1. Praise be to Allah when we reach morning and evening
With goodness has our Lord blessed our mornings and evenings
١. الحَمدُ للَّهِ مَمسانا وَمَصبَحَنا
بِالخَيرِ صَبَّحنا رَبي وَمَسَّانا
2. The Lord of the Holy Mosque, His treasuries never run out
Filled up, His authority blankets the horizons
٢. رَبُّ الحَنيفَةِ لَم تَنفَد خَزائِنُها
مَملؤَةٌ طَبَّقُ الآَفاقَ سُلطانا
3. Oh, if only a prophet from among us would inform us
Of what comes after our goal from the highest summit
٣. أَلا نَبِيَّ لَنا مِنّا فَيُخبِرُنا
ما بُعدَ غايَتِنا مِن رأَسِ مَجرانا
4. While our fathers were raising us, they perished
And while we were begetting children, they diminished us
٤. بَيَنا يُرَبِّبُنا آَباؤُنا هَلَكوا
وَبَينَما نَقتَني الأَولادَ أَفنانا
5. And we know that even if knowledge were to benefit us
Others after us will join our predecessors
٥. وَقَد عَلِمنا لَوَ انَّ العِلمَ يَنفَعُنا
أَن سَوفَ يَلحَقُ أُخرانا بِأولانا
6. And I am astonished - what is astonishing about death?
Why do our living cry for our dead?
٦. وَقَد عَجِبتُ وَما بِالمَوتِ مِن عَجبٍ
ما بالُ أَحيائِنا يَبكونَ مَوتانا
7. O Lord never make me an unbeliever
And make my heart's secret forever faith
٧. يا رَبِّ لا تَجعَلَنِّي كافِراً أَبداً
واَجعَل سَريرَةَ قَلبي الدَهرَ إِيماناً
8. Mix my being with it, mix my flesh with it
And the meat and blood for as long as I live as a human
٨. واِخلِط بِهِ بُنَيتي واِخلِط بِهِ بَشَري
وَاللَحمَ وَالدَمَ ما عُمِّرتُ إِنسانا
9. I seek refuge in the One to whom the pilgrims made pilgrimage
And those who lift the religion of God as pillars
٩. إِني أَعوذُ بِمَن حَجَّ الحَجيجُ لَهُ
وَالرافِعُونَ لِدينِ اللَهِ أَركانا
10. Surrendering themselves to Him during their pilgrimage
They did not seek the rewards of God as payment
١٠. مُسَلِّمِينَ إِليهِ عِندَ حَجِّهِمِ
لَم يَبتَغوا بِثَوابِ اللَهِ أَثمانا
11. And people have lost control over the order of their time
So all of them say to the religion, "when?"
١١. وَالناسُ رَاثَ عَليهِمُ أَمرُ ساعَتِهِم
فَكُلُّهُم قائِلٌ للدينِ أَيّانا
12. Days when they will meet their Messiah
And those who adore and sacrifice to him
١٢. أَيامَ يَلقى نَصارَاهُم مَسيحَهُمُ
وَالكائِنينَ لَهُ وُدّاً وَقُربانا
13. They aided him as they told their God
And sent him to pour down heavy rain forcefully
١٣. هُم ساعَدوهُ كَما قَالوا الهِهِم
وَأَرسَلوهُ يَسوفُ الغَيثَ دُسفانا
14. Roaming their barren valleys, they did not pull out thorns
Nor did they pluck fleas or flies for them
١٤. ساحي أَياطِلَهُم لَم يَنزَعوا تَفَثاً
وَلَم يَسلُّوا لَهُم قَملاً وصئِباناً
15. Do not mix rotten with good
And remove your clothes from it and escape naked
١٥. لا تَخلُطَنَّ خَبِيثاتٍ بِطَيبَةٍ
واِخلعَ ثِيابَكَ مِنها وَاُنجُ عُريانا
16. Every person will recompensed well
For his loan, good or bad, as one in debt
١٦. كُلُ اِمريءٍ سَوفَ يُجزى قَرضَهُ حَسَناً
أَو سَيئاً وَمَديناً كَالَّذي دانا
17. She said "he wanted evil for us" so I said to her
"Shame where falsehood is said shamelessly"
١٧. قَالَت أَرادَ بِنا سوءاً فَقُلتُ لَها
خِزيانٌ حَيثُ يَقولُ الزورَ بُهتانا
18. And he created ears for us so that we live by them
And created passages for hearing, ears and auditory canals
١٨. وَشَقَ آذانَنا كَيما نَعيشُ بِها
وَجابَ للسَمعِ أَصماخاً وَآذانا
19. Oh the joy of life when bliss lasts for us
And he who lives encounters flashes and sorrows
١٩. يا لَذَةَ العَيشِ إِذ دامَ النَعيمُ لَنا
وَمَن يَعيشُ يَلقَ رَوعاتٍ وأَحزانا
20. He who is gloomy because of something terrible he tasted
So his breast increased what he lived tastefully longer
٢٠. مَن كانَ مُكتَئِباً مِن سَيّءٍ ذَقطاً
فَزادَ فِي صَدرِهِ ما عاشَ ذَقطانا