1. Return my soul appeased with pardon to my body
And restore my justice to the sweetness of contentment, absolving my crime,
١. أَعِد مُنعِماً بِالعَفوِ روحي إِلى جِسمي
وَعُدلي إِلى حُلوِ الرِضى واهِباً جُرمي
2. And from the verses of your reproach, be for me a believer,
For it is great in my soul, though beyond my comprehension,
٢. وَكُن لِيَ مِن سَوراتِ عَتبِكَ مُؤمِناً
فَقَد جَلَّ في نَفسي وَإِن دَقَّ عَن فَهمي
3. And that a man whom knowledge of his right elevates
Is too great to be shunned and excluded through speculation,
٣. وَإِنَّ اِمرَأً تُدنيهِ عِلماً بِحَقِّهِ
لِيَكبُرُ أَن يُجفى وَيُقصى عَلى الوَهمِ
4. And I have not presumed upon you with any service
For which you rewarded with harm the attainment of perfection.
٤. وَلَستُ بِمُعتَدٍّ عَلَيكَ بِخِدمَةٍ
عَلى نَزرِها جازَيتَ بِالنائِلَ الجَمِّ
5. But yes I have, because I am a product of your age, a sanctity,
Which, if heeded, would make sublime my mark,
٥. بَلى لي بِأَنّي نَشءُ عَصرِكَ حُرمَةٌ
إِذا رُعِيَت كانَ المُعَلّى بِها سَهمي
6. Shall I be thrown as prey to the fangs of misfortune
While you are a sword against misfortunes, decisive and sharp?
٦. أَأُلقى لِأَنيابِ النَوائِبِ مُضغَةً
وَأَنتَ حُسامٌ لِلنَوائِبِ ذو حَسمِ
7. And your justice leaves the lowliest people free from wrong,
While the times do the least of men injustice.
٧. وَيَظلِمُ أَدنى الناسِ مِنكَ زَمانُهُ
وَعَدلُكَ مُخلي الخافِقينَ مِنَ الظُلمِ
8. And I am spurned without even a slip,
Though my closeness to you was renowned among Arabs and non-Arabs,
٨. وَأُبعَدُ إِعراضاً عَلى غَيرِ زَلَّةٍ
وَقَد شاعَ قُربي مِنكَ في العُربِ وَالعُجمِ
9. I was struck by one whose bow I used to bend
With an arrow, though it was my pillar and the star of my destiny.
٩. رَمانِيَ مَن عَن قَوسِهِ كُنتُ رامِياً
بِسَهمٍ وَهى رُكني لَهُ وَهَوى نَجمي
10. So he cleared the way for my enemies to hurt me
And enabled my enviers to find the path to blaming me.
١٠. فَأَنهَجَ أَعدائي طَريقَ مَساءَتي
وَأَوجَدَ حُسّادي السَبيلَ إِلى ذَمّي
11. I submitted to the judgment of time because of him
Though part of submission was against my judgement.
١١. نَزَلتُ عَلى حُكمِ الزَمانِ لِأَجلِهِ
وَقَد كانَ مِن بَعضِ النُزولِ عَلى حُكمي
12. And the noble qualities that have surrounded me
Draw me closer to you than a father or a mother,
١٢. وَإِنّي لَتُدنيني إِلَيكَ عَلى النَوى
مَكارِمُ أَحفى بي مِنَ الأَبِ وَالأُمِّ
13. In successive flows, the rain of his bounty poured down
To perfect, at the meadow, the one who knows the brand.
١٣. تَوالَت تَوالي الغَيثِ جادَ وَلِيُّهُ
يُكَمِّلُ عِندَ الرَوضِ عارِفَةَ الوَسمي
14. No branch that you planted at the root
And watered with generosity will ever dry out or waver.
١٤. فَلا يَذوِ غُصنٌ أَنتَ غارِسُ أَصلِهِ
وَساقيهِ جَوداً لَم يَزَل جَودُهُ يَهمي
15. Unless you turn my misdeeds into a mix that stills vengeance
And makes me walk before you according to my measure,
١٥. وَإِلّا تُعِدها خُلطَةً تَكبِتُ العِدى
عِدايَ وَتُجريني لَدَيكَ عَلى رَسمي
16. Do not persist in aloofness when its talk is outrageous,
So my purpose dwindled and the vigor of my resolve faded.
١٦. فَلا تَستَدِمها جَفوَةً جَلَّ خَطبُها
فَفالَ بِها رَأيِي وَفُلَّ شَبا عَزمي
17. Show me some closeness and allow my watcher
A little nearness and make my heart turn from imagining,
١٧. وَجُد لي بِبَعضِ القُربِ وَاِسمَح لِناظِري
بِأَدنى الكَرى وَاِرغَب بِقَلبي عَنِ الوَهمِ
18. For you were bountiful to me in fame among people and distinction
And made ample my share of attaining the sublime and wealth.
١٨. فَقَد جُدتَ لي بِالصيتِ في الناسِ وَاللُهى
فَوَفَّرتَ مِن نَيلِ العُلى وَالغِنى قِسمي
19. And you granted me speech, granter of speech to the mute, through dew,
So you made me, apart from all people, hearing though deaf.
١٩. وَأَنطَقتَني يا مُنطِقَ الخُرسِ بِالنَدى
فَأَلفَيتَني دونَ الوَرى مُسمِعَ الصُمِّ