
Since time immemorial

نحن منذ الأزل

1. Since time immemorial
We are a nation for eternity

١. نحن منذ الأزل
أمَّةٌ للخلود

2. We build with work
A sturdy edifice of glory

٢. نبتني بالعمل
صرحَ مجد وطيد

3. We have never known fatigue
Or been deterred from striving

٣. ما اعترانا ملل
أو ثنانا قعود

4. Ambition that never flags
From our forefathers' legacy

٤. همّةٌ لم تزل
من تراث الجدود

5. Every generation has narrated
Our justice and generosity

٥. قد روى كلّ جيل
عدلنا والكرم

6. Since the days of the Prophet
We have never debased ourselves

٦. منذُ عهد الرسول
ما خفرنا الذمم

7. We have enlightened intellects
And reached the pinnacle

٧. قد جلونا العقول
وبلغنا القمم

8. We have illuminated the path
And guided the peoples

٨. فأنرنا السبيل
وهدينا الأمم