
To take revenge are the likes of the son of Dhi Yazan

ليطلب الثأر أمثال ابن ذي يزن

1. To take revenge are the likes of the son of Dhi Yazan
He made the sea a dwelling for the enemies in diverse situations

١. ليَطلُبَ الثَأرَ أَمثالُ اِبنِ ذي يَزَنٍ
في البَحرِ خَيَّمَ لِلأَعداءِ أَحوالا

2. He came to Heraclius though his ostrich had lifted him high
But did not find with him some of what he had asked

٢. أَتى هِرَقلَ وَقَد شالَت نَعامَتُهُ
فَلَم يَجِد عِندَهُ بَعضَ الَذي سالا

3. Then he headed toward Kisra after the tenth
Of years, distance had prolonged his return

٣. ثُمَّ اِنتَحى نَحوَ كِسرى بَعدَ عاشِرَةَ
مِنَ السِنينِ لَقَد أَبعَدَت إيغالا

4. Until he came with the free men leading them
Their persons above the horizons generations

٤. حَتى أَتَى بِبَني الأَحرارَ يَقدُمُهُم
تَخالُهُم فَوقَ مَتنِ الأَرضِ أَجيالا

5. Who is like Kisra the king of kings for him
Or like Wahraz on the day of the army when they were rallied

٥. مَن مِثلَ كِسرى شَهنشاهِ المُلوكِ لَهُ
أَو مِثلَ وَهرَزَ يومَ الجَيشِ إِذ صالا

6. God bless them, a group who emerged
You do not see the likes of them among the people

٦. لِلَّهِ دَرُّهُمُ مِن عُصبَةٍ خَرَجوا
ما أَن تَرى لَهُمُ في الناسِ أَمثالا

7. Stallions neighing, white purebreds
A lion roaring among the valleys with cubs

٧. غُرٌّ جَحاجِحَةٌ بيضٌ مَرازِبَةٌ
أُسدٌ تُرَبِّبُ في الغُيضاتِ أَشبالا

8. They do not weary even if their forbearance is tried
Nor are they seen turning from the thrust

٨. لا يَضجَرونَ وَإِن حُرَّت مَغافِرُهُم
وَلا تَرى مِنهُم الطَعنَ مَيّالا

9. They throw from a quiver as if it were good fortune
With a roar that alarms the one thrown in haste

٩. يَرمونَ عَن شُدُفٍ كَأَنَها غُبُطٌ
في زَمجَرٍ يُجِلُ المَرميَّ إِعجالا

10. I sent a lion at the black dogs so he
Became lost fleeing across the land scattered

١٠. أَرسَلتُ أُسداً عَلى سودِ الكِلابِ فَقَد
أَضحى شَريدُهُم في الأَرضِ فُلاّلا

11. Drink happily the crown lifted high
On the head of the climax in your abode dissolved

١١. فَاِشرَب هَنيئاً عَلَيكَ التاجُ مُرتَفِعاً
في رَأسِ غُمدانَ دَاراً مِنكَ مُحلاّلا

12. And scent with musk when their ostriches lifted them
Drape yourself today in your cloak fully lowered

١٢. وَاِطل بِالمِسكِ إِذ شالَت نَعامَتُهُم
وَأَسبِلِ اليَومَ في بُردَيكَ إِسبالا

13. Those virtues not clots of milk
Mingled with water, later becoming urine

١٣. تِلكَ المَكارِمُ لا قِعبانِ مِن لَبَنٍ
شِيبا بِماءٍ فَعادا بَعدُ أَبوالا