1. He came with the dawn, and in his glance
Were the remnants of dreams from his night
١. جاء مع الفجر وفي طرفه
بقية الأحلام من ليلته
2. He struts with pride for he keeps
The hearts of people safe from his harm
٢. يختال فيها وهو دار بما
يصمي قلوب الناس من خطرته
3. If he were to walk upon my eyelids
My heart would not feel his gentleness
٣. لو أنه يمشي على خافقي
لما أحس القلب من رقته
4. But the sword of his glance from his eyelids
Is sharper than an Indian blade in its killing
٤. لكن سيف اللحظ من جفنه
أمضى من الصمصام في فتكته
5. My patience in love for him is spent
Both strength and weakness are his qualities
٥. قد عيل صبري في هوى أغيدٍ
الضعف والقوة من عدّته
6. Gently, love of my soul, this is the extent
That would tempt the ascetic from his path
٦. رفقاً حبيب الروح هذا مدى
ما يفتن الزاهد عن خطته
7. I denied the act of magic for ages, yet
I believed in magic since I saw him
٧. انكرت فعل السحر دهراً وقد
آمنت بالسحر لدن رؤيته
8. He gifted us a sweet narcissus
And it had absorbed fragrance from his scent
٨. أهدي إلينا نرجسا طيبا
وقد تلقى الطيب من راحته
9. Its aroma is from the perfume of his breath
And its alluring color from his eyes
٩. عبيره من عطر أنفاسه
ولونه الفاتن من مقلته
10. What can we possibly repay his favor?
When these souls are in his grasp
١٠. ماذا عسى نجزيه عن فضله
وهذه الأرواح في قبضته
11. The souls of all creation he ransomed
So the magical world is from his charm
١١. فدى لعينيه نفوس الورى
فالعالمُ الساحر من فتنته
12. I fell for beauty as a youth, and though
I've grown, I'll not be saved from his saliva
١٢. أولعتُ بالحسن فتياً وإن
شبت فلن أنجو من ريقته