1. Since we loved you, you have turned away, not keeping your promise,
You made light of sorrows too heavy for us to bear,
١. عَداكُم هَوىً مُذ شَفَّنا ما تَعَدّانا
فَهَوَّنتُمُ خَطباً مِنَ البَينِ ما هانا
2. You said time would heal with separation, but what
Has softened the pain after such harshness?
٢. وَقُلتُم تَداوَوا بِالفِراقِ فَما الَّذي
أَلانَ النَوى مِن بَعدِ قَسوَتِها الآنا
3. We would be content if you were cold or warm to us,
Give us back that affection as it used to be.
٣. وَإِنّا لَنَرضى أَن تَصُدّوا وَتَقرَبوا
فَرُدّوا لَنا ذاكَ الدُنُوَّ كَما كانا
4. It would gladden us however little your favors,
And please us however little your closeness.
٤. هُوَ الوَجدُ أَرضانا بِأَدنى نَوالِكُم
وَأَقصى مُنانا أَن تَقارَبَ أَرضانا
5. When we pretend to be consoled for love of you,
Our tears flow belying our words.
٥. إِذا ما اِدَّعَينا سَلوَةً عَن هَواكُمُ
جَرى الدَمعُ مُنهَلّاً فَكَذَّبَ دَعوانا
6. If only the go-betweens, when they repeated our words,
Had moved you with their tears as they moved us.
٦. فَلَيتَ الوُشاةَ حينَ رَقَّت حَديثَنا
إِلَيها دُموعُ العَينِ رَقَّت لِبَلوانا
7. They ruined our union with slander, it became estrangement,
What has made recollection into forgetfulness?
٧. هَبوا الوَصلَ بِالعُذّالِ صارَ قَطيعَةً
فَماذا الَّذي قَد صَيَّرَ الذِكرَ نِسيانا
8. We love those we tend, though they alarm us,
And remember them until death, though they forget us.
٨. بِنا حُبُّ مَن نَرعاهُ وَهوَ يَروعُنا
وَنَذكُرُهُ حَتّى المَماتِ وَيَنسانا
9. How can we hide it, when our love is known,
Or conceal what was revealed when it first appeared?
٩. وَكَيفَ نُغَطّي وَهوَ دانٍ غَرامَنا
وَنَكتُمُ ما نَلقى فَقَد بانَ مُذ بانا
10. If only the breeze would carry their fragrance to us
Sometimes, and other times their news!
١٠. فَلَيتَ نَسيمَ الريحِ حُمِّلَ عَرفُهُم
فَأَدّاهُ أَحياناً إِلَينا فَأَحيانا
11. They kept away, and did not yearn for us or yearn,
They granted favors and no favors, days and no days.
١١. تَجَنَّوا فَما حَنّوا عَلَينا وَلا حَنَوا
وَمَنَّوا وَما مَنّوا لَياناً وَلَيّانا
12. On earth are lovers who are not like us,
Captives of passion, hoping for no relief.
١٢. وَفي الأَرضِ عُشّاقٌ وَلَيسوا كَمِثلِنا
أَسارى غَرامٍ لا يُرَجّونَ سُلوانا