
He who seeks solace in illusory dreams,

ضل من يستزير طيف الخيال

1. He who seeks solace in illusory dreams,
Can reality be cured with the impossible?

١. ضَلَّ مَن يَستَزيرُ طَيفَ الخَيالِ
هَل تُداوى حَقيقَةٌ بِالمُحالِ

2. A tradition the lovers ignorantly made,
Like asking ruins and deserted abodes.

٢. سُنَّةٌ سَنَّها المُحِبّونَ جَهلاً
كَسُؤالِ الرُبوعِ وَالأَطلالِ

3. Or like one who stirs trouble without intent,
Or hopes for generosity from the miserly.

٣. أَو كَمُزجي القِلاصِ في غَيرِ قَصدٍ
أَو مُرَجّي مَكارِمِ البُخّالِ

4. Or like one who strives with those I shall not name,
Certain that his efforts are in vain.

٤. أَو كَلاحٍ سَعى بِمَن لا أُسَمّي
موقِناً أَنَّ سَعيَهُ في ضَلالِ

5. By the one other than my enemies, even if they eulogized me,
And trespass brings joy to the lover, so I do not care,

٥. بِأَبي مَن عَدا فَجاوَزَ أَعدا
ئي وَلَو كانَ مِنهُمُ لَرَثى لي

6. Distraction does not cross my mind.
With blame, though not for a crime, and aloofness, not from boredom.

٦. وَالتَعَدّي يُسلي المُحِبَّ فَما با
لِيَ لا يَخطُرُ السُلُوُّ بِبالي

7. Savagery seized two companionships,
Both led to the path of ruin.

٧. ذو عِتابٍ لِغَيرِ مَعنىً وَسُخطٍ
لا لِجُرمٍ وَهِجرَةٍ عَن مَلالِ

8. One moment it violently subdues with severity,
Another it frolics with the eyes of a gazelle.

٨. سَلَبَ الوَحشَ خَلَّتَينِ تَصولا
نِ وَكِلتاهُما طَريقُ وَبالِ

9. Its violence intensified and the cunning of battle gathered in it,
And the pounce of the ambusher.

٩. فَهوَ طَوراً يُردي بِسَطوَةِ ضِرغا
مٍ وَطَوراً يَعدو بِعَينَي غَزالِ

10. Thus I still recite a heart,
Lost between guidance and temptation.

١٠. زادَ فَتكاً وَاِستَجمَعَت خُدعَةُ المُح
تالِ فيهِ وَوَثبَةُ المُغتالِ

11. I feared not its straying, nor did I fear
That the beloved would become one of my blamers.

١١. فَلِذا ما أَزالُ أَنشُدُ قَلباً
ضَلَّ بَينَ الدَلالِ وَالإِدلالِ

12. Indeed, the time has come for me to cure my youth,
With a cure for the incurable disease of old age.

١٢. لا مَني ضِلَّةً وَما كُنتُ أَخشى
أَن يَصيرَ الحَبيبُ مِن عُذّالي

13. Being just in poetry to the ways of passion,
To a lover of the beauty of deeds.

١٣. وَلَقَد آنَ أَن أُداوي صَبابا
تي بِداءٍ مِنَ المَشيبِ عُضالِ

14. One whom when perfection raised him above kings,
He increased beyond perfection.

١٤. عادِلاً بِالقَريضِ عَن سُنَنِ العِش
قِ إِلى عاشِقٍ لِحُسنِ الفِعالِ

15. His glory and the son of his crown, spreader of hopes,
Generous and killer of burdens.

١٥. مَن إِذا ما الكَمالُ أَعلى مُلوكاً
طالَ بِالإِزدِيادِ فَوقَ الكَمالِ

16. He raced with zeal, a stallion in spirit,
So he disobeyed the blame, transcended the boredom.

١٦. عِزُّها وَاِبنُ تاجِها مُنشِرُ الآ
مالِ جوداً وَقاتِلُ الأَقيالِ

17. And towered high, thus surpassing the lofty,
After greying and exhaustion.

١٧. هامَ بِالهِمَّةِ الحَصانِ فُؤاداً
فَهوَ عاصي المَلامِ قاصي المَلالِ

18. And a boiling spirit that refuses, however numerous the solicitors,
To let them obtain anything but honesty.

١٨. وَسَما شارِخاً فَزادَ عَلى السا
مينَ بَعدَ المَشيبِ وَالإِكتِهالِ

19. Thus you see the neighbour in his care well-off,
