
While people trample beneath your feet, you bear their troubles on your head,

والناس تحتك اقدام وأنت الهم

1. While people trample beneath your feet, you bear their troubles on your head,
How can the head and feet be made equal?

١. وَالَناسُ تَحتَكَ اَقدامٌ وَأَنتَ الهَمَ
رَأَسٌ وَكَيفَ تُسَوَّى الرأَسُ وَالقَدَمُ

2. We know full well that as long as you are with us
We have forgiveness, honor and nobility among us

٢. إِنّا لَنَعلَمُ أَنّا ما بَقِيتَ لَنا
فِينا السَماحُ وَفِينا العِزُّ وَالكَرَمُ

3. It is enough for us, when praisers praise you
That they praise you for what they know of you

٣. وَحَسبُنا مِن ثَناءِ المادِحينَ إِذا
أَثنوا عَليكَ بِأَن يُثنوا بِما عَلِموا