
The two-horned had been before me a Muslim

قد كان ذو القرنين قبلي مسلما

1. The two-horned had been before me a Muslim
A king who rose high in the earth unpaved

١. قَد كانَ ذو القَرنَينِ قَبلي مُسلِماً
مَلِكاً عَلا في الأَرضَ غَيرَ مُعَبَّدُ

2. He reached the east and the west seeking
Means of noble kingship from a generous lord

٢. بَلَغَ المَشارِقَ وَالمَغارِبَ يَبتَغي
أَسبابَ مُلكٍ مِن كَريمٍ سَيِّدِ

3. He saw the setting of the sun in its harbor
In the eye of muddy darkness and bitter cold

٣. فَرَأى مَغيبَ الشَمسِ عِندَ مَآبِها
في عَينِ ذي خُلُبٍ وَيأطِ حَرمَدِ

4. Before him was Balqis who was my aunt
Until her kingdom ceased by the hoopoe

٤. مِن قَبلِهِ بَلقيسُ كانَت عَمَّتي
حَتى تَقَضّى مُلكُها بِالهُدهُدِ