And hope is revived through him for the wretched.

١٩. وَخِضَمٌّ يَأبى وَإِن كَثُرَ الوُرّا
دُ أَن يَظفَروا بِغَيرِ زُلالِ

20. He made glory clear to all creation and protected it,
So he is manifest but difficult to attain.

٢٠. فَتَرى الجارَ عِندَهُ ناعِمَ البا
لِ وَيَحيى بِهِ الرَجاءُ البالي

21. The attainment of wishes flowed, even if greed deluded
A people whose greed deluded them with the impossible.

٢١. أَوضَحَ المَجدَ لِلوَرى وَحَماهُ
فَهوَ بادي المَنارِ صَعبُ المَنالِ

22. Desolation is answered with generosity and welcome,
Not with leanness and limping.

٢٢. دَرَّ نَيلُ المُنى وَإِن أَغرَتِ الأَط
ماعُ قَوماً غَرَّتهُمُ بِالمُحالِ

23. Deserted places where one who walked in them
Would be exposed to perdition or straying.

٢٣. فَلَواتٌ تُجابُ بِالجودِ وَالإِق
دامِ لا بِالذَميلِ وَالإِرقالِ

24. The preceding son of Mahmoud crossed them,
The preceding on the day of dew and the day of contention.

٢٤. مُقفِراتٌ يَكونُ مَن سارَ فيها
عَرَضاً لِلبَوارِ أَو لِلضَلالِ

25. And he strove with the endeavor of the foremost,
So he attained the peak of virtues and intellect.

٢٥. جازَها سابِقُ بنُ مَحمودٍ السا
بِقُ يَومَ النَدى وَيَومَ النِزالِ

26. And he was true to his noble name and nickname,
So both took the place of good omen.

٢٦. وَسَعى سَعيَ أَوَّليهِ فَأَربى
بِاِختِيارِ الفَضائِلِ الأَعقالِ

27. The efforts of his ancestors will not be far from him,
For they are clear in the present.

٢٧. وَوَفى لِاِسمِهِ وَكُنيَتِهِ العَز
مُ فَقاما مَعاً مَقامَ الفالِ

28. It sufficed them that the Father of Knights charged them,
For the changes of time to flow through them.

٢٨. مَلِكٌ إِن أَتى الوُفودُ ذَراهُ
صَدَّهُم عُرفُهُ عَنِ الإِرتِحالِ

29. O son of one who defended my hopes and praise
Against all the riffraff and scum.

٢٩. حَيثُ لَم يَفصِموا عُزى الظَنِّ بِاليَأ
سِ وَلَم يوصَموا بِذُلِّ السُؤالِ

30. They are a faction whose means are effective,
Just as greying is effective for those with thick locks.

٣٠. وَوَقورُ الأَطرابِ إِن زُفَّتِ الصَه
باءُ بَينَ الأَهزاجِ وَالأَرمالِ

31. And their help is needed by the destitute, so if they give it,
It is charity for prolonged hopes.

٣١. وَطَروبٌ أَوانَ تَجتَمِعُ الأَط
رابُ بَينَ الصَليلِ وَالتَصهالِ

32. And when needs are presented to them,
They are obedient to procrastination and disregard.

٣٢. وَلَهُ مِن بَني بُوَيهِ جُدودٌ
ذَهَبوا بِالإِعظامِ وَالإِجلالِ

33. I visited him to shade me, so his gifts
Made me generosity's ample shade.

٣٣. كُلُّ مَلكٍ قَد حازَ فَضلَ أَبيهِ
مِثلَ حَوزِ البَهاءِ فَضلَ الجَلالِ

34. He left no envious one to denounce me,
Though I came full of hopes.

٣٤. فَمَساعي الأَجدادِ لَن يَبعُدَ العَه
دُ بِها وَهيَ وُضَّحٌ في الحالِ

35. Since my hopes in him are dependent on success,
And my fortune is proven since he was true to me.

٣٥. قَد كَفاها أَبو الفَوارِسِ أَن يَق
دَحَ فيها تَنَقُّلُ الأَحوالِ

36. His traces scattered my guided arrows,
And he honored me with expansiveness until

٣٦. يا اِبنَ مَن ذادَ عَن رَجائي وَمَدحي
كُلَّ غَثِّ الحِباءِ رَثِّ الحِبالِ

37. I attained the deeds of servants with their masters,
And some of what I gained of his honor,

