1. Your generosity adorns a man if you endow him
With liberality, though not all giving adorns.
١. عَطاؤُكَ زَينٌ لاِمرِئٍ إِن حَبَوتَهُ
بِبَذلٍ وَما كُلُ العَطاءِ يُزينُ
2. It is no disgrace for a man to dedicate himself
To you, as a part of asking disgraces.
٢. وَلَيسَ بِشينٍ لاِمرِئٍ بَذَلَ وَجهَهُ
اِليكَ كَما بَعضُ السُؤالِ يَشينِ