1. Ask time about your virtues, so it may inform
Of glory matching yours, seen by none before
١. سَل عَن فَضائِلِكَ الزَمانَ لِتُخبَرا
فَنَظيرُ مَجدِكَ ما رَآهُ وَلا يَرا
2. Or if not, then claim the noble rank yourself
That left all mankind confounded, with none to refute
٢. أَو لا فَدَعهُ وَاِدَّعِ الشَرَفَ الَّذي
أَعيا الأَنامَ فَلَستَ تَلقى مُنكِرا
3. Your right needed no witness to uphold it
It banished all doubt and prevailed outright
٣. ما اِحتاجَ يَوماً أَن يُقامَ بِشاهِدٍ
حَقٌّ أَزالَ الشَكَّ وَاِجتاحَ المِرا
4. You've gathered such traits as none other collected
Renowned, that none ever heard or interpreted
٤. وَلَقَد جَمَعتَ مَناقِباً ما اِستَجمَعَت
مَشهورَةً ما اِستَعجَمَت فَتُفَسَّرا
5. You won hearts' desires with your bounties
Blanketing all, making gratitude the easiest
٥. وَمَلَكتَ أَهواءَ النُفوسِ بِأَنعُمٍ
عَمَّت فَأَيسَرُ حَقِّها أَن تُشكَرا
6. Favor glistening on brows inscribed
And passion ruling hearts, keeping them captive
٦. مَنٌّ يَلوحُ عَلى الجِباهِ مُسَطَّرا
وَهَوىً يَظَلُّ عَلى القُلوبِ مُسَيطِرا
7. Had the times not installed you as their leader
Powers would have weakened and reins grown slack
٧. لَو لَم تُمَلِّككَ الأُمورُ قِيادَها
ضَعُفَت قُوىً مِمّا عَرا وَوَهَت عُرى
8. So seek perfection, for you are the firmest
In bearing adversity and quickest at resolving
٨. فَطُلِ الكِرامَ فَأَنتَ أَثبَتُهُم قَرا
في حَملِ نائِبَةٍ وَأَعجَلُهُم قِرى
9. You kept vigil guarding realms, and it is glory
That you stay wakeful while others sleep
٩. لَسَهِرتَ في حِفظِ الذِمارِ وَإِنَّهُ
مَجدٌ لَدُنَّكَ أَن يَنامَ وَتَسهَرا
10. Since your deterrence, peace is like war
Your valor's firmness and calm like raging ahead
١٠. فَالسِلمُ مِثلُ الحَربِ مُنذُ تُخُوِّفَت
وَثَباتُ بَأسِكَ وَالإِقامَةُ كَالسُرى
11. None expected this nor fancied it before
You made it perceptible and clear to all
١١. ما كانَ هَذا الأَمرُ مَظنوناً وَلا
مُتَوَهَّماً فَجَعَلتَهُ مُستَشعَرا
12. Your grandsire surpassed your uncle's glory
Though lions cowered before your uncle's might
١٢. قَد فاقَ جَدُّكَ جَدَّ عَمِّكَ وَهوَ مَن
ذَلَّت لِسَطوَةِ عِزِّهِ أُسدُ الشَرى
13. If that grandsire subjugated Tubba' in fright
Then that uncle terrified Caesar in his palace
١٣. إِن كانَ هَذا الجَدُّ أَردى تُبَّعاً
خَوفاً وَذاكَ الجِدُّ رَوَّعَ قَيصَرا
14. So pride yourself, a sheathed sword partitioning
The enemy's pinnacles, a dozing lion pouncing
١٤. فَاِفخَر فَأَنتَ السَيفُ يَفري مُغمَدا
قِمَمَ العِدى وَاللَيثُ يَفرِسُ مُخدِرا
15. You unsheathed your judgment while swords stayed sheathed
It sufficed them to be brandished, nothing more
١٥. جَرَّدتَ رَأيَكَ وَالسُيوفُ مُقَرَّةٌ
بِغُمودِها فَكَفَيتَها أَن تُشهَرا
16. Had chaos flared up, your alliance would suffice
To foil the tyrants' schemes, as you had devised
١٦. وَلَوِ الوَغى شُبَّت كَفَيتَ مُصالِتاً
كَيدَ الطُغاةِ كَما كَفَيتَ مُدَبِّرا
17. Why not prevail, you rare jewel of a dynasty
Whose prominent stars have deemed unconquerable
١٧. لِمَ لا تَعِزُّ وَأَنتَ غُرَّةُ أُسرَةٍ
ضَمِنَت لَها النَخَواتُ أَلّا تُقهَرا
18. Your name has come to substitute for your spear
And it suffices to horrify the foe when named
١٨. قَد أَصبَحَ اِسمُكَ عَن قِراعِكَ نائِباً
