1. You were a newborn that I nourished, and a youth that I raised,
You learn from what I bend over you and drink from me,
١. غَذوَتُكَ مولوداً وَعُلتُكَ يافِعاً
تُعَلُّ بِما أُحنيَ عَلَيكَ وَتَنهلُ
2. If a night comes upon you complaining, I do not refuse your complaints, staying up restless,
It's as if it is I who is stricken instead of you with what you are stricken with, so my eyes tear up,
٢. إِذا لَيلَةٌ نابَتكَ بِالشَكو لَم
أَبِت لِشَكواكَ إِلّا ساهِراً أَتَمَلمَلُ
3. My soul fears harm upon you, though I know death is an ordained fate,
So when you reached the age and point to which I had hoped for you,
٣. كَأَني أَنا المَطروقُ دونَكَ بِالَذي
طُرِقَت بِهِ دوني فَعَينايَ تَهمُلُ
4. You made my reward harshness and vulgarity, as if you are the benefactor and bestower,
If only when you did not heed the rights of my fatherhood, you had acted as a neighbour would have acted,
٤. تَخافُ الرَدى نَفسي عَلَيكَ وَإِنَني
لَأَعلَمُ أَنَ المَوتَ حَتمٌ مُؤَجَّلُ
5. You claimed I grew old and tired, yet sixty summers have not passed me by,
And you named me one whose opinion is refuted, though if you were reasonable, you would not refute,
٥. فَلَمّا بَلَغَت السِّنَ وَالغايَةَ الَّتي
إِليها مَدى ما كُنتُ فيكَ أُؤَمِلُ
6. You watch for a misstep from me, or imagine one - you raved, and this opinion of yours is misleading,
And yet by keeping a refuge for my body, in your opinion I am still a heedless youth,
٦. جَعَلتَ جَزائي غِلظَةً وَفَظاظَةً
كَأَنَكَ أَنتَ المُنعِمُ المُتَفَضِلُ
7. The fierce lope and danger of the meek truth, if you ever lope, are the stumbles of a tottering old fool,
You see it ready to disagree, as if it is assigned to refute the people of truth,
٧. فَلَيتَكَ إِذ لَم تَرعَ حَقَّ أُبوَتي
فَعَلتَ كَما الجارُ المُجاورُ يَفعَلُ
8. But one who does not find a matter befitting him with his arms descends into it while unarmed,
٨. زَعَمتَ بِأَنّي قَد كَبِرتُ وَعِبتَني
لَم يَمضِ لي في السِنُ سِتونَ كُمَّلُ
٩. وَسَمَيتَني باِسِمِ المُفَنَّدِ رَأيُهُ
وَفي رَأيِكَ التَفنيدُ لَو كُنتَ تَعقِلُ
١٠. تُراقِبُ مِني عَثرَةَ أَو تَنالَها
هَبِلتَ وَهذا مِنكَ رَأيٌ مُضَلَلُ
١١. وَإِنَكَ إِذ تُبقي لِجامي موائِلاً
بِرَأيِكَ شابّاً مَرَةً لَمُغَفَّلُ
١٢. وَما صَولَةُ الحِقِّ الضَئيلُ وَخَطرُهُ
إِذا خَطَرتَ يَوماً قَساورُ بُزَّلُ
١٣. تَراهُ مُعِدّاً لِلخِلافِ كَأَنَهُ
بِرَدٍّ عَلى أَهلِ الصَوابِ مُوَكَلُ
١٤. وَلَكِنَّ مَن لا يَلقَ أَمراً يَنوبُهُ
بِعُدَّتِهِ يَنزِل بِهِ وَهو أَعزَلُ