
Whenever I think of you on the brink

كلانا إذا فكرت فيه على شفا

1. Whenever I think of you on the brink
After going through excuses and procrastination plenty

١. كِلانا إِذا فَكَّرتَ فيهِ عَلى شَفا
وَقَد مَرَّ في التَعليلِ وَالمَطلِ ما كَفا

2. Indeed, I conceal what I have endured to protect
Your dignity, so forgive before anonymity takes off.

٢. وَإِنّي لَأُخفي ما لَقيتُ صِيانَةً
لِعِرضِكَ فَاِمنُن قَبلَ أَن يَبرَحَ الخَفا

3. Why do you not rely on him? Had he been sincere
Time would have been to you like olden days without turbidity.

٣. مالَكَ لا تُركِن إِلَيهِ فَلَو صَفا
لَكَ الدَهرُ كَالعَهدِ القَديمِ لَما صَفا

4. He took over the house of deputation so there erupted
In his raids a ground as he desired confusedly.

٤. تَحَكَّمَ في دارِ الوَكالَةِ فَاِنبَرَت
بِغاراتِهِ قاعاً كَما شاءَ صَفصَفا

5. So he impoverished and became rich and his evil did not cease
And he gained the inheritance of the two worlds and did not suffice.

٥. فَأَفقَرَ وَاِستَغنى وَما كَفَّ شَرَّهُ
وَحازَ تُراثَ العالَمينَ وَما اِكتَفا

6. That wrongdoing added to him a ferocity
Fearing he would be punished for what he did in the past.

٦. أَضافَت لَهُ تِلكَ الإِساءَةُ وَحشَةً
مَخافَةَ أَن يُجزى بِما كانَ أَسلَفا

7. And his shortcoming has become evident in love and passion
So one who cannot withstand except feebly does not obliterate.

٧. وَقَد بانَ في الحَوماهِ وَالجاهِ قِدحُهُ
فَلا يَلغَ مَن لا يَقوَ إِلّا لِتَضعُفا

He harassed me unjustly in order to provoke me

٨. تَعَمَّدَني بِالجَورِ كَي يَستَفِزَّني
فَلا كانَ ما يَرجو لَدَيَّ وَلا اِشتَفا

9. But he did not attain what he hoped from me or was sated.
And he prolonged me for a while until I complained of him

٩. وَسَوَّفَني حيناً إِلى أَن شَكَوتُهُ
عَلى أَنَّني لَم أَلقَ إِلّا مُسَوِّفا

10. While I did not find except a procrastinator.
When benevolence is absent in you, we do not find

١٠. إِذا عُدِمَ الإِحسانُ عِندَكَ لَم نَجِد
أَخا سُنَّةٍ في العَدلِ وَالجودِ يُقتَفا

11. A brotherly tradition in justice and generosity to be emulated.
You are the leader of the generous people of time so do not

١١. إِمامُ كِرامِ العَصرِ أَنتَ فَلا تَجُر
عَنِ القَصدِ إِن جارَ الزَمانُ وَإِن وَفا

12. Deviate from moderation whether time is fair or loyal.
And do not forget sayings thanking you that have not

١٢. وَلا تَنسَ أَقوالاً بِشُكرِكَ لَم يَزَل
يَبوحُ وَأَشعاراً لِمَجدِكَ تُصطَفا

13. Ceased and poems praising you carefully selected.
And be merciful to one who seeks to restore his money

١٣. وَكُن راحِماً مَن يَبتَغي رَدَّ مالِهِ
أَذَلَّ مِنَ المُستَرفِدي الناسِ أَوقِفا