وَكَفى العَدُوَّ مُرَوِّعاً أَن تُذكَرا
19. You are a treasure for the splendid state
Outshining all, deserving to be treasured
١٩. لِلدَولَةِ الغَرّاءِ مِنكَ ذَخيرَةٌ
جَلَّت فَحُقَّ لِمِثلِها أَن يُذخَرا
20. O sword of its past and champion, take pride
In your lofty position over all mankind
٢٠. يا سَيفَها الماضي وَناصِرَها اِفتَخِر
بِمَكانِكَ الأَعلى عَلى كُلِّ الوَرى
21. Since testing your loyalty, the caliphs
Entitled you to the highest noble rank
٢١. إِنَّ الخَلائِفَ مُذ بَلَوكَ نَصاحَةً
جَعَلوا لَكَ الشَرَفَ الرَفيعَ مُقَرَّرا
22. The just ruler enjoined this to his son
And the triumphant al-Mansur advised likewise
٢٢. وَصّى بِذاكَ الحاكِمُ العَدلُ اِبنَهُ
قِدماً وَأَوصى الظاهِرُ المُستَنصِرا
23. Disdaining one who braves danger arrogantly
Yet when generous, conceals it in modesty
٢٣. ضَنّاً بِمَن يَغشى الوَغى مُتَبَرِّجاً
غِرّاً وإِن وَهَبَ الجَزيلَ تَسَتَّرا
24. Sheer gallantry his deeds were wrought from
And sheer brilliance shaped his composition
٢٤. مَحضُ الإِباءِ مِنَ النَزاهَةِ كُوِّنَت
أَفعالُهُ وَمِنَ النَباهَةِ صُوِّرا
25. A heart aloof from the dubious and profane
Refusing excess, however plentiful
٢٥. قَلبٌ لَها بِالنُسكِ عَن ذِكرِ الخَنا
وَلُهىً أُبَت لِلوَفرِ أَن تَتَوَفَّرا
26. Had praise not squandered gold, or been merchandise
O son of the lofty, their deeds proclaimed
٢٦. لَو لَم يَفِض ذَهَبَ الثَناءُ إِضاعَةً
أَو لا فَكانَ بِضاعَةً لا تُشتَرى
27. None deserves this glory but you and your like
Whenever disaster darkened the horizon
٢٧. يا اِبنَ الأُلى قالَت لَهُم أَفعالُهُم
لا يَستَحِقُّ سِواكُمُ أَن يَفخَرا
28. The feeble of tongue and arm withered
Unable to defeat the foe until broken
٢٨. العارِضينَ إِذا الكَريهَةُ عارَضَت
فَوقَ المَعارِفِ كُلَّ لَدنٍ أَسمَرا
29. They were repelled by armor in tatters
That refused to be shattered by their strikes
٢٩. بَينَ الأَسِنَّةِ وَالأَعِنَّةِ ذُبَّلٌ
لا تَكسِرُ الأَعداءَ حَتّى تُكسَرا
30. It matters not who you've determined to confront
Dawn finds you resolving by your will, appearing and vanishing at will
٣٠. وَرَدوا بِهِنَّ مِنَ الدُروعِ غَدائِراً
يَأبى تَحَطُّمُها بِها أَن تَصدُرا
31. No land has our Creator favored with your presence
Except it attained the greatest prosperity
٣١. ما ضَرَّ مَن أَصبَحتَ تَكلَأُ شامَهُ
بِمِضاءِ عَزمِكَ أَن يَغيبَ وَتَحضُرا
32. You were in Alexandria once before
And showed it your justice, becoming its Alexander
٣٢. ما خَصَّ خالِقُنا بِقُربِكَ بَلدَةً
إِلّا أَتاحَ لَها الصَلاحَ الأَكبَرا
33. The enemy vainly tries to extinguish your fire
But this only kindles the blaze, making it roar
٣٣. قَد كُنتَ بِالإِسكَندَرِيَّةِ مَرَّةً
فَأَرَيتَها مِن عَدلِكَ الإِسكَندَرا
34. Precede the princes, with none to rival you
Behind your glory all others' luster pales
٣٤. يَبغي العِدى إِطفاءَ نارِكَ ضِلَّةً
فَيَزيدُها هَذا الفَعالُ تَسَعُّرا
35. If they strive to match your endeavor, they fail
Let them emulate your composure and dignity
٣٥. فَتَقَدَّمِ الأُمرَاءَ غَيرَ مُنازَعِ
فَوَراءَ زِندِكَ كُلُّ زَندٍ قَد وَرى
36. Between your glory and theirs lies an expanse
Like that separating Sirius from the earth
٣٦. إِن حاوَلوا إِدراكَ سَعيِكَ خُيِّبوا
فَليُشبِهوكَ تَصَوُّناً وَتَصَوُّرا
