
God rewarded the most noble man, Noah

جزى الله الأجل المرء نوحا

1. God rewarded the most noble man, Noah
With the reward of righteousness, he cannot be denied

١. جَزى اللَهُ الأَجَلُّ المَرءَ نوحاً
جَزاءَ البِرِّ لَيسَ لَهُ كِذابُ

2. For what his ship carried and saved
The morning after death came to take them suddenly

٢. بِما حَمَلَت سَفينَتُهُ وَأَنجَت
غَداةَ أَتاهُمُ المَوتُ القُلابُ

3. In it were his helpless family members
With him, neither thirsty nor hungry

٣. وَفيها مِن أَرومَتِهِ عِيالٌ
لَديهِ لا الظِماءُ وَلا السِغابُ

4. And when they had no clothes to protect them
And the downpour of peace was dripping on them

٤. وَإِذ هُم لا لَبوسَ لَهُم تَقيهِم
وَإِذ صَمُّ السِلامِ لَهُم رِطابُ

5. In the evening, the flood was unleashed flowing
And the water rose boundless

٥. عَشِيَّةَ أَرسَلَ الطوفانَ تَجري
وَفاضَ الماءُ لَيسَ لَهُ جِرابُ

6. On waves of deep green, interwoven
As if the flames of its valleys were blazing

٦. عَلى أَمواجِ أَخضَرَ ذي حَبيكٍ
كَأَنَّ سُعارَ زاخِرِهِ الهِضابُ

7. And after seven days, the dove was sent
To show the demise, it did not fear

٧. وَأُرسِلَتِ الحَمامَةُ بَعدَ سَبعٍ
تَدُلُّ عَلى المَهالِكِ لا تَهابُ

8. Feeling if it could see any place on earth
And the water took it to the flowing stream

٨. تَلَمَّسُ هَل تَرى في الأَرضِ عَيناً
وَغايَتُهُ بِها الماءُ العُبابُ

9. It came back after it trotted with plucking
On it, the sticky wet mud

٩. فَجاءَت بَعدَما رَكَضَت بِقِطفٍ
عَلَيهِ الثَأطُ وَالطينُ الكُثابُ

10. So when they unfurled the signs, they made
For it a collar, as the clouds are knotted

١٠. فَلَمّا فَرَّشوا الآياتِ صاغوا
لَها طَوقاً كَما عُقِدَ السِخابُ

11. If it died, its children would inherit it
And if killed, it cannot be avenged

١١. إِذا ماتَت تُوَرِّثُهُ بَنيها
وَإِن تُقتَل فَلَيسَ لَها اِستِلابُ

12. With a sign, everything spoke
And the crow betrayed the trust of the rooster

١٢. بِآيَةِ قامَ يَنطُقُ كُلُّ شَيءٍ
وَخانَ أَمانَةَ الديكِ الغُرابُ

13. Like the snake he raised next to him
And the jinni he sent, it caused harm

١٣. كَذي الأَفعى يُرَبّيها لَدَيهِ
وَذي الجِنِيِّ أَرسَلَها تُسابُ

14. Neither the lord of death feels safe from it
Nor does the jinn remain to be questioned

١٤. فَلا رَبُّ المَنِيَّةِ يَأمَنَنها
وَلا الجِنِيُّ أَصبَحَ يُستَتابُ

15. By God's will, they gained strength
Over two angels, and those were their prize

١٥. بِإِذنِ اللَهِ فَاِشتَدَت قِواهُم
عَلى مَلَكَينِ وَهيَ لَهُم وِثابُ

16. Among them were servants of God, a people
Angels were subdued, and they were fierce

١٦. وَفيها مِن عِبادِ اللَهِ قَومٌ
مَلائِكُ ذُلِّلوا وَهُمُ صِعابُ

17. Elite of solid creation, molded
To bring down the sun, it has no returning

١٧. سَراةُ صَلابَةٍ خَلقاءَ صيغَت
تُزِلُّ الشَمسَ لَيسَ لَها إِيابُ

18. And the orbits of the planets unleashed
Circling while the winds are their mounts

١٨. وَأَعلاقُ الكَواكِبِ مُرسَلاتٌ
تُرَدَّدُ وَالرِياحُ لَها رِكابُ

19. And the rings of the stars suspended
Like the bowstring, its end is the arrowhead

١٩. وَأَعلاطُ النُجومِ مُعَلَّقاتٌ
كَحَبلِ القِرقِ غايَتُها النِصابُ

20. Shelters where wombs connect in them
Loosening there the tied loincloth

٢٠. غُيوثٌ تَلتَقي الأَرحامُ فيها
تُحِلُّ بِها الطَروقَةُ وَاللِجابُ

21. And the leopard and the buffalo wander in it
With the speechless beasts, it has flies

٢١. وَتَرذى النابُ وَالجَمعاءُ فيهِ
بِوَحشِ الأَصمَتَينِ لَهُ ذُبابُ