1. The son of Jud'an bin 'Amr knew
That one day he would depart
١. عَلِمَ اِبنُ جُدعانَ بِن عَمروٍ
أَنَّهُ يَوماً مُدابِر
2. And journey on a long trip
From which no traveller returns
٢. وَمُسافِراً سَفَراً بَعيداً
لا يَأوبُ بِهِ المُسافِرُ
3. So his cooking pots in his abode
Are left for the guest overflowing
٣. فَقُدورُهُ بِفِنائِهِ
لِلضيفِ مُترَعَةٌ زَواخِر
4. The fragments appear from the
Glare of boiling in them and the bubbling
٤. تَبدو الكُسورُ مِن إِن
ضِراجِ الغَلي فيها وَالكَراكِر
5. As if they, with what they contain
And what they are laden with,
٥. فَكأَنَهُنَّ بِما حَمَينَ
وَما شُحِنَّ بِها ضَرائِر
6. Are like a she-camel in its stages
Roaming about with its young
٦. وَكَأَنَّهُنَّ بِها عُرَينَةُ
في طَوائِفِها وَهاجِر
7. Foam and bubbling like the bubbling
Of stallions when they compete
٧. زَبَدٌ وَقَرقَرةٌ كَقَرقَرَةِ
الفُحولِ إِذا تُخاطَر
8. He surpassed all the vainglorious
In merit, as the society knew
٨. بَذَّ المَعاخِرَ كُلَّها
بِالفَضلِ قَد عَلِمَ المَعاشِر
9. And rose as high as the sun
Until none could compete with him
٩. وَعَلا عَلوَّ الشَمسِ
حَتّى ما يُفاخِرُهُ مُفاخِرُه
10. The sons of Fahr from the tribes
Of Ka'b and 'Amir submitted to him
١٠. دانَت لَهُ أَبناءُ فَهرٍ
مِن بَني كَعبٍ وَعامِر
11. You are the generous one, son of the generous
With you he competes who wishes to compete
١١. أَنتَ الجَوادُ إبنُ الجَوادِ
بِكُم يُنافِرُ مَن يُنافِر
12. Your forefathers are the piercing flames
The clement, the openhanded
١٢. آباؤُك الشُمُّ المَراجيحُ
المَسامِحُ الأَخاير
13. And when their lightning flashes
Their palms rain down heavily
١٣. وَإِذا تَشامُ بُروقِهم
جادَت أَكُّفَهُمُ المَواطِر
14. No side can contain them
Of an arena, neither neighbor
١٤. لا يَحتَويهِم جانِبٌ
لِلمَحلِ مِنهُ وَلا مُجاوِر
15. A people whose fortresses are the tongues
The arms, and the sharp swords
١٥. قومٌ حُصونُهُمُ الأَسِنَّةُ
وَالأَعِنَّةُ وَالبَواتِر
16. They descended on the open ground and were
Preferred in the essence and appearance
١٦. نَزَلوا البِطاحَ وَفُضِّلَت
بِهِمُ البَواطِنُ وَالظَواهِر