37. You've become matchless, though had they persisted
Competing for your praise, it would flow forever
٣٧. ما بَينَ مَجدِكَ وَالمُحاوِلِ نَيلَهُ
إِلّا كَما بَينَ الثُرَيّا وَالثَرى
38. As for fasting, you fulfilled its obligation
With a conviction from which you never wavered
٣٨. أَصبَحتَ مُنقَطِعَ القَرينِ فَلَو جَرى
وَهُمُ المُنافِسِ في مَداكَ تَقَطَّرا
39. For one esteemed by you, it sufficed with thanks
And was independent in thanking your favor
٣٩. أَمّا الصِيامُ فَقَد قَضَيتَ فُروضَهُ
بِقَضِيَّةٍ ما حُلتَ عَنها مُفطِرا
40. A month whose blessings proliferated, so it
Donned a gift never to be dispelled
٤٠. لَمّا أَقامَ لَدَيكَ حَلَّ مُوَقَّرا
وَقَدِ اِستَقَلَّ بِشُكرِ صُنعِكَ موقَرا
41. A month in which the Book was revealed, giving us
The Book, informing us of what pleases you
٤١. شَهرٌ نَمَت بَرَكاتُهُ فَتَهَنَّهُ
حَتّى لَقَلَّدَ مِنَّةً لَن تُكفَرا
42. News preceded by its fragrance to us
That the herald arrived like news revisited
٤٢. شَهرٌ بِهِ نَزَلَ الكِتابُ وَجاءَنا
فيهِ الكِتابُ بِما يَسُرُّكَ مُخبِرا
43. Its scent greeted you before the herald
As though when it came, it came repeated
٤٣. خَبَرٌ تَقَدَّمَهُ إِلَينا عَرفُهُ
حَتّى أَتى قَبلَ البَشيرِ مُبَشِّرا
44. Had its seal not poured out freely
Its scent's downpour would have sufficed for its proclamation
٤٤. حَيّاكَ قَبلَ قُدومِهِ بِنَسيمِهِ
فَكَأَنَّهُ إِذ جاءَ جاءَ مُكَرَّرا
45. With its advent, the bliss of wishes arrived
And through it perspectives and minds reconciled
٤٥. لَو لَم يُفَضَّ عَنِ الكِتابِ خِتامُهُ
أَغناهُ طَيِّبُ نَشرِهِ أَن يُنشَرا
46. Always prepared when his trusted ones are counted
None but the sincerest selected for him
٤٦. قَدِمَت بِمَقدَمِهِ سَعاداتُ المُنى
وَبِهِ تَسالَمَتِ النَواظِرُ وَالكَرى
47. From the crown of leadership he chose one in whom
Surpassed all leaders in thought and discretion
٤٧. أَبَداً مَعَدٌّ عِندَ عَدِّ ثِقاتِهِ ال
مُستَخلِصينَ لَهُ أَعَدَّ الخِنصَرا
48. When the pride of kingship turned from him
He remained the kingdom's pillar of triumph
٤٨. وَاِختارَ مِن تاجِ الرِياسَةِ مَن بِهِ
فاقَ الأَئِمَّةَ فِكرَةً وَتَخَيُّرا
49. Since donning his name, authority has flourished
Humiliating some in his shade, elevating others
٤٩. مَن نابَ فَخرُ المُلكِ عَنهُ فَلَم يَزَل
لِلمُلكِ بِالأَمرِ العَظيمِ مُظَفَّرا
50. It yielded the delectable, gentle fruit
To the optimistic, not the arrogant bully
٥٠. إِنَّ الوَزارَةَ مُذ تَحَلَّت بِاِسمِهِ
عَزَّت ذَرىً في ظِلِّهِ وَعَلَت ذُرى
51. Thanks for what time and our advocate performed
Had he reversed them, or at least deferred them
٥١. أَفضى إِلى المُتَهَلِّلِ العَذبِ الجَنى
ما فارَقَ المُتَجَبِّرَ المُتَكَبِّرا
52. So delight in a feast succeeding the news
Whose fulfilling nights conveyed it to pass
٥٢. شُكراً لِما فَعَلَ الزَمانُ وَمَن لَنا
لَو كانَ قَدَّمَ مُجمِلاً ما أَخَّرا
53. And the life of my father Abu Ali has elapsed
He was a branch that bent, telling of frailty
٥٣. فَاِسعَد بِعيدٍ يَتبَعُ النَبَأَ الَّذي
أَطرا لَنا فِعلَ اللَيالي إِذ طَرا
54. He aspired to your rank, even rose to it
Striving to match your achievements, and raced to them
٥٤. وَتَمَلَّ عُمرَ أَبي عَلِيٍّ إِنَّهُ
فَرعٌ أَنافَ فَجاءَ يَحكي العُنصُرا
