
With cheeks unveiled and tresses flowing,

وساقطة كور الخمار حيية

1. With cheeks unveiled and tresses flowing,
Upon a lofty camel mounting slow,

١. وَساقِطَةٍ كَورِ الخِمارِ حَيِيَّةٍ
عَلى ظَهرِ عُريٍ زَلَّ عَنها جِلالُها

2. Her hands she binds, for fear her veil should fall,
And fills with anxious dread her timid soul.

٢. تَشُدُّ يَدَيها بِالسَنامِ وَقَد رَأَت
مُسَوَّمَةً يَأوي إِلَيها رِعالُها

3. We charged; their camels' life-blood flowed amain;
Where death and carnage strewed the ensanguined plain.

٣. نَزَلنا فَساقَينا الكُماةَ دِماءَها
سِجالَ المَنايا حَيثُ تُسقى سِجالُها