
Yours are the praise, the blessings, and the kingdom, our Lord

لك الحمد والنعماء والملك ربنا

1. Yours are the praise, the blessings, and the kingdom, our Lord
None is higher in glory and more glorious than You

١. لَكَ الحَمدُ وَالنَعماءُ وَالمُلكُ رَبَّنا
فَلا شَيءَ أَعلى مِنكَ مَجداً وَأَمجَدُ

2. A King over the Throne of Heaven, dominant
Before His might faces bow down and prostrate

٢. مَليكٌ عَلى عَرشِ السَماءِ مُهيمِنٌ
لِعِزَّتِهِ تَعنو الوجوهُ وَتَسجُدُ

3. Upon Him is the veil of light and light is around Him
And rivers of light around Him kindled

٣. عَلَيهِ حِجابُ النورِ وَالنورُ حَولَهُ
وأَنهارُ نورٍ حولَهُ تَتَوَقَّدُ

4. So no sight can rise to Him with a glance
And below the veil of light is supported creation

٤. فَلا بَصَرٌ يَسمو إِلَيهِ بِطَرفِهِ
وَدونَ حِجابِ النورِ خَلقٌ مُؤَيَّدُ

5. Angels whose feet are below His Throne
By His grasp if not for God they would perish and fade

٥. مَلائِكَةٌ أَقدامُهُم تَحتَ عَرشِهِ
بِكَفِيهِ لَولا اللَهُ كَلّوا وَأَبلَدوا

6. Standing on legs, suffering under it
Their obligations from the intensity of fear tremble

٦. قيامٌ عَلى الأَقدامِ عانينَ تَحتَهُ
فَرائِضُهُم مِن شِدَّةِ الخوفِ تُرعَدُ

7. And rows of angels looking upon His ordainment
Screaming to the revelation insistently conferred

٧. وَسِبطٌ صُفوفٌ يَنظُرونَ قَضاءَهُ
يُصيخونَ بِالإِسماعِ لِلوَحيِ رُكَّدُ

8. Trustworthy to the revelation of the Holy, Gabriel among them
And Michael, whose spirit is strong and aimed

٨. أَمينٌ لِوَحيِ القُدسِ جِبريلُ فيهِم
وَميكالُ ذو الروحِ القَوِيُّ المُسَدَّدُ

9. And guardians of the gates of the heavens below them
Standing over them with chains stationed

٩. وَحُرّاسُ أَبوابِ السَمَواتِ دونَهُم
قيامٌ عَليهِم بِالمَقاليدِ رُصَّدُ

10. So blessed are the chosen servants for His order
And below them a dense army rallied

١٠. فَنِعمَ العِبادُ المُصطَفَونَ لِأَمرِهِ
وَمِن دوُنِهِم حُندٌ كَثيفٌ مُجَنَّدُ

11. Angels who never tire of worship
Cherubs among them bowing and prostrating

١١. مَلائِكَةٌ لا يَفتَرونَ عِبادَةً
كَروبِيَّةٌ مِنهُم رُكوعٌ وَسُجَّدُ

12. So their prostrations, time does not raise its head
Glorifying a Lord above it and praising

١٢. فَساجِدُهُم لا يَرفَعُ الدَهرَ رَأسَهُ
يُعَظِّمُ رَبّاً فَوقَهُ وَيُمَجِّدُ

13. And their bowing, time bows to it humbly
Repeating the favors of the God and thanking

١٣. وَراكِعُهُم يَعنو لَهُ الدَهرَ خاشِعاً
يُرَدِّدُ آلاءَ الآِلَهِ وَيَحمَدُ

14. And among them a tilter of his head between wings
He almost splits open remembering his Master

١٤. وَمِنهُم مُلِفٌّ في الجَناحينِ رَأسَهُ
يَكادُ لِذِكرى رَبِّهِ يَتَفَصَّدُ

15. No fatigue in worship and
Nor from length of devotion growing tired

١٥. مِنَ الخَوفِ لا ذو سأمَةٍ بِعِبادَةٍ
وَلا هوَ مِن طولِ التَعَبُّدِ يَجهَدُ

16. And below a dense sea in the gloom of air
Angels descend into it and ascend

١٦. وَدونَ كَثيفِ الماءِ في غامِضِ الهَوا
ملائِكَةٌ تَنحَطُّ فيهِ وَتَصعَدُ

17. And between layers of earth beneath its interiors
Angels communicating orders therein penetrate

١٧. وَبَينَ طِباقِ الأَرضِ تَحتَ بُطونِها
مَلائِكَةٌ بِالأَمرِ فيها تَرَدَّدُ

18. So Glory to Him whom creation does not know His worth
And He who is above the Throne uniquely one

١٨. فَسُبحانَ مَن لا يَعرِفُ الخَلقُ قَدرَهُ
وَمَن هوَ فوقَ العَرشِ فَردٌ مُوَحَّدُ

19. And whom the creatures do not dispute His kingdom
And if the worshippers do not single Him out, still Peerless

١٩. وَمَن لَم تُنازِعهُ الخَلائِقُ مُلكَهُ
وَإِن لَم تُفرِّدهُ العِبادُ فَمُفرَدُ

20. King of the defiant heavens and their earth
And nothing of His ordainment is dear

٢٠. مَليكُ السَمَواتِ الشِدادِ وَأَرضِها
وَلَيسَ بِشَيءٍ عَن قَضاهُ تَأَوُّدُ

21. He is God, Creator of creation, and all of them
Are maidens to Him, obedient altogether and most worshipping

٢١. هواللَهُ باري الخَلقِ وَالخَلقُ كُلُّهُم
إِماءٌ لَهُ طَوعاً جَميعاً وَأَعبُدُ