٣٧. عُصَبٌ مَوقِعُ الوَسائِلِ مِنهُم
مَوقِعُ الشَيبِ مِن ذَواتِ الحِجالِ

38. Lord of bounty, Lord of bounty.
Had I persisted improperly in other than its abundance,

٣٨. وَعدُهُم مُعوِزٌ فَإِن بَذَلوهُ
فَهوَ وَقفٌ عَلى المِطالِ المُطالِ

39. Such persistence would have sufficed through humiliation.
So Allah watered a land in which settled

٣٩. وَإِذا ما الحاجاتُ حَلَّت لَدَيهِم
مُتنَ طَوعَ الإِمهالِ وَالإِهمالِ

40. The abode of virtue, the source of favor.
The firmest lion, whether docile

٤٠. زُرتُهُ كَي يُظِلَّني فَأَصارَت
ني عَطِيّاتُهُ مَديدَ الظِلالِ

41. Or ferocious, and the most resolute in contention.
I have long said about those who asked of you,

٤١. لَم يَدَع حاسِداً يَفوهُ بِإِخفا
قي وَقَد جِئتُ حاشِداً آمالي

42. While my confidence was the guide to the lost,
If you want knowledge of their condition from certainty,

٤٢. إِذ رَجائي لَدَيهِ وَقفٌ عَلى النُج
حِ وَفَألي مُصَدَّقٌ مُذ وَفى لي

43. Meet them in generosity or war.
You will meet the whites of honors with the blacks of accursed blood,

٤٣. نَضَلَت مَأثُراتُهُ وَلُهاهُ
كُلَّ سَهمٍ أَعدَدتُهُ لِلنِضالِ

44. The greens of meadows with the reds of sharp swords.
Nobles, if the nobles of glory wronged them,

٤٤. وَحَباني بِالإِنبِساطِ إِلى أَن
حِزتُ فِعلَ العَبيدِ عِندَ المَوالي

45. They would topple mountain foundations.
And if they fought, you would see the hearts of lions

٤٥. وَبِبَعضِ الَّذي أَنالَ مِنَ الإِك
رامِ رَبَّ النَوالِ رَبُّ النَوالِ

46. Entrusted into the breasts of men.
Through them the land where they battled was shaken,

٤٦. وَلَوَ اِنّي أَدلَلتُ في غَيرِ مَغنا
هُ لَكَفَّ الإِدلالَ بِالإِذلالِ

47. And they are its safety from tremors.
Yours are the glories of swords, and with them

٤٧. فَسَقى اللَهُ تُربَةً حَلَّ فيها
مَوطِنُ الفَضلِ مَعدِنُ الإِفضالِ

48. Is the shaking of the buzzing spears.
And you have in praise the most enduring attributes,

٤٨. الأَسَدُّ الأَشَدُّ إِن كانَ سِلمٌ
أَو وَغىً وَالأَلَدُّ عِندَ الجِدالِ

49. Left by words in epics.
If the House of Darim ibn Tamim

٤٩. طالَما قُلتُ لِلمُسائِلِ عَنكُم
وَاِعتِمادي هِدايَةُ الضَلّالِ

50. Were given some of your continuous superiority,
They would veil a veiler if lineage were listed,

٥٠. إِن تُرِد عِلمَ حالِهِم عَن يَقينٍ
فَاِلقَهمُ في مَكارِمٍ أَو قِتالِ

51. And not release a released one's reins.
The overflowing love of souls and wealth

٥١. تَلقَ بيضَ الأَعراضِ سودَ مُثارِ ال
نَقعِ خُضرَ الأَكنافِ حُمرَ النِصالِ

52. Prevented people from aspiring for your likeness.
And the modern is content with mention of the ancient,

٥٢. أُشُرٌ إِن طَغى بِهِم أَشَرُ العِز
زِ أَزالوا رَواسِيَ الأَجبالِ

53. Satisfied with old garments.
So when summoned with what necessitates praise,

٥٣. وَإِذا حارَبوا رَأَيتَ قُلوبَ ال
أُسدِ قَد أودِعَت صُدورَ الرِجالِ

54. They refer it to moldering bones.
And you refused to allow yourselves proximity

٥٤. وَبِهِم زُلزِلَت بِمَن قارَعوا الأَر
ضُ وَهُم أَمنُها مِنَ الزِلزالِ

55. To the whites of oryxes and browns of gazelles.
Like the refusal of stars where they descended,

٥٥. لَكُمُ عِزَّةُ السُيوفِ وَفيكُم
مَعَها هِزَّةُ القَنا العَسّالِ

