1. You slept away from your anxious heart's yearning
Then you commanded relaxation though it was intolerable
١. أَرَقَدتَ عَن قَلِقِ الفُؤادِ مَشوقِهِ
فَأَمَرتَ بِالسُلوانِ غَيرَ مُطيقِهِ
2. Do not blame the one whom you wearied
In every graceful, well-proportioned form
٢. لا تُتعِبِ اللَومَ الَّذي أَنضَيتَهُ
في كُلِّ مُعتَدِلِ القَوامِ رَشيقِهِ
3. The staff tells of the time the dawn passed by it
Its movements and his extending it with its knob
٣. يَحكي القَضيبَ إِدا الصَبا مَرَّت بِهِ
حَرَكاتُهُ وَيَطولُهُ بِبُسوقِهِ
4. And the one girded who sings to the boon companion with his face
About his brimming cup and his ewer
٤. وَمُمَنطَقٍ يُغني النَديمَ بِوَجهِهِ
عَن كَأسِهِ المَلأى وَعَن إِبريقِهِ
5. The acts of wine, its color and taste
In his eyelids, cheeks, and saliva
٥. فِعلُ المُدامِ وَلَونُها وَمذاقُها
في مُقلَتَيهِ وَوَجنَتَيهِ وَريقِهِ
6. And my soul is imprinted though it flowed
In the doctrine of turning away at the time of its rising
٦. وَبِنَفسِيَ الطَيفُ المُلِمُّ وَإِن جَرى
في مَذهَبِ الإِعراضِ عِندَ طُروقِهِ
7. So his coming near is like his distance, and his union
Is not frank estrangement, and his loyalty is like his disavowal
٧. فَدُنُوُّهُ كَبِعادِهِ وَوِصالُهُ ال
هَجرُ الصَريحُ وَبِرُّهُ كَعُقوقِهِ
8. I will always show him falseness in my intimacy
And confide in him - oh would that I could prove it!
٨. أَبَداً أُريهِ باطِلاً مِن سَلوَتي
وَأَبُثُّهُ وَلَهي عَلى تَحقيقِهِ
9. Passion like that of Abu Muzaffar for the dew
Everyone who yearns for his beloved
٩. وَجدٌ كَوَجدِ أَبي المُظَفَّرِ بِالنَدى
كُلُّ اِمرِئٍ يَصبو إِلى مَعشوقِهِ
10. You have trodden the path of praise with excellence
You originated it and turned from the trodden path
١٠. لَطَرَقتَ في كَسبِ الثَناءِ مَحَجَّةً
أَبدَعتَها وَعَدَلتَ عَن مَطروقِهِ
11. And you appeared in this kingdom with an exemplary lifestyle
With which hope leads to its verification
١١. وَظَهَرتَ في ذا المُلكِ مَظهَرَ سيرَةٍ
أَفضى الرَجاءُ بِها إِلى تَصديقِهِ
12. Like the setting of the sun, its light was completed
Not like the dawn before its rising
١٢. مِثلَ اِنتِهاءِ الشَمسِ تَمَّ ضِياؤُها
لا كَاِبتِداءِ الصُبحِ قَبلَ شُروقِهِ
13. Fortunate is he who divides his life
Between its morning and evening
١٣. حازَ السَعادَةَ مَن يُقَسِّمُ عَيشَهُ
قِسمَينِ بَينَ صَبوحِهِ وَغَبوقِهِ
14. Wait, you have transcended glory since you embraced it
And distinguished between its lies and its truths
١٤. مَهلاً فَضَلتَ المَجدَ مُنذُ حَوَيتَهُ
وَفَصَلتَ بَينَ كَذوبِهِ وَصَدوقِهِ
15. Not for its attainer over its pursuer
But for its Creator over its created
١٥. لا فَضلَ نائِلِهِ عَلى مُرتادِهِ
بَل فَضلَ خالِقِهِ عَلى مَخلوقِهِ
16. So what you have striven for is far from what is near
And but for you what is near is like what is far
١٦. فَبَعيدُ ما قَد رُمتَهُ كَقَريبِهِ
وَعَلى سِواكَ قَريبُهُ كَسَحيقِهِ
17. So let wealth be asked, which the people
Became immersed in amassing and you were immersed in distributing
١٧. فَليَسأَلِ المالُ الَّذي لَجَّ الوَرى
في جَمعِهِ وَلَجَجتَ في تَفريقِهِ
18. And let the horses that faded at dawn
With stabbing be asked about the abundance and scarcity of trickery
١٨. وَلِتَسأَلِ الخَيلُ الَّتي خيدَت ضُحىً
بِالطَعنِ عَن سَعَةِ المَكَرِّ وَضيقِهِ
19. About whom protected their heels stingily