22. And how can creation be like the Creator who
Endures and remains while creation perishes

٢٢. وَأنَّى يَكونُ الخَلقُ كَالخالِقِ الَذي
يَدومُ وَيَبقى وَالخَليقَةُ تَنفَدُ

23. And no creature has permanence from time
And who is over the passage of events eternal?

٢٣. وَلَيسَ لِمَخلوقٍ مِنَ الدَهرِ جِدَّةٌ
وَمَن ذا عَلى مَرِّ الحَوادِثِ يَخلُدُ

24. And it passes without but the One remaining who
Brings death and gives life always, not ceasing

٢٤. وَتَفنى وَلا يَبقى سِوى الواحِدُ الَذي
يُميتُ وَيحيِي دائِباً لَيسَ يُهمَدُ

25. The birds with wings glorify Him secretly
And when they are in the air of sky ascend

٢٥. تُسَبِّحُهُ الطَيرُ الجَوانِحُ في الخَفى
وإِذ هِيَ في جَوِّ السَماءِ تُصَعِّدُ

26. And from awe of my Lord thunder glorified over us
And trees and beasts forever glorify Him

٢٦. وَمِن خَوفِ رَبّي سَبَّحَ الرَعدُ فَوقَنا
وَسَبَّحَهُ الأَشجارُ وَالوَحشُ أُبَّدُ

27. And snakes and the rumbling sea glorify Him
And nothing envies and nothing is rivaling

٢٧. وَسَبَّحَهُ النَينانُ وَالبَحرُ زاخِراً
وَما طَمَّ مِن شَيءٍ وَما هُوَ مُقَلِدُ

28. Oh heart persisting on passions
To what time is this defiance from Truth?

٢٨. أَلا أَيُّها القَلبُ المُقيمُ عَلى الهَوى
إِلى أَيِّ حينٍ مِنكَ هَذا التَصَدُّدُ

29. Like the blind averting from guidance
And none repeal the Truth save the decisive

٢٩. عَنِ الحَقِّ كَالأَعمى المُميطِ عَنِ الهُدى
وَلَيسَ يَرُدُّ الحَقَّ إِلاّ مُفَنِّدُ

30. And states of a world that do not last for its people
While the lad in it prestigious jet black

٣٠. وَحالاتِ دُنيا لا تَدومُ لِأَهلِها
فَبَينا الفَتى فيها مَهيبٌ مُسَوَّدُ

31. When it turns from him and his bliss passes
And he wakes from dirt of graves stuffed

٣١. إِذا إِنقَلَبَت عَنهُ وَزالَ نَعيمُها
وَأَصبَحَ مِن تَربِ القُبورِ يوَسَّدُ

32. And departs a spirit that was amid his heavens
And dwells with dead who have no hesitation

٣٢. وَفارَقَ روحاً كانَ بَينَ جَنانِهِ
وَجاوَرَ مَوتى ما لَهُم مُتَرَدَّدُ

33. So which lad before me have you seen immortal?
To him in ancients of time what consolidates?

٣٣. فأَي فَتىً قَبلي رأَيتَ مُخَلَّداً
لَهُ في قَديمِ الدَهرِ ما يَتَوَدَّدُ

34. And whom time tries from it with a slip
He will tumble for it and repeats come to it

٣٤. وَمَن يَبتَليهِ الدَهرُ مِنهُ بِعَثرَةٍ
سَيَكبو لَها وَالنائِباتِ تَرَدَّدُ

35. So the world is not safe even if its people suppose
By its health while time can strip

٣٥. فَلَم تَسلَم الدُنيا وَإِن ظَنَّ أَهلُها
بِصِحَّتِها وَالدَهرُ قَد يَتَجَرَّدُ

36. Do you not see in what passed a lesson for you?
So why, O heart blind, be stubborn?

٣٦. أَلَستَ تَرى في ما مَضى لَك عِبرَةً
فَمَه لا تَكُن يا قَلبُ أَعمى يُلَدَّدُ

37. So be fearful of death and resurrection after it
And be not of those whom today or tomorrow fools

٣٧. فَكُن خائِفاً لِلمَوتِ وَالبَعثِ بَعدَهُ
وَلا تَكُ مِمَّن غَرَّهُ اليَومُ أَو غَدُ

38. You are in a world of delusions for its people
And in it is a chest-rending enemy who ignites

٣٨. فإِنَّكَ في دُنيا غُرورٍ لِأَهلِها
وَفيها عَدوٌّ كاشِحُ الصَدرِ يُوقِدُ

39. And resident of lands of meadows lost in passions
And without knowledge of the unseen all misguided

٣٩. وساكِنُ أَقطارِ الرَقيعِ عَلى الهَوا
وَمِن دونِ عِلمِ الغَيبِ كُلٌّ مُسَهَّدُ

40. And if not for God's bond we would stray in straying
And we were pleased to twist so we block

٤٠. وَلولا وِثاقُ اللَهِ ضَلَّ ضَلالُنا
وَقَد سَرَّنا أَنّا نُتَلُّ فَنوأَدُ

41. You see in it news of generations passed
And news of unseen things on Resurrection aided

٤١. تَرى فيهِ أَخبارَ القُرونِ الَتي مَضَت
وَأَخبارَ غَيبٍ في القيامَةِ تَنجُدُ

42. And nothing but the cursed neighboring it
And their hunted, and the people of the cave put to sleep

٤٢. وَلَيسَ بِها إِلا الرَقيمُ مُجاوراً
وَصيدَهُمُ وَالقومُ في الكَهفَ هُمَّدُ