
All praise and bounty belong to You, Lord of all beings

لك الحمد والمن رب العباد

1. All praise and bounty belong to You, Lord of all beings
You are the King, the Judge so wise

١. لَكَ الحَمدُ والمَنُّ ربَّ العِبادِ
أَنتَ المَليكُ وأَنتَ الحَكَم

2. Hold firm to the faith of your Lord until certainty
And avoid vain desire and doubt's surmise

٢. وَدِن دينَ رَبِّكَ حَتّى اليَقِينِ
واجتَنِبَنَّ الهَوى والضَجَم

3. Muhammad His messenger, the guidance He brought
So he lived rich, no want could victimize

٣. مُحَمداً أَرسَلَهُ بالهُدى
فَعاشَ غَنِياً وَلم يُهتَضَمُ

4. A gift from Allah, bestowed upon him
With which Allah did the Holy sanctify

٤. عَطاءٌ مِنَ اللَهِ أُعطيتَه
وخَصَّ بِهِ اللَهُ أَهلَ الحَرَم

5. And they knew he was the best of their band
In their home, where grace and nobility brand

٥. وقَد عَلِموا أَنَّهُ خَيرُهم
وفي بَيتِهِم ذِي النَدى والَكرَم

6. They fault what he says, when he makes his call
Yet Allah has eased what twisted their hand

٦. يَعيبونَ ما قالَ لمّا دَعا
وقَد فَرَّجَ اللَهُ إِحدى زِيغُ

7. With truth he calls out, an honest word
To Allah, before crooked steps deterred

٧. بِهِ وهو يَدعو بِصدقِ الحَديثِ
إِلى اللَهِ مِن قَبل زيغِ القَدَمِ

8. Obey the Messenger, servants of the Divine
You'll be saved from an evil day malign

٨. اَطيعوا الرَسولَ عُبادَ لآِلهٍ
تنجَّونَ مِن شَرِ يَومٍ أَلم

9. Saved from dark torment and scalding blaze
For all who in injustice and wrongness stray

٩. تُنَجَّونَ مِن ظُلُماتِ العَذاب
وَمِن حَرِّ نارٍ عَلى مَن ظَلَم

10. The Prophet called us, the final seal
Who ignores him shall regret then feel

١٠. دَعانا النَبيُّ بِهِ خاتَمٌ
فَمَن لَم يُجِبهُ أَسرَّ النَدم

11. A prophet of guidance, honest and fair
Merciful, gentle, kin he forbears

١١. نَبيُّ هُدىً صادِقٌ طَيبٌ
رَحيمٌ رؤُوفٌ بِوصلِ الرَحِم

12. Protecting the weak and the orphan who shares
Upholding the law, all wrong ensnares

١٢. وَدَفعِ الضَعيفِ وَأَكلَ اليَتيم
ونَهكِ الحُدودِ فَكُلٌّ حَرُم

13. With him Allah sealed what went before
And what came after, prophets no more

١٣. بِهِ خَتَمَ اللَهُ مِن قَبلَه
ومَن بَعدَهُ مِن نَبيٍّ خَتم

14. He dies as all dead before him have done
To Allah returns the soul He has won

١٤. يَموتُ كَما مَاتَ مَن قَد مَضى
يُردُّ إِلى اللَهِ باري النَسَم

15. With prophets in gardens eternity dons
Theirs is that realm, none else it apportions

١٥. مَعَ الأَنبِيا في جِنانِ الخُلود
هُمُ أَهلُها غَيرَ حَلِّ القسم

16. And prayer's love in us consecrated
And writing's form to all narrated

١٦. وقُدِّسَ فِينا بِحبِّ الصَلاة
جَميعاً وعَلّمَ خَطَّ القَلَم

17. A book from Allah we read and fulfill
Who faults it surely offense and wrong fill

١٧. كِتاباً مِنَ اللَهِ نَقرأ بِهِ
فَمَن يَعتَريهِ فَقدماً أَثَم

18. And I profess to you that He
Your Lord, will keep all He claimed to guarantee

١٨. واني أَدينُ لَكُم أَنَّهُ
سَيُنجِزُكُم رَبُّكم ما زَعَم