
And the birth of Jesus is a sign for you in your religion, from God, Mary's son

وفي دينكم من رب مريم آية

1. And the birth of Jesus is a sign for you in your religion, from God, Mary's son
Announcing the worshipper Jesus, son of Mary

١. وَفي دينِكُم مِن رَبٍ مَريمَ آيةٌ
مُنَبِّئَةٌ بِالعَبدِ عِيسىاِبنِ مَريمِ

2. She turned to God, repenting, then she was tried
So He saved her from their blame, those who blame

٢. اَنابَت لِوَجهِ اللَهِ ثُمَّ تَبتَّلَت
فَسَّبَحَ عَنها لَومةَ المُتَلَوِّمِ

3. She neither cared for marriage nor drew near
To any man, neither mouth nor private parts

٣. فَلا هِيَ هَّمَت بالنِكاحِ وَلا دَنَت
إِلى بَشرٍ مِنها بِفَرجٍ وَلا فَمِ

4. She veiled herself from her family in her home
Disappearing in a barren valley far removed

٤. ولَطَّت حِجابَ البَيتِ مِن دُونِ أَهلِها
تغَيَّبُ عَنهُم في صَحاريِّ رِمرِمِ

5. The watchmen were perplexed by her when night fell
Though daytime was not concealed, it was evident

٥. يَحارُ بِها السارِي إِذا جَنَّ لَيلُهُ
ولَيسَ وإِن كانَ النَهارُ بِمُعلَمِ

6. An angel came down to her when her family slept
Undeterred and unopposed he came down

٦. تَدّلى عَليها بَعدَ ما نَامَ أَهلُها
رَسولٌ فَلم يَحصَر ولَم يَتَرَمرَمِ

7. He said do not worry or deny this
Angels from your Lord and their gifts

٧. فَقالَ أَلا لا تَجزَعي وتُكذِّبي
مَلائِكَةً مِن رَبِ عادٍ وجُرهُمِ

8. Repent to me and accept what you are asked
I am a messenger from The Merciful bringing you a son

٨. أَنيبي وأَعطي ما سُئِلتِ فاِنَّني
رَسولٌ مِن الرَحمنِ يَأتِيكِ بابنَمِ

9. She said how can this be when I am untouched
Neither loose nor pregnant nor claimed

٩. فَقالت لَهُ أَنّى يَكونُ ولَم أَكُن
بَغيّاً ولا حُبلى ولا ذاتَ قَيّمِ

10. Would I be shamed by The Merciful if you are a believer
Cease your words, sit if you wish or leave

١٠. أَأُحرَجُ بالرَحمنِ إِن كُنتَ مُسلِماً
كَلامِيَ فاقعُد ما بَدا لَكَ أَو قُمِ

11. Then he praised God and breathed into the fold of her garment
A healthy, equal boy, no twin

١١. فَسَبَّحَ ثُمَّ اغتَرَّها فالتَقَت بِهِ
غُلاماً سَوِيَّ الخَلقِ لَيسَ بِتَوأَمِ

12. With his breath into her bosom from inside his gown
The Merciful does not neglect what He wills done

١٢. بِنَفخَتِهِ في الصَدرِ مِن جَيبِ دِرعها
وما يَصرِمِ الرَحمَنُ مِلأَمرِ يُصرَمِ

13. When she bore him fully and came to place him
He sheltered them from their blame and regret

١٣. فَلمّا أَتَمَتَّهُ وجاءَت لِوضعِهِ
فآوى لَهُم مِن لَومِهم والتَنَدُّمِ

14. Those around her said you brought something irregular
It's right that you be stoned for it and exiled

١٤. وَقالَ لَها مَن حَولَها جِئتِ مُنكَراً
فَحَقٌّ بأَن تُلحَي عَلَيهِ وتُرجَمي

15. But she was saved by her Lord's mercy
With the truth of a prophet's honest speech

١٥. فَأَدرَكَها مِن ربّها ثُمَّ رَحمَةً
بِصِدقِ حَديثٍ مِن نَبيٍّ مُكَلَّمِ

16. He said I am a sign from God
And God taught me, He is the best teacher

١٦. فَقالَ لَها إِنّي مِنَ اللَهِ آَيةٌ
وَعَلَّمَني واللَهُ خَيرُ مُعَلِّمِ

17. I was sent, not misleading, not miserable
Nor sent with wickedness or misdeeds

١٧. وأُرسِلتُ لَم أُرسَل غَويّاً ولَم أَكُن
شَقيّاً ولَم أُبعَث بِفُحشٍ وَمَأثَمِ