
A tearful eye for Abu Al-Harith

عين بكى بالمسبلات أبا

1. A tearful eye for Abu Al-Harith
Do not be stingy for his supporters

١. عَينُ بَكّى بِالمُسبِلاتِ أَبا
الحارِثِ لا تَذخَري عَلى زَمَعَه

2. And Aqil ibn Aswad
For the day of turmoil and defence

٢. وَعَقيلَ بنِ أَسودٍ
البَأسِ ليومِ الهياجِ وَالدُفَعَه

3. So for their like, ambitions perish
No betrayal or deceit for Al-Jawza

٣. فَعَلى مِثلِ هُلكِهُمُ خَوتِ
الجَوزاءُ لا خانَةٌ وَلا خَدَعَه

4. They are the moderate captives
Of Kaab and among them buds destruction

٤. هُمُ الأُسرَةَ الوَسيطَةُ
مِن كَعبٍ وَفيهِم كَذورَةُ القَمَعَه

5. They grew from a people whose hair
Of the head whitened, and they made them taste prevention

٥. أَنبَتوا مِن مَعاشرٍ شَعرَ
الرَأسِ وَهُم أَلحَقوهُمُ المَنَعَه

6. So their paternal cousins, when calamity descends
Upon them, their livers ache

٦. فَبَنو عَمِّهمِ إِذا حَضَرَ
البَأسُ عَلَيهِم أَكبادُهُم وَجِعَه

7. And they are the hopeful ones when rain is scarce
And conditions change, you see no discord

٧. وَهُم المُطَمَعونَ إِذ أَقحطَ القَطرُ
وَحالَت فَلا تَرى قَزَعَه