56. Not the refusal of lions in thickets.
And your generosity raced impulsively until

٥٦. وَلَكُم في المَديحِ أَبقى سِماتٍ
تَرَكَتها الأَقوالُ في الأَقيالِ

57. The judgment of scales and measurement ceased.
And long ago you were known, since you ruled,

٥٧. لَو أُتيحَت لِدارِمِ بنِ تَميمٍ
بِضعَةٌ مِن فَخارِكَ المُتَوالي

58. To surpass the successor; the predecessor's merit.
For this we forget with Mahmoud's deeds

٥٨. حَجَبوا حاجِباً إِذا عُدِّدَ الفَخ
رُ وَلَم يُطلِقوا عِقالَ عِقالِ

59. The glories of victory and riches of spoils.
You are their most helpful when the world is arid,

٥٩. مَنَعَ الناسَ أَن يَروموا مَداكُم
فَرطُ حُبِّ النُفوسِ وَالأَموالِ

60. And their guide to the roads of glory.
The predecessors fell short of its extent,

٦٠. وَاِكتَفى مُحدَثٌ بِذِكرِ قَديمٍ
راضِياً بِالمَلابِسِ الأَسمالِ

61. And you possessed it through six traits.
Honors with apology, pardon with power,

٦١. فَإِذا طولِبوا بِما يوجِبُ الحَم
دَ أَحالوا عَلى العِظامِ البَوالي

62. And chastity in beauty.
And truly you were peerless in them,

٦٢. وَاِمتَنَعتُم مِن أَن يُباحَ لَكُم جا
رٌ بِبيضِ الظُبى وَسُمرِ العَوالي

63. Yet you reached them without an equal.
A morsel you won without proof,

٦٣. كَاِمتِناعِ النُجومِ في حَيثُ حَلَّت
لا اِمتِناعِ اللُيوثِ في الأَغيالِ

64. Obscure in meaning, narrow in scope.
Taking with your right what your right necessitated,

٦٤. وَهَمى جودُكُم جُزافاً إِلى أَن
زالَ حُكمُ الميزانِ وَالمِكيالِ

65. The right, sister of the left.
I have not recalled homelands since my eyelid

٦٥. وَقَديماً عُرِفتُمُ مُذ مَلَكتُم
أَن يَفوقَ المَتلُوَّ فَضلُ التالي

66. Rested in the majesty of these realms.
With a side whose humiliation of wealth

٦٦. وَلِهَذا نَنسى بِأَفعالِ مَحمو
دٍ مَعالي نَصرٍ وَمَجدَ ثِمالِ

67. Expressed the attainment of hopes.
And whenever I said you are some of the nobles of the time,

٦٧. أَنتَ أَنداهُمُ إِذا أَجدَبَ العا
مُ وَأَهداهُمُ لِطُرقِ المَعالي

68. I aimed with certainty at the impossibles.
If the daughters of vigor galloped,

٦٨. قَصَّرَ السابِقونَ دونَ مَداها
وَتَمَلَّكتَها بِسِتِّ خِصالِ

69. They do not race with the daughters of the knight.
How you outstripped wishes with a right inclination,

٦٩. مَكرُماتٌ مَعَ اِعتِذارٍ وَعَفوٌ
بِاِقتِدارٍ وَعِفَّةٌ في جَمالِ

70. With abundant spontaneity.
They outweighed all cheapness with glory,

٧٠. وَبِحَقٍّ أَن ظَلتَ فيها بِلا مِث
لٍ وَقَد سُدتَها بِغَيرِ مِثالِ

71. And were exalted, so made all expensive cheap.
Whenever the promises of lightning lagged,

٧١. لَقَمٌ جُبتَهُ بِغَيرِ دَليلٍ
وَهوَ خافي المَجازِ ضَنكُ المَجالِ

72. It lagged behind every pouring cloud.
Honors, when attributes sculpted them,

٧٢. آخِذٌ بِاليَمينِ ما أَوجَبَتهُ
لَكَ قَبلُ اليَمينُ أُختُ الشِمالِ

73. The arrows of hyperbole fell short of them.
Had I exaggerated beyond them, I would be

٧٣. ما ذَكَرتُ الأَوطانَ مُذ ظَلَّ طَرفي
راتِعاً في جَلالِ هَذي الخِلالِ

74. Considered to be upon impossible impossibles.
Who distinguished between encirclements and shackles

٧٤. بِجَنابٍ إِذالَةُ المالِ فيهِ
أَعرَبَت عَن إِنالَةِ الآمالِ

75. Did not desire them from other than you.
