
Do not fear the enmity of those whose secrets you have exposed

لا تخش عدوى من أبحت ذماره

1. Do not fear the enmity of those whose secrets you have exposed
He whose heart has died, his branches do not live

١. لا تَخشَ عَدوى مَن أَبَحتَ ذِمارَهُ
مَن ماتَ قَلباً لَم تَعِش أَضغانُهُ

2. Leave him for the vicissitudes of time as prey
Do you expect him to honor one whose love is his disgrace?

٢. دَعهُ لِأَحداثِ الزَمانِ دَرِيَّةً
أَتُراهُ يُكرِمُ مَن هَواكَ هَوانُهُ

3. And if you wanted to destroy an arrogant kingdom
Your standard's inscription would be ignorance if you sent it as a van

٣. وَإِذا أَرَدتَ بَوارَ مَملَكَةٍ طَغَت
سَفَهاً فَبَعثُكَ رايَةً عُنوانُهُ

4. So those who loved life obeyed you
And the traitor immersed in tyranny joined you

٤. فَلَقَد أَطاعَكَ مَن أَحَبَّ حَياتَهُ
فيها وَلَجَّ بِخائِنٍ طُغيانُهُ

5. Let the Romans seek safety, for the sharpness
Of a cutting sword and its wielder has appeared to them

٥. فَليَطلُبِ الرومُ الأَمانَ فَقَد بَدَت
لَهُمُ خُشونَةُ صارِمٍ وَلَيانُهُ

6. Sleep has abandoned their eyelids since they were awakened
By one whose eyelids do not sleep on gravel

٦. هَجَرَ الرُقادُ جُفونَهُم مُذ نَبَّهوا
مَن لا تَنامُ عَلى القَذى أَجفانُهُ

7. With resolve that shakes the universe and terrifies it
And an army that hunts the enemy, its horsemen

٧. ذا العَزمُ جَأشُ الدَهرِ مِنهُ مُرَوَّعٌ
وَالجَيشُ يَفتَرِسُ العِدى فُرسانُهُ

8. His swords guaranteed the throats of his opponents
So he settled the life of his followers and trained them

٨. ضَمِنَت سُوافَ مُعانِديهِ سُيوفُهُ
فَأَمَرَّ عَيشَ عُداتِهِ مُرّانُهُ

9. And kings aspired to the nobility he attained
Since he conquered the lands that were divided between them long ago

٩. وَلَقَد سَمَت شَرَفاً مُلوكٌ قُسِّمَت
فيما تَقَدَّمَ بَينَها بُلدانُهُ

10. They boasted of it and he put it above himself
Since his youths achieved it

١٠. بَجَحوا بِها وَأَجَلَّ عَنها نَفسَهُ
مُذ حازَها فَوُلاتُها غِلمانُهُ

11. And so these armies are led and ruled
By Bonjuktin their prince and tyrant

١١. فَلِذا الجُيوشُ يَقودُها وَيَسودُها
بَنجوتَكينُ أَميرُها وَطُغانُهُ

12. And God brought them against their enemies
So that kindness flows from their kindness

١٢. وَاللَهُ جاءَ بِها عَلى أَعقابِهِم
لِيَفيضَ مِن إِحسانِهِم إِحسانُهُ

13. His promises sing the praises of their swords
And the abundance of their seas overflows with treason

١٣. يُغني غَناءَ سُيوفِهِم إيعادُهُ
وَتَفيضُ فَيضَ بِحارِهِم غُدرانُهُ

14. The rain is not withheld, though often
The clouds are absent, yet it comes from their peaks

١٤. وَالغَيثُ لَيسَ يَنوبُ عَنهُ وَطالَما
غابَ الغَمامُ فَنابَ عَنهُ بَنانُهُ

15. He who excels possesses intelligence, not
He whose time and era preceded

١٥. يَحوي النَباهَةَ مَن تَقَدَّمَ فَضلُهُ
لا مَن تَقَدَّمَ عَصرُهُ وَأَوانُهُ

16. Is there one who can compete when his arrow is lofty
If his time is after the prophets?

١٦. هَل مَن يُساهِمُ وَالمُعَلّى سَهمُهُ
إِن كانَ بَعدَ الأَنبِياءِ زَمانُهُ

17. So let the rulers of the lands know that he
Is a celestial orbit that will seize them in its rotation

١٧. فَليَدرِ أَملاكُ الطَوائِفِ أَنَّهُ
فَلَكٌ تَضَمَّنَ سَلبَها دَوَرانُهُ

18. For when his Turks protected them, it was his Turks
And when his Sudan defended them, it was his Sudan

١٨. فَلِما حَمَت أَتراكَها أَتراكُهُ
وَلِما حَمَت سودانَها سودانُهُ

19. O you who suffice Islam without a partner
Liberating it from tribulations that turn children gray

١٩. يا كافِيَ الإِسلامِ غَيرَ مُشارِكٍ
فِتناً تَشيبُ لِهَولِها وَلِدانُهُ

20. Your qualities suffice, without witnesses testifying
Your glory, sir, is obvious proof

٢٠. أَغنى صِفاتِكَ عَن شَهادَةِ شاهِدٍ
مَجدٌ لَعَمرُكَ واضِحٌ بُرهانُهُ

21. You have collected virtues that cannot be denied
And the dawn cannot conceal its light

