1. We brought advice, borne by camels,
To the dwellings of beautiful she-camels and she-camels in rut,
١. جَلَبنا النُّصحَ تَحَمِلُهُ المَطايا
إِلى أَكوارَ أَجمالٍ وَنوقِ
2. Slow-moving, accompanied by burdens,
To Sana'a from a deep ravine,
٢. مُغَلغَلَةً مَرافِقُها ثِقالاً
إِلى صَنعاءَ مِن فَجٍّ عَميقِ
3. With it we give advice to the son of Dhi Yazan, and release
The innards of its light saddlebags, the mother of the road,
٣. نَؤومُّ بِها اِبنَ ذي يَزنٍ وَتَفري
بُطونَ خِفافُها أُمُّ الطَريقِ
4. And glimpse from its waves flashes of lightening
Continuing the flashing unto flashes,
٤. وَتَلمَحُ مِن مَخايلِهِ بُروقاً
مواصَلَةَ الوَميضِ إِلى بُروقِ
5. So when it reached Sana'a it became
The abode of the king, and the noble lineage.
٥. فَلَمّا واقَعَت صَنعاءَ صارَت
بِدارِ المُلِكِ وَالحَسَبِ العَريقِ