
You are the one addressed, O human

أنت المخاطب أيها الإنسان

1. You are the one addressed, O human
So listen to me, clear is the proof to you

١. أَنتَ المُخاطَبُ أَيُّها الإِنسانُ
فَأَصِخ إِلَيَّ يَلُح لَكَ البُرهانُ

2. I have given you what had I told you, you would have said to me
This is, by your life, nothing but raving delirium

٢. أُودِعتَ ما لَو قُلتُهُ لَكَ قُلتَ لي
هَذا لَعَمرُكَ كُلُّهُ هُذيانُ

3. So look with your mind, from your insides, and contemplate
The perfection of His creation, so sublime is His craftsmanship

٣. فَاِنظُر بِعَقلِكَ مِن بَنانِكَ وَاِعتَبِر
إِتقانَ صَنعَتِهِ فَثَمَّ الشانُ

4. God has servants whose homelands have dried out
So the whole earth is home to them

٤. لِلَّهِ أَكياسٌ جَفَوا أَوطانَهُم
فَالأَرضُ أَجمَعُها لَهُم أَوطانُ

5. Their minds roamed in the expanse of thought
And contemplation, so the concealment became evident to them

٥. جالَت عُقولُهُم مَجالَ تَفَكُّرٍ
وَتَدَبُّرٍ فَبَدا لَها الكِتمانُ

6. They rode the sea of understanding in the orbit of restraint
And sincerity and faith flowed through them

٦. رَكِبَت بِحارَ الفَهمِ في فَلَكِ النُهى
وَجَرى بِها الإِخلاصُ وَالإيمانُ

7. So when they came to their Beloved
He anchored them in Him, their sufficiency and safety

٧. فَرَسَت بِهِم لَمّا أَتَوا مَحبوبَهُم
مَرسىً لَهُم فيهِ غِنىً وَأَمانُ