
O one who found the dew burdening,

يا غابرا وجد الندى

1. O one who found the dew burdening,
And no longer hope for his return,

١. يا غابِراً وَجَدَ النَدى
قَيداً فَما أَرجو قُفولَه

2. If you are vexed with me,
Your cleverest schemes cannot avail.

٢. إِن كُنتَ مِنّي في بُلو
غِكَ ما أَرَدتَ أَدَقَّ حيلَه

3. Neither was your view ever right,
Nor was your affection ever true.

٣. لا كانَ رَأيُكَ ذا الصَحي
حُ وَلا مَوَدَّتُكَ العَليلَه

4. So when you wanted an ally
Against success, then be his messenger.

٤. فَمَتى أَرَدتَ بِصاحِبٍ
ضِدَّ النَجاحِ فَكُن رَسولَه

5. And when you sought to lead him astray
One day, then be also his guide.

٥. وَمَتى بَغَيتَ ضَلالَهُ
يَوماً فَكُن أَيضاً دَليلَه

6. You would have desisted from your aim
As the abject desists from the sublime.

٦. لَصَدَدتَ عَمّا رُمتُهُ
صَدَّ الذَليلِ عَنِ الحَليلَه

7. Yet you ask of me the impossible
From among matters most difficult.

٧. وَتَطَلُّبي مِنكَ المَنا
بَ مِنَ الأُمورِ المُستَحيلَه

8. And I reckon he was searching
The words of Dimna or Kalila.

٨. وَأَظُنُّهُ مُستَنبِطاً
مَن قَولِ دِمنَةَ أَو كَليلَه

9. It is a tale you expressed in it
Your miserly nature so mean.

٩. هِيَ قِصَّةٌ أَعرَبتَ في
ها عَن سَجِيَّتِكَ البَخيلَه

10. You have indeed descended to the abode
Of every impending doom.

١٠. وَلَقَد نَزَلتَ بِحَضرَةٍ
مِن كُلِّ نائِبَةٍ مُزيلَه

11. I yearn her favors, but procrastination
Deprives me of the way to it.

١١. يَشتاقُني إِنعامُها
وَالمَطلُ يَمنَعُني سَبيلَه

12. If the procrastinator angers
The time, she pleases her successor.

١٢. إِن أَغضَبَت ذا الدينِ ما
طِلَةً فَقَد أَرضَت وَكيلَه

13. So you wrote mentioning what
I forgot of her copious boons.

١٣. فَكَتَبتَ تَذكُرُ ما أَنا
لَت مِن مَواهِبِها الجَزيلَه

14. Thus did your letter bear witness to you
In writing and virtue.

١٤. فَأَتى كِتابُكَ شاهِداً
لَكَ في الكِتابَةِ وَالفَضيلَه

15. Were it not for your concise
Expression of your beautiful visit.

١٥. لَولا عِبارَتُكَ القَبي
حَةُ عَن زِيارَتِكَ الجَميلَه

16. I would have undertaken it in a state
That makes the intimate forget his beloved.

١٦. يَمَّمتُها في حالَةٍ
يَنسى الخَليلُ بِها خَليلَه

17. And I fled from the harshness of destitution
To comfort and ease.

١٧. وَهَرَبتُ مِن شَظَفِ المَعا
شِ إِلى التَنَعُّمِ وَالرَبيلَه

18. Whoever lodged in that side,
Ask not about the base life.

١٨. مَن حَلَّ في ذاكَ الجَنا
بِ سَلا عَنِ الدِمَنِ المُحيلَه

19. And enough pride is a stand
Whose splendor refuses decline.

١٩. وَكَفاكَ فَخراً مَوقِفٌ
تَأبى نَباهَتُهُ خُمولَه

20. And praising one who loved praise
Until he attained his hopes.

٢٠. وَمَديحُ مَن عَشِقَ الثَنا
ءَ فَأَدرَكَ الراجيهِ سولَه

21. With the wonders of poetry which
The ears are fortunate to hear.

٢١. بِغَرائِبِ الشِعرِ الَذي
حَظُّ المَسامِعِ أَن تَطولَه

22. Poverty befell Abu Ubadah
Beyond which are its stories and tales.

٢٢. فِقَرٌ يَحُلُّ أَبو عُبا
دَةَ دونَها وَتَفوقُ قيلَه

23. I became discarded in the bare wilderness
While you enjoy the thickets.

٢٣. أَصبَحتُ أُنبَذُ بِالعَرا
ءِ وَأَنتَ تَرتَعُ في الخَميلَه

24. If the pouring rain enriches you
Then I hope for its floods.

٢٤. إِن جادَكَ الغَيثُ الهَطو
لُ فَإِنَّني راجٍ سُيولَه

25. May the generous Abu Al-Hasan ransom me
For I did not find among them a peer.

٢٥. يَفدي أَبا الحَسَنِ الكِرا
مُ فَلَم أَجِد فيهِم عَديلَه

26. I call them in a year of estrangement
And the best of tribes host them.

٢٦. أَنداهُمُ في عامِ مَس
غَبَةٍ وَأَكرَمُهُم قَبيلَه

27. Favors that become burdensome to the recipient
And yet if carried are precious.

٢٧. مِنَنٌ تَخِفُّ إِلى المَحا
مِدِ وَهيَ إِن حُمِلَت ثَقيلَه

28. A cloud for seekers of gifts
Except me, truthfully promising.

٢٨. وَسَحابَةٌ لِلطالِبي
نَ سِوايَ صادِقَةُ المَخيلَه

29. And if it dispensed in justice
I would be the strongest asking it.

٢٩. وَلَوَ اِنَّها بِالعَدلِ تَق
ضي كُنتُ أَقواهُم وَسيلَه