
When the waters parted for Pharaoh

وبفرعون إذا تشاق له

1. When the waters parted for Pharaoh
Why did he not give thanks to God?

١. وَبِفِرعَونَ إِذا تَشاقَّ لَهُ
الماءُ فَهَلّا لِلَّهِ كانَ شَكورَ

2. He said, "I protect all people,
I have no lord above me as protector."

٢. قالَ إِني أَنا المُجيرُ عَلى
الناسِ وَلا رَبَّ لي عَليَّ مُجيرا

3. So God erased him from the ranks
Of the asleep, though he was not forced.

٣. فَمَحاهُ الاِلَهُ مِن دَرَجاتٍ
نامياتٍ وَلَم يَكُن مَقهورا

4. He lost all mention in this life as punishment
And God showed him torment and destruction.

٤. سُلِبَ الذِكرَ في الحَياةِ جَزاءً
وَأَراهُ العَذابَ وَالتَدميرا

5. The waves crashed down upon them until
The waves behind him were raging storms.

٥. فَتَداعى عَلَيهِم المَوجُ حَتىّ
صارَ موجاً وَراءَهُ مُستَطيرا

6. He called on God with a call that would not
Be scorned after his tyranny, so he became a believer.

٦. فَدَعى اللَهُ دَعوةً لا يُهنّا
بَعدَ طُغيانِهِ فَصارَ مُشيرا

7. But God saw they were wasting
What was planted and grown.

٧. فَرَأَى اللَهُ أَنَهُم بِمَضيعٍ
لا بذِي مَزرَعٍ وَلا مَثمورا

8. So he forgave them, passing over
What you see as empty ruins and vacant abodes,

٨. فَعَفاها عَلَيهِم غادياتٌ
وَتَرى مُزنَهُم خَلايا وَخورا

9. With honey flowing gently, date palms
And milk that is delicious when drunk.

٩. عَسَلاً ناطِفاً فُراتاً
وَحَليباً ذا بَهجَةٍ مَمرورا