Not whom asked about their freedom and driving
١٩. عَمَّن حَمى أَعقابَها ضَنّاً بِها
لا مَن سَلا عَن سَرحِهِ وَوُسوقِهِ
20. O supporter of the Hanifi religion with determination
That was proven true so falsehood yielded with its defeat
٢٠. يا ناصِرَ الدينِ الحَنيفِ بِعَزمَةٍ
صَدَقَت فَأَذعَنَ باطِلٌ بِزُهوقِهِ
21. The shameless will only be safeguarded by a swordsman
Who has unsheathed blades to obtain rights
٢١. لَن يَأمَنَ اللَيّانَ إِلّا صارِمٌ
سَلَّ الصَوارِمَ لِاِقتِضاءِ حُقوقِهِ
22. So let those seeking protection take refuge in Manbij
With blood still exposed to being shed
٢٢. فَليَحقِنِ المُستَعصِمونَ بِمَنبِجٍ
باقي دَمٍ مُتَعَرِّضٍ لِمُروقِهِ
23. For you have cast at them one who overwhelms disorder
Who sees parting with the soul unlike parting with his comrade
٢٣. فَلَقَد رَمَيتَهُمُ بِمَن يَغشى الوَغى
فَيَرى فِراقَ النَفسِ دونَ فَريقِهِ
24. One who bends from the blood of oppressors ragged
Like a bride smeared with her bracelets
٢٤. أَو يَنثَني بِدَمِ الكُماةِ مُخَلَّقاً
مِثلَ العَروسِ مُضَمَّخاً بِخَلوقِهِ
25. And ferocious, who goes looking for combat when
A brother appeals and delays supporting his brother
٢٥. وَمُهَنَّدٍ يَمضي غِراراهُ إِذا
كَلَّ الشَقيقُ وَمَلَّ نَصرَ شَقيقِهِ
26. And a warrior who returns to fighting as if
He is called to his opinion and tribe
٢٦. وَمُطَهَّمٍ يَرِدُ النِزالَ كَأَنَّما
يُدعى إِلىآرِيِّهِ وَعَليقِهِ
27. Why is their governor justifying himself
At times and announcing his patience for its position?
٢٧. ما بالُ واليهِم يُعَلِّلُ نَفسَهُ
حيناً وَيُخبِرُ صَبرَهُ عَن موقِهِ
28. Exposing himself to the combat of one superior to him
Ignorantly, with an arrow already shot from above him
٢٨. مُتَعَرِّضاً لِنِضالِ مَن هُوَ فَوقَهُ
جَهلاً بِسَهمٍ قَد خَلا مِن فوقِهِ
29. And the inability of sights is the greatest preacher
If only he were guided to his success
٢٩. وَتَعَذُّرُ الأَبصارِ أَوعَظُ واعِظٍ
لَو أَنَّهُ يُهدى إِلى تَوفيقِهِ
30. In a circumstance in which there are deaths and wishes
That bring and challenge before the flashing of its lightning
٣٠. في عارِضٍ فيهِ المَنايا وَالمُنى
تُردي وَتُحدى قَبلَ لَمعِ بُروقِهِ
31. The beasts fear its attack in their thickets
Always and the birds of prey are awed by its swooping
٣١. يَخشى الهِزَبرُ هُجومَهُ في غابِهِ
أَبَداً وَيَرهَبُهُ العُقابُ بِنيقِهِ
32. Your grandfather was righteous while prisoner of one
Who prevented escape and increased its confinement
٣٢. قَد كانَ جَدُّكَ صالِحٌ في أَسرِ مَن
مَنَعَ المَحيصَ وَزادَ في تَضيِيقِهِ
33. Until when Allah released him, he judged
By removing his captor and [getting] control of his release
٣٣. حَتّى إِذا ما اللَهُ أَطلَقَهُ قَضى
بِبِعادِ آسِرِهِ وَمُلكِ طَليقِهِ
34. And He will do the same with you, so make a determination
That dispels the darkness of slander after its arising
٣٤. وَكَذاكَ يَفعَلُ فيكَ فَاِعزِم عَزمَةً
تَجلو ظَلامَ الإِفكِ بَعدَ غُسوقِهِ
35. How many self-indulgent people has Antioch contained
Busy with its wine and music
٣٥. كَم حَلَّ أَنطاكِيَّةً مِن مُترَفٍ
مُتَشاغِلٍ بِرَحيقِهِ وَرَقيقِهِ
36. And before Constantinople and behind it
Are important matters the essence of which is subtle
٣٦. وَأَمامَ قُسطَنطينَةٍ وَوَرَاءَها
خَطبٌ أُعينَ جَليلُهُ بِدَقيقِهِ
37. What has prevented the King of Rome from aiding
His Duke and from [aiding] his Patriarch?
