyes failed to weep

٣٧. ما عُذْرُها إنْ لمْ تُقاسِمْكَ الرّدَى
في فضْلِ كأسٍ قدْ شرِبْتَ دِهاقِ

38. Crying copiously over you, as was deserved,
If they were frozen in shock - surely our hearts

٣٨. إنْ قصّرَتْ أجْفانُنا عنْ أنْ تُرَى
تَبْكي النّجيعَ علَيْكَ باستِحْقاقِ

39. Were roused to every duty of the deeply aware!
Trust in lasting loyalty from the youth

٣٩. واستُوقِفَتْ دَهَشاً فإنّ قُلوبَنا
نهَضَتْ بكُلّ وظيفَةِ الآماقِ

40. Who emulate your covenant and pact.
They have adorned themselves with the blessings you bestowed,

٤٠. ثِقْ بالوَفاءِ علَى المَدى في فِتْيَةٍ
بكَ تقْتَدي في العَهْدِ والمِيثاقِ

41. Until they were collared with your favors.
They cry over your loss in private - a sanctuary

٤١. سجَعَتْ بِما طوّقْتَها منْ مِنّةٍ
حتّى زَرَتْ بحَمائِمِ الأطْواقِ

42. You filled with remembrance, in childhood and prime.
As for praise of your sublimity, it is widely diffused,

٤٢. تَبْكي فراقَكَ خَلْوَةً عمّرْتَها
بالذِّكْرِ في طَفَلٍ وفي إشْراقِ

43. Proclaimed by consensus and unanimous agreement.
And Allah has coupled praise to His land

٤٣. أمّا الثّناءُ علَى عُلاكَ فذائِعٌ
قدْ صحّ بالإجْماعِ والإصْفاقِ

44. By praising it from above the seven layers of heaven.
Your tomb pours forth a perpetual rain,

٤٤. واللهُ قدْ قرَنَ الثّناءَ بأرْضِهِ
بثَنائِهِ منْ فوْقِ سَبْعِ طِباقِ

45. Weeping over you with constant pouring.
And you have been clothed by the Divine in bliss

٤٥. جادَتْ ضريحَكَ ديمَةٌ هطّالَةٌ
تبْكي علَيْكَ بواكِفٍ رَقْراقِ

46. That lifts your spirit to the Most Exalted Station.
Have patience, oh kinsmen of al-Jabbaab, your departed one

٤٦. وتغَمّدَتْكَ منَ الإلاهِ سَعادَةٌ
تسْمو بروحِكَ للمَحَلِّ الرّاقي

47. Will soon delight in what he is destined to attain.
When the darkness of grief casts shadows on hearts,

٤٧. صبْراً بنِي الجَبّابِ إنّ فَقيدكُمْ
سيُسَرُّ مَقْدَمُهُ بِما هوَ لاقِي

48. Patience and acquiescence are the best havens.

٤٨. وإذا الأسَى لفَحَ القُلوبَ أُوارُهُ
فالصّبْرُ والتّسْليمُ أيّ رِواقِ