
Before the Lord of the Throne they shall be made to appear

عند ذي العرش يعرضون عليه

1. Before the Lord of the Throne they shall be made to appear
He knows what is spoken aloud and what is hidden

١. عِندَ ذِي العَرشِ يُعرَضونَ عَليهِ
يَعلَمُ الجَهرَ وَالكَلامَ الخَفِيّا

2. The day we shall come to Him while He is a Merciful Lord
Indeed His promise shall come to pass

٢. يَومَ نَأتيهِ وَهوَ رَبٌّ رَحيمٌ
إِنَهُ كانَ وَعدُهُ مَأتِيّا

3. The day we shall come to Him just as He said plainly
He left in it no guided one, nor one gone astray

٣. يَومَ نَأتيهِ مِثلَما قالَ فَرداً
لَم يَذَر فيهِ راشِداً وَغَوِيّا

4. Happy in happiness am I hopeful to be
Or disgraced by what evil deeds I have committed?

٤. أَسَعيدٌ سَعادَةً أَنا أَرجو
أَم مُهانٌ بِما كَسَبتُ شَقيّا

5. My Lord if You pardon, pardoning is my hope
Or if You punish, You punish not the innocent

٥. رَبِّ إِن تَعفُ فالمُعافاةُ ظَنّي
أَو تُعاقِب فَلم تُعاقِب بَرِيّا

6. If I am seized for the crimes I have perpetrated
Then indeed from punishment I will suffer greatly

٦. إِن أُواخَذ بِما اِجتَرَمتُ فَإِنّي
سَوفَ أَلقى مِنَ العَذابِ فَرِيّا

7. My Lord, one destined for Hell and bound to enter
A book made binding, a decree executed

٧. رَبِّ كَلاً حَتَّمتَهُ وَارِدَ النارِ
كِتاباً حَتَّمتَهُ مَقضِيّا

8. My Lord, deprive me not of Paradise Everlasting
And be to me, my Lord, Gentle, Protecting

٨. ربِّ لا تَحرِمّنّي جَنّةَ الخُلدِ
وَكُن رَبِّ بي رَؤوفاً حَفِيّا