1. You have been rightly guided and favored, son of Umar, indeed
You have avoided a blazing fire, burning hot
١. رُشِدَّتَ وَأُنعِمَت اِبنَ عَمرٍ وَإِنَّما
تَجَنَبتَ تَنوراً مِنَ النارِ حامِيا
2. With your religion, you have a Lord unlike any other
And you have abandoned the idols of misguidance as they are
٢. بِدَيِنِكَ رَبّاً لَيسَ رَبٌّ كَمِثلِهِ
وَتَركُكَ أَوثانَ الطَواغي كَما هِيا
3. And attained the religion you sought
Without forgetting the oneness of your Lord
٣. وَإِدراكُ الدينِ الَّذي قَد طَلَبتَهُ
وَلَم تَكُ عَن تَوحيدِ رَبِكَ ساهِيا
4. Thus you came to reside in an abode of honor
Amusing yourself there with bounty, playfully
٤. فَأَصبَحتَ في دارِ كَريمٍ مَقامُها
تَعَلَلُ فيها بِالكَرامَةِ لاهِيا
5. You will meet the friend of God therein, and you were not
From the fire a tyrant, to the fire falling
٥. تُلاقي خَليلَ اللَهِ فِيها وَلم تَكن
مِن النارِ جَباراً إِلى النارِ هاويا