55. He sought beauty, surpassing the best and most eloquent
And grasped perfection, exceeding the most graceful
٥٥. قَد هَمَّ أَن يَرقى مَحَلَّكَ بَل رَقا
وَسَعى لِيُحرِزَ مَأثُراتِكَ بَل جَرى
56. His resolves surpassed, yet understandably
It befits the son of al-Ghadanfar to be like al-Ghadanfar
٥٦. هَوِيَ الجَميلَ فَفاقَ مِثلَكَ مَخبَراً
وَحَوى الجَمالَ فَراقَ مِثلَكَ مَنظَرا
57. Let him catch up to al-Numan in his sultanate
Rather, surpass him, for you exceeded al-Mundhir
٥٧. وَمَضَت عَزائِمُهُ وَلَيسَ بِمُنكَرٍ
لِاِبنِ الغَضَنفَرِ أَن يَكونَ غَضَنفَرا
58. You paved for me the path of riches though before
I had not found it rugged
٥٨. فَليَلحَقِ النُعمانَ في سُلطانِهِ
بَل فَليَطُلهُ فَقَد عَلَوتَ المُنذِرا
59. But you attained, and my state blossomed
Watering it with your munificence until it bore fruit
٥٩. سَهَّلتَ لي نَهجَ الغِنى مَعَ أَنَّني
لَم أَلقَهُ فيما مَضى مُتَوَعِّرا
60. A generosity that fulfilled hopes instantly
Neither enumerated nor confined
٦٠. لَكِن أَنَلتَ وَدَوحُ حالي مُزهِرٌ
فَسَقَيتَهُ بِنَداكَ حَتّى أَثمَرا
61. If lawful wine pleased you, I will keep circling
Goblets of praise to intoxicate you
٦١. جودٌ كَفى الآمالَ أَوَّلَ وَهلَةٍ
ما كانَ مُستَقصىً وَلا مُستَقصَرا
62. A drunkenness that if Abu Nuwas once tasted
Would make him forget the old wines of 'Uqbari
٦٢. إِن راقَكَ السُكرُ الحَلالُ فَإِنَّني
سَأُديرُ كاساتِ الثَناءِ لِتَسكَرا
63. From my sea of thought pearls are obtained
That exhausted all peers who contemplated
٦٣. سُكراً لَوَ اِنَّ أَبا نُواسٍ ذاقَهُ
يَوماً لَأَنساهُ سُلافَةَ عُكبَرا
64. So I will string necklaces for that sublime one
Containing these captive words
٦٤. مِن بَحرِ فِكري تُقتَنى الدُرَرُ الَتي
أَعيَت نَظائِرُها عَلى مَن فَكَّرا
65. They appear to beholders as gems
And their fragrance seems like ambergris
٦٥. فَلَأَنظِمَنَّ لِذا العَلاءِ قَلائِداً
مُتَضَمِّناتٍ ذا الكَلامَ الأَسيَرا
66. My hopes and gains thrived through you
And I became abundant in wealth and pride
٦٦. تَبدو لِرائيها فَتُحسَبُ جَوهَرا
وَتَفوحُ رَيّاها فَتُحسَبُ عَنبَرا
67. Forsaking the times' riches, frequenting
This noble one, and rightfully forsaking them
٦٧. شَرُفَت لَدَيكَ مَطالِبي وَمَكاسِبي
فَغَدَوتُ مِن وَفرٍ وَفَخرٍ مُكثِرا
68. Had I sought your equal there, I would miss it
Or sought your like, finding it would be impossible
٦٨. وَهَجَرتُ أَملاكَ الزَمانِ مُواصِلاً
هَذا الجَنابَ وَحُقَّ لي أَن أَهجُرا
69. Dispute the seas with your tranquility, for it is
An ocean containing your boundless seas
٦٩. لَو رُمتُ نَيلَكَ عِندَهُم لَعَدِمتُهُ
أَو رُمتُ مِثلَكَ فيهِمُ لَتَعَذَّرا
70. And submit to the good you elevated a beacon for
That proliferated in your land once you suppressed evil
٧٠. ساجِل بِراحَتِكَ البِحارَ فَإِنَّها
بَحرٌ تَضَمَّنَ مِن بَنانِكَ أَبحُرا
71. And pride yourself on being the source of those traditions
Whose circulation left the times forever fragrant
٧١. وَاِسلَم لِمَعروفٍ رَفَعتَ مَنارَهُ
فَفَشا بِأَرضِكَ مُذ قَمَعتَ المُنكَرا
72. I gained through you, though I had not traversed it before
A rugged path of wealth you made smooth
٧٢. وَاِبجَح بِأَنَّكَ ذو الأَحاديثِ الَّتي
ظَلَّ الزَمانُ بِنَشرِها مُتَعَطِّرا