٣٧. وافى مَليكَ الرومِ مِنهُ مانِعٌ
عَن نَصرِ دَوقَسِهِ وَعَن بِطريقِهِ
38. Hope stopped at his failing
And fear obligates his heart with its pounding
٣٨. وَقَفَ الرَجاءُ بِهِ عَلى إِخفاقِهِ
وَالخَوفُ يُلزِمُ قَلبَهُ بِخُفوقِهِ
39. Polytheism will surely not feel safe from the grip
Of one hoped to cut off its branches and veins
٣٩. لا يَأمَنَنَّ الشِركُ بَطشَ غَشَمشَمٍ
يُرجى لِقَطعِ فُروعِهِ وَعُروقِهِ
40. And from misguidance, the combat of one superior to it
Is foolish, with an arrow already shot from above it
٤٠. وَمِنَ الضَلالِ نِضالُ مَن هُوَ فَوقَهُ
سَفَهاً بِسَهمٍ قَد خَلا مِن فوقِهِ
41. And let him seek protection in one who has overpowered hostility
Until his enemy yielded to his friend
٤١. وَليَعتَصِم بِمُمَلَّكٍ قَهَرَ العِدى
حَتّى لَدانَ عَدُوُّهُ لِصَديقِهِ
42. Your giving sufficed without a denied bequest
More worthy of good mention than its bestowed
٤٢. أَغنى عَطاؤُكَ عَن نَدىً مَحرومُهُ
أَولى بِحُسنِ الذِكرِ مِن مَرزوقِهِ
43. A generosity with which you have transcended kings, so they have not
A day aspired to it or been guided to its path
٤٣. جودٌ عَلَوتَ بِهِ المُلوكَ فَما سَعَوا
يَوماً إِلَيهِ وَلا اِهتَدوا لِطَريقِهِ
44. They advanced requesting and the one censuring you is upon Allah -
Who can return an arrow after its shooting?
٤٤. سَبَقوا السُؤالَ وَعاذِليكَ عَلى اللُهى
مَن ذا يَرُدُّ السَهمَ بَعدَ مُروقِهِ
45. You have exceeded in its abundance and become eminent in
Its denial and been generous to not impeding it
٤٥. أَسرَفتَ في إِكثارِهِ وَشَرُفتَ في
إِنكارِهِ وَكَرُمتَ عَن تَعويقِهِ
46. So let hopes truly know
That they have alighted at the Best of Carpenters' loftiest
٤٦. فَلتَعلَمِ الآمالُ حَقّاً أَنَّها
نَزَلَت عَلى مَحدِ النِجارِ عَريقِهِ
47. The extent of its bestowal has made praise
Repellent to me, and I have become needless of investigating it
٤٧. عَقَلَ المَديحَ نَوالُهُ فَأَنِفتُ مِن
تَغريبِهِ وَغَنيتُ عَن تَشريقِهِ
48. Previously, I would ignore it and it had no market
But now, I have become one who sells it in its market
٤٨. قَد كُنتُ أَعرِضُهُ وَلا سوقٌ لَهُ
فَالآنَ صِرتُ أَبيعُهُ في سوقِهِ
49. Permissible because I purchase it with a
Questing idea and refrain from its stolen
٤٩. حِلّاً لِأَنّي أَشتَريهِ بِفِكرَةٍ
جَوّالَةٍ وَأَحيدُ عَن مَسروقِهِ
50. In every miracle undertaken for me
A favor has protected speech from any patchworking
٥٠. في كُلِّ مُعجِزَةٍ تَكَفَّلَ لي بِها
فَضلٌ أَعاذَ القَولَ مِن تَلفيقِهِ
51. Until I joined its pearls with its rubies
And compared its pearls to its carnelians
٥١. حَتّى قَرَنتُ بِدُرِّهِ ياقوتَهُ
وَسِوايَ يَقرِنُ دُرَّهُ بِعَقيقِهِ
52. From an ocean of victory whose scout
Brought it to me, and opportunity is for the sublime in its driving
٥٢. مِن بَحرِ نَصرٍ أَجتَنيهِ فَرائِداً
وَالحَظُّ لِلعَلياءِ في مَنسوقِهِ
53. An ocean abundantly wealthy so none escapes
Destruction but its drowned
٥٣. بَحرٌ يُغاصُ عَلى الغِنى فيهِ فَما
يَنجو مِنَ الإِعدامِ غَيرُ غَريقِهِ