
Why should I not greet him, when I have

وما لي لا أحييه وعندي

1. Why should I not greet him, when I have
Gifts that gleam from the highlands

١. وَما لِيَ لا أُحيِّيهِ وَعِندي
مَواهِبُ يَطَّلِعنَ مِنَ النَجادِ

2. To me, though people are forbidden
To speak wildly with ornate words

٢. إِليَّ وَإِنَّهُ لِلناسِ نَهيٌ
وَلا يَعتَلُّ بِالكَلمِ الصوادي

3. To Abiadh of Banu Taim ibn Ka'b
Who are like bereaved women in mourning

٣. لأَبيَضَ مِن بَني تَيمِ بنِ كَعبٍ
وَهُم كَالمَشَرِفِيّاتِ الحِدادِ

4. Each tribe has a guide and a chief
Yet you lead every guide

٤. لِكُلِ قَبيلَةٍ هادٍ وَرأسٌ
وَأَنتَ الرَأسُ تَقَدُمُ كُلَّ هادي

5. The pillar of the tent, you know Ma'add
That a house is held up by its pillars

٥. عِمادُ الخيفِ قَد عَلِمتَ مَعَدٌّ
وَإِنَّ البَيتَ يُرفَعُ بِالعِمادِ

6. He has a caller in Mecca, Moshma'il
And another above his house shouting

٦. لَهُ داعٍ بِمَكَةَ مُشمَعِلٌّ
وَآخَرَ فَوقَ دارَتِهِ يُنادي

7. To Rudah from Shayza, fully clad
The cream of piety dressed in finery

٧. إِلى رُدُحٍ مِنَ الشيزى مِلاءٍ
لُبابَ البُرِّ يُلبَكُ بِالشَهادِ

8. So he brought them to Rubdh, his hands
Doing good, not aimlessly wandering

٨. فَأَدخَلَهُم عَلى رَبِذٍ يَداهُ
بِفِعلِ الخَيرِ لَيسَ مِنَ الهَدادِ

9. To Khair ibn Jada'an ibn Umar
Tall of stature, lofty of pillar

٩. عَلى الخَيرِ بنِ جَدعانَ بِن عَمرٍ
طَويلِ السَمكِ مُرتَفِعِ العِمادِ

10. The rains soaked the grave of Abi Zuheir
To a ceiling, to the ponds of wild beasts

١٠. سَقى الأَمطارُ قَبرَ أَبي زُهيرٍ
إِلى سُقفٍ إِلى بُركِ الغَمادِ

11. I have not met your equal, O Ibn Sa'd
For kindness and good to be gained

١١. وَما لاقَيتُ مِثلَكَ يا اِبنَ سَعدٍ
لِمَعروفٍ وَخيرٍ مُستَفادِ