1. My heart once harbored hope that you would be true,
And your love threaded through my ribs ensued.
١. أتطنّ قلباً منك يوماً قد خلا
وهواك ما بين الضلوع تخلّلا
2. Your book, an ocean with its branches and roots-
Well structured, articulated and imbued.
٢. وكتابك البحر المحيط بفضل ما
عَقَد الجمان معقداً ومفصّلا
3. It amazes minds with rhetorical flair,
Drawing near with its delicate feel and mood.
٣. بهر العقول جِناسه فجنانه
تُدني جَناه يانعاً ومذلَّلا
4. A meadow blossoming, leaves budding with care,
A horizon beaming as the full moon stood.
٤. روض تفتّق زهره وتكهّلا
أفقٌ تألّق بدره فتكمّلا
5. It presents meanings from their melodies that
Enriched every mind, vacant and astute.
٥. يهدي المعاني من مغانيها التي
غَنيت فأغنت كلّ فهْم أمحلا
6. If an ignorant ever claimed it as his,
He but falsely interpreted and impute.
٦. إن قال غرٌّ مثله فيما مضى
فلقد تأوّل باطلاً وتقوّلا
7. Let men of knowledge congratulate the flow
Of your right-hand pens, sublime and acute.
٧. فليهني العلياء ما تجري به
أقلامك الغرُّ الميامنة العُلا
8. Let the paper rejoice in what you bestowed-
Graces and feats, O son of nobility.
٨. وليهنئ القرطاس ما قلدته
يا ابن الكرام من المآثر والحُلا
9. Upon it, the virtuous wrote praise, adorned and refined,
That delights, embroidered and well-constituted.
٩. كتبتْ عليه من الأفاضل سادةٌ
مدْحاً يروق مدبَّجاً ومسلسلا
10. I saw my praise fell short of their kind,
So I sat, and to them was affiliated.
١٠. ورأيتُ أني عن مداهم قاصرٌ
فقعدتُ ثم أتيتهم متطفّلا
11. Where is generosity, where is joy, where is vigor
For one who almost drew near and saluted?
١١. أين الثريّا والثرى أين السهى
ممن سها أن التداني والقلا
12. Stay in your glory, O Khalil, nothing but
Your company occupies this place, or ruled.
١٢. دُم في سعودك يا خليل فلا خلا
منك المكان ولا سلا عنكَ الملا