
Shall I mention my need, or is your bashfulness enough for me?

أأذكر حاجتي أم قد كفاني

1. Shall I mention my need, or is your bashfulness enough for me?
Your trait is bashfulness, and your knowledge of affairs, though you are an old man.

١. أَأَذكُرُ حاجَتي أَم قَد كَفاني
حَياؤُكَ إِنَّ شيمَتَكَ الحَياءُ

2. You have refined and splendid lineage.
A noble one whom neither morn nor eve changes from excellent conduct.

٢. وَعِلمُكَ بِالأُمورِ وَأَنتَ قَرمٌ
لَكَ الحَسَبُ المُهَذَّبُ وَالسَناءُ

3. So your land built every glorious deed,
The sons of Taym built it, and you are its sky.

٣. كَريمٌ لا يُغَيِّرُهُ صَباحٌ
عَنِ الخُلُقِ السَنِيِّ وَلا مَساءُ

4. When someone praises you one day,
It suffices him from repeating praise.

٤. فَأَرضُكَ كُلُّ مَكرُمَةٍ بَناها
بَنو تَيمٍ وَأَنتَ لَها سَماءُ

5. You compete with the wind in generosity and glory
When the dog howls during winter.

٥. إِذا أَثنى عَلَيكَ المَرءُ يَوماً
كَفاهُ مِن تَعَرُّضِهِ الثَناءُ

6. If you are left behind, servant of God, then know
That the people have no reward.

٦. تُباري الريحَ مَكرُمَةً وَمَجداً
إِذا ما الكَلبُ أَجحَرَهُ الشِتاءُ

7. So he truly showed his superiority over them
As the sky shows itself to the onlooker.

٧. إِذا خُلِّفتَ عَبدَ اللَهِ فَاِعلَم
بِأَنَّ القَومَ لَيسَ لَهُم جَزاءُ

8. Can the sky be hidden from a seeing person?
Can there be concealment of the rising sun?

٨. فَأَبرَزَ فَضلَهُ حَقّاً عَلَيهِم
كَما بَرَزَت لِناظِرِها السَماءُ

9. Builders of virtues and doctors of words,
With blood, and they are the cure of speech.

٩. فَهَل تَخفى السَماءُ عَلى بَصيرٍ
وَهَل بِالشَمسِ طالِعَةً خَفاءُ

١٠. بُناةُ مَكارِمٍ وَأُساةُ كَلمٍ
دَماً وَهُمُ مِنَ الكَلمِ الشِفاءُ