
Today I learned of a house through stories,

عرفت اليوم بالأسناد دارا

1. Today I learned of a house through stories,
So tears from my eyes poured down like rain,

١. عرفت اليوم بالأسناد دارا
فدمع العين ينهمر انهمارا

2. Of neighboring homes that lost their dwellers,
And followed them were caravans and trains,

٢. منازل جيرةٍ شحطت نواهم
وأعقبت السوافي والقطارا

3. They threw pebbles at me when dawn rose,
Cautiously, not out of deceit,

٣. رمتني بالسليل غداة بانوا
على حذرٍ وما رمت اغترارا

4. With pillars of smoke and dusk’s fading,
As if embers burned in its midst,

٤. بأدهم فاحمٍ وبذي غروبٍ
كأن على أشانبه عُقارا

5. Clear wine of the purest extract,
Extract that settled and clarified,

٥. صهيباء الشراب خَبيَّ حَولٍ
حَوَلاً أوقرت مداراً وقارا

6. So when its drink was refined and ready,
Seekers came flocking to barter and trade,

٦. فلما طاب مشربها تداعى
لها الغادون وابتدروا التجارا

7. They cast doubts without certainty of knowledge,
As snakes scatter when provoked and afraid,

٧. برجم الظن غير يقين علمٍ
كما شيم الحيا حين استطارا

8. With bulging eyes they looked upon it,
As gazelles look towards meadows arrayed.

٨. بأعين محدبين لقوا إليه
كما ألقى إلى طيا نوارا