1. I knew the house though years have passed
Since Zainab frequented it, a graceful guest,
١. عَرَفتُ الدارَ قَد أَقوَت سِنينا
لِزَينَبَ إِذ تَحِلُّ بِها قَطينا
2. And winds effaced it, blowing grain by grain
As sifters scattering flour speck by speck.
٢. وأَذرَتها حَوافِلُ مُعصِفاتٌ
كَما تُذريَ المُلَملِمَةُ الطَحينا
3. The winds blew from it one day and bore away
Its flowing skirts and turned and strode again.
٣. وَسافَرَت الرِياحُ بِهِنَ عَصراً
بِأَذيالٍ يَرُحنَ وَيَغتَدينا
4. Leaving the tall acacias whispering
Like doves that moan with their complaints suppressed.
٤. فَأَبقينَ الطُلولَ مُخَبيّاتٍ
ثَلاثاً كَالحَمائِمِ قَد بَلينا
5. Remembering days gone by they sway and bend
As langorous, tired women when unloosed.
٥. وَآريّاً بِعَهدٍ مُرتَداتٍ
أَطَلنَ بِها الصُفونَ إِذا اِفتُلينا
6. If you would ask of me, tell plainly all,
My lineage, that the truth be not disguised.
٦. فإِمّا تَسأَلي عَنّي لُبَينَى
وَعَن نَسَبي أُخبِركِ اليَقينا
7. On both the mother's and the father's side
Our line ascends the genealogical tree
٧. فَأَنّي لِلنَبِيتِ أَباً وَأُماً
وَأَجداداً سَموا في الأَقدَمينا
8. To where az-Zahir did his line indite
And trace his ancestry most perfectly.
٨. لَأَفصى عِصمَةِ الهُلاّكِ أَفصى
عَلى أَفصى بنِ دَعمَّيٍ بُنينا
9. To Ezra's son that was surnamed Dhu Yazan
The pedigree goes back, and there it ends.
٩. وَدَعمِيٌّ بِهِ يُكَنى إِيادُ
إِليه نِسبَتي كَي تَعلَمينا
10. We too inherit from great Jandal's fame
And hand our glory on as he bequeathed.
١٠. وَرِثنا المَجدَ عَن كُبرا نِزارٍ
فَأَورَثنا مَآثِرَنا البَنينا
11. Wherever the Banu Muqbil set forth
We emigrated with them and pitched our tents.
١١. وَكُنّا حَيثُما عَلِمَت مَعَدٌّ
أَقَمنا حَيثُ ساروا هارِبينا
12. It weeps remembering friends who turned away,
The courtyard mourns its devastation yet.
١٢. تَنوحُ وَقَد تَولَت مُدبِراتٌ
تَخالُ سوادَ أَيكَتِها عَرينا
13. Upon that site we paused awhile and then
Moved on; and when we moved, we moved again.
١٣. وَأَلقَينا بِساحَتِها حُلولاً
حُلولاً للإِقامَةِ ما بَقينا
14. Amid its precincts we left lush and green
A garden planted with grapes and figs.
١٤. فَأَنبَتنا خَضارِمَ فاخِراتٍ
يَكونُ نِتاجُها عِنَباً وَتينا
15. Against time's changing we took arms in hand -
Stout lances, swords for all event unsheathed
١٥. وَأَرصَدنا لِحربِ الدَهرِ جُرداً
تَكونَ مُتُونهاً حِصناً حَصينا
16. And men whose trade is war and ever was
And men grown grey where battle fires had scorched.
١٦. وَخَطِيّاً كأَشطانِ الرَكايا
وأَسيافاً يَقُمنَ وَينَحَنينا
17. The tribes of Muqbil point to us and say:
"These lead, where'er the march goes, vanguard they."
١٧. وَفِتياناً يَرونَ القَتلَ مَجداً
وَشيباً في الحُروبِ مُجَرِبينا
18. And say: "When comes the call, these men attack,
But when the foe calls truce, their rage holds back."
١٨. تُخبِرُكَ القَبائِلُ مِن مَعَدٍّ
إِذا عَدّوا سَعايَةً أَوَّلِينا
19. And say: "When trials for the tribe arise
These lift the tribe and stem the flood that nears."
١٩. بِأَنّا النَازِلونَ بِكُلِ ثَغرٍ
وَأَنّا الضارِبونَ إِذا اِلتُقينا
20. And say: "For Muqbil's honour they uphold
Their hands in liberality nor fold."
٢٠. وَأَنّا المانِعونَ إِذا أَرَدنا
وَأَنّا العاطِفونَ إَذا دُعينا
21. Those hands with generosity endowed
By ancestors whose rule came down in line,
٢١. وَأَنّا الحامِلونَ إِذا أَناخَت
خُطوبٌ في العَشيرَةِ تَبتَلينا
22. Who quail their enemies and on their friends
Bestow the fortune of the favorable stars.
٢٢. وَأَنّا الرافِعونَ عَلى مَعَدٍّ
أَكُفاً في المَكارِمِ ما بَقينا
23. When death sprang at us with its clashing arms
And from our failing eyes the light began to fade,
٢٣. أَكُفاً في المَكارِمِ قَدَّمَتها
قُرونٌ أُورِثَت مِنا قُرونا
24. We grasped our spears in one last desperate bout
And where they lunged our weapons lunged again.
٢٤. نُشَرِدُ بِالمَخافَةِ مَن أَتانا
وَيُعطينا المَقادَةَ مَن يَلينا
25. They drove the Abs from out their native earth,
Lords over tribes and arrogant in might.
٢٥. إِذا ما المَوتُ غَلَّسَ بِالمَنايا
وَزايَلَتِ المُهَنَدَةُ الجُفونا
26. Their own hands slew Ra'l the tribal head
As he was watering palms one eventide.
٢٦. وَأَلقَينا الرِماحَ وَكانَ ضَربٌ
يُكَبُّ عَلى الوجوهِ الدارِعينا
27. Repulsed was Tubba's cavalry at Qudaid
And they set out Iraqwards marching light.
٢٧. نُفوا عَن أَرضِهِم عَدنان طَراً
وَكانوا للقَبائِلِ قاهِرينا
28. The dwellings of the Kinanah gave place
After the Qatain to the Bani Eyaad.
٢٨. وَهُم قَتَلوا الرَئِيس أَبا رِغالِ
بِنَخلَةَ حينَ إِذ وَسَقَ الوَطينا
29. One folk moves in when another moves along.
Men take some houses that they leave ere long.
٢٩. وَرَدّوا خَيلَ تُبَّعَ في قُدَيدٍ
وَساروا لِلعِراقِ مُشرِقينا
30. While we drink water pure and undefiled
Another nation drinks a good mil mixed.
٣٠. وَبُدِّلَت المَساكِنُ مِن إِيادٍ
كِنانَةُ بَعدَ ما كانوا القَطينا
٣١. نَسيرُ بِمَعشَرِ قَوماً لِقومٍ
وَنَدخُلُ دارَ قَومٍ آخَرينا
٣٢. وَإِنّا الشارِبونَ الماءَ صَفواً
وَيَشرَبُ غَيرُنا كَدِراً وَطينا