You remain in what your hands encompassed and contain,

٧٥. وَمَتى قُلتُ أَنتَ بَعضُ كِرامِ ال
عَصرِ قِستُ الأَتِيَّ بِالأَوشالِ

76. Safe from change or decline.
Indeed, the month of fasting revealed something

٧٦. وَبَناتُ الجَديلِ إِن عَنَّ رَكضٌ
لا تُجاري بَناتِ ذي العُقّالِ

77. We never witnessed in past eras.
The Night of Power was especially in it

٧٧. كَم سَبَقتَ المُنى بِصَوبِ يَمينٍ
في العَطايا كَثيرَةِ الإِرتِجالِ

78. Created for worshipers and the righteous.
And it came to us this season in general,

٧٨. هِيَ أَغلَت بِالعِزِّ كُلَّ رَخيصٍ
وَاِستَهَلَّت فَأَرخَصَت كُلَّ غالِ

79. Before its time by seven nights.
So we thanked Him, and gratitude was not lacking,

٧٩. كُلَّما أَخلَفَت مَواعيدُ بَرقٍ
خَلَفَت كُلَّ وابِلٍ هَطّالِ

80. A crescent that gave way to Shawwal.
And a crescent indeed won praise,

٨٠. مَكرُماتٌ إِذا الصِفاتُ نَحَتها
وَقَعَت دونَها سِهامُ المُغالي

81. It gave tidings to the full moon with a crescent.
News the ears of your enemies never comprehended,

٨١. لَو تَعَدَّيتُها فُواقاً إِذاً عُد
تُ بِظَنٍّ عَلى مُحالٍ مُحالِ

82. Until it choked them with mortification,
Fearing your struggle, and to the lions

٨٢. ما بَغاها مِن عِندِ غَيرِكَ مَن يَف
رُقُ بَينَ الأَطواقِ وَالأَغلالِ

83. The cubs' feet stumble with terror.
So it made both Eids auspicious with prosperity,

٨٣. دُمتَ فيما حَوَت يَداكَ وَتَحوي
آمِناً مِن تَغَيُّرٍ أَو زَوالِ

84. An inhabitant and assailant alike.
Your good deeds outdid my words, so they came after them,

٨٤. إِنَّ شَهرَ الصِيامِ أَظهَرَ أَمراً
ما عَهِدناهُ في العُصورِ الخَوالي

85. Overburdened by your favors, so forgive their slackness.
Then do not blame them if they are lost

٨٥. لَيلَةُ القَدرِ فيهِ كانَت خُصوصاً
خُلِقَت لِلعُبّادِ وَالأَبدالِ

86. Among your lofty, copious favors.
My gratitude is continuous and my loyalty proven,

٨٦. وَأَتَتنا في ذا الأَوانِ عُموماً
قَبلَ ميقاتِها بِسَبعِ لَيالي

87. So accept the excuse of the loyal loyal one.
And lighten me if I fall short, though

٨٧. فَشَكَرنا لَهُ وَلَم يَعدَمِ الشُك
رَ هِلالٌ أَفضى إِلى شَوّالِ

88. The stumbling of speech is no stumbling.
Although I have not slighted your kingdom with

٨٨. وَلَقَد فازَ بِالثَناءِ هِلالٌ
بَشَّرَ البِدرَ قَبلَهُ بِهِلالِ

89. Verses that remain like the nights.
Wild cattle went astray when they sought them,

٨٩. خَبَرٌ ما وَعَتهُ أَسماعُ أَعدا
ئِكَ حَتّى أَغَصَّهُم بِالزُلالِ

90. And the crescent gleaned not a crescent from their sea.

٩٠. رَهبَةً مِن نِضالِهِ وَإِلى الآ
سادِ قِدماً تَنَجُّلُ الأَشبالِ

٩١. فَتَهَنَّ العيدَينِ بِاليُمنِ زارا
مِن مُقيمٍ وَظاعِنٍ في الحالِ

٩٢. سَبَقَت بِالجَميلِ أَفعالُكَ الغُر
رُ فَجاءَت وَراءَها أَقوالي

٩٣. أَثقَلَتها أَعباءُ نُعماكَ فَاِبسُط
عُذرَها إِن أَتَتكَ غَيرَ عِجالِ

٩٤. ثُمَّ لا تَلحَها إِذا هِيَ ضَلَّت
بَينَ آلائِكَ العِراضِ الطِوالِ

٩٥. قَد تَوالى شُكري وَصَحَّ وَلائي
فَتَقَبَّل عُذرَ المُوالي المُوالي

٩٦. وَأَقِلني إِذا عَجَزتُ وَإِن كا
نَ عِثارُ المَقالِ غَيرَ مُقالِ

٩٧. مَعَ أَنّي لَم أُخلِ مُلكَكَ مِن نَظ
مِ لَآلٍ تَبقى بَقاءَ اللَيالي

٩٨. ضَلَّ غَيلانُ إِذ بَغاها فَلَم يَح
ظَ بِلالٌ مِن بَحرِها بِبِلالِ