٢١. حُزتَ الفَضائِلَ لَيسَ يُمكِنُ جَحدُها
وَالصُبحُ لَيسَ بِمُمكِنٍ كِتمانُهُ

22. Good tidings herald your flash of wealth
Like lightning indicating its radiance to the world

٢٢. بِشراً يُبَشِّرُ بِالغِنى إيماضُهُ
كَالبَرقِ دَلَّ عَلى الوَرى لَمَعانُهُ

23. A call that excellence falls short of your praise
And the hopes of mankind are shaded by your branches

٢٣. وَنَدىً قَصَرتَ عَلى الثَناءِ فُنونَهُ
وَتُظِلُّ آمالَ الوَرى أَفنانُهُ

24. But property does not remain with an owner
Except for the children of Muna as its treasurers

٢٤. وَالمالُ لا يَبقى عَلى مُتَمَلِّكٍ
إِلّا وَأَبناءُ المُنى خُزّانُهُ

25. As for your peer among people, he does not
Exist, nor can his being be possible

٢٥. أَمّا شَبيهُكَ في الأَنامِ فَإِنَّهُ
ما كانَ قَطُّ وَلا يَجوزُ كِيانُهُ

26. None are rightly guided toward glory but you
All others say "Where is my place?"

٢٦. ما في طَريقِ المَجدِ غَيرَكَ مُهتَدٍ
كُلٌّ سِواكَ يَقولُ أَينَ مَكانُهُ

27. You have done what the world failed to do
And known what their knowing frustrated them from

٢٧. فَفَعَلتَ ما عَجَزَ الوَرى عَن فِعلِهِ
فَعَرَفتَ ما أَعياهُمُ عِرفانُهُ

28. You supplemented the Hajj with a raid that, without you
Its people would have been incapable of accomplishing

٢٨. وَلَقَد شَفَعتَ الحَجَّ بِالغَزوِ الَّذي
لَولاكَ أَعجَزَ أَهلَهُ إِمكانُهُ

29. And you spent your red gold to enable them
In days when accessing it pained them

٢٩. وَبَذَلتَ حُمرَ المالِ في تَنفيذِهِم
أَيّامَ عَزَّ عَلَيهِمُ وِجدانُهُ

30. So your victory from God is hastened
And His approval is deferred for you

٣٠. فَمُعَجَّلٌ لَكَ مِن إِلَهِكَ نَصرُهُ
وَمُؤَجَّلٌ لَكَ عِندَهُ رِضوانُهُ

31. It is a blessing whose praise remains upon you
Among people for as long as shepherds roam

٣١. هِيَ مِنَّةٌ يَبقى عَلَيكَ ثَناؤُها
في الناسِ ما صَحِبَت حِراءَ رِعانُهُ

32. Thus the House thanks it when it circles around
During the Hajj season, and its corners are kissed

٣٢. فَالبَيتُ يَشكُرُها إِذا طافَت بِهِ
زَمَنَ الحَجيجِ وَقُبِّلَت أَركانُهُ

33. So God answered there the prayer of a companion
Reciting the Quran beside it, his recitation being the Quran

٣٣. فَأَجابَ فيكَ اللَهُ دَعوَةَ قارِنٍ
يَتلو هُناكَ قِرانَهُ قُرآنُهُ

34. And you remained for the Master whom you were ennobled by
His days and eras became long

٣٤. وَبَقيتَ لِلمَولى الَّذي شَرُفَت بِهِ
أَيّامُهُ وَتَطاوَلَت أَزمانُهُ

35. Until you see your army multiplied manyfold
And its warriors more numerous than before

٣٥. حَتّى تَرى أَضعافَ جَيشِكَ جَيشَهُ
وَيَكونَ أَكثَرَ مَن بِهِ فِتيانُهُ

36. Why should I go on excessively praising you
When poetry is an inclination of my thoughts

٣٦. لِمَ لا أُبالِغُ في مَديحِكَ مُطنِباً
وَالشِعرُ طِرفٌ خاطِري مَيدانُهُ

37. How can I deny what the hand that
Gave generously with its prisoner's bounty and help has done for me?

٣٧. بَل كَيفَ أَجحَدُ ما أَنالَتني يَدٌ
بِكرُ الغِنى مِن سَيبِها وَعَوانُهُ

38. So listen to your praiser, whose poetry contains
None but you, when his book is folded

٣٨. فَاِسمَع لِمادِحِكَ الَّذي لا يَنطَوي
إِلّا عَلَيكَ إِذا اِنطَوى ديوانُهُ

39. Among the sons of Eve I see no other
Whose gift is hoped for and estrangement feared

٣٩. ما في بَني حَوّاءَ عِندي آخَرٌ
يُرجى عَطاهُ وَيُتَّقى حِرمانُهُ

40. Thus my hopes turn away from other than you
And follow you, their firm intent cleaving to you

٤٠. فَلِذا رَجائي عَن سِواكَ مُنَكِّبٌ
وَإِلَيكَ يَتبَعُ نَصَّهُ ذَمَلانُهُ

41. The feast praised you for the piety with which
Its fasting praised you before

٤١. أَثنى عَلَيكَ العيدُ بِالتَقوى الَّتي
أَثنى بِها مِن قَبلِهِ رَمَضانُهُ

42. So celebrate it and submit, may your might remain triumphant
Forever, for the authority of truth is its authority

٤٢. فَتَهَنَّهُ وَاِسلَم وَعِزُّكَ قاهِرٌ
أَبَداً فَسُلطانُ الهُدى سُلطانُهُ