
You have remained for that honor which has honored an aspiration

بقيت لذا العز الذي عز مطلبا

1. You have remained for that honor which has honored an aspiration
And the envy of your enviers continues to be foiled

١. بَقَيتَ لِذا العِزِّ الَّذي عَزَّ مَطلَبا
وَلا زالَ ظَنُّ الحاسِدِيكَ مُخَيَّبا

2. Good tidings have certainly come with the falsification of what they narrated
So welcome to what the harbinger said and greetings

٢. لَقَد جَلَّتِ البُشرى بِتَكذيبِ ما حَكَوا
فَأَهلاً بِما قالَ البَشيرُ وَمَرحَبا

3. And God has a saying that was inclusive for reconciliation
And overwhelming for rebellion and eliminating worries

٣. وَلِلَّهِ قَولٌ كانَ لِلشَملِ جامِعاً
وَلِلبَغيِ مُجتاحاً وَلِلهَمِّ مُذهِبا

4. How good is the saying that its bent became apparent
When it is expressive of what is in the consciences

٤. وَيا حَبَّذا القَولُ الَّذي بانَ مَينُهُ
إِذا كانَ عَمّا في الضَمائِرِ مُعرِبا

5. You have known through it what is in the hearts so you did not find
In them averse about you or desirous of you

٥. عَرَفتَ بِهِ ما في القُلوبِ فَلَم تَجِد
بِها عَنكَ مُعتاضاً وَلا عَنكَ مَرغَبا

6. You have attained from benevolence, justice and piety
An inclination that the hearts have not wavered about

٦. جَنَيتَ مِنَ الإِحسانِ وَالعَدلِ وَالتُقى
هَوىً عَدِمَت فيهِ القُلوبُ التَقَلُّبا

7. It transcends the inclination of one who admires the one-eyed
And the infatuation of one who aspires to the thick-lipped

٧. يَفوقُ هَوى مَن يَعشَقُ الطَرفَ أَحوَراً
وَصَبوةَ مَن يَصبو إِلى الثَغرِ أَشنَبا

8. So time has not bent your days which
Remind every white-haired one of the days of youth

٨. فَلا طَوَتِ الأَقدارُ أَياّمَكَ الَّتي
تُذَكِّرُ أَيّامَ الصَبا كُلَّ أَشيبا

9. Nor has the star of blessings, of which you are its rain, disappeared
Thus we do not see a year dry in your shade

٩. وَلا أَقلَعَ النَوءُ الَّذي أَنتَ غَيثُهُ
فَلَسنا نَرى عاماً بِظِلِّكَ مُجدِبا

10. And the growth of the valley was fading before you
But when you came it turned green what the meadows grow

١٠. وَنَبتُ الوِهادِ كانَ قَبلَكَ ذاوِياً
فَلَمّا أَتَيتَ اِخضَرَّ ما تُنبِتُ الرُبا

11. You rose over the fortunate one of earth as the most auspicious rising
So you have secured a pasture and intimidated an intimidator

١١. طَلَعتَ عَلى ذي الأَرضِ أَيمَنَ طالِعٍ
فَأَمَّنتَ مُرتاعاً وَرَهَّبتَ مُرهِبا

12. If your deeds are not glory itself
Then surely glory is composed of them

١٢. فَإِن لَم تَكُن أَفعالُكَ المَجدَ نَفسَهُ
فَلا شَكَّ أَنَّ المَجدَ مِنها تَرَكَّبا

13. So the people do not seek to attain your rank
For it was not presented to suitors to be sought

١٣. فَلا يَلتَمِس إِدراكَ رُتبَتِكَ الوَرى
فَما عُرِضَت لِلخاطِبينَ فَتُخطَبا

14. You have restricted it with glorious deeds surrounding
Over it so you did not leave for it from you an escape

١٤. لَقَيَّدتَها بِالمَأثُراتِ مُحوِّطاً
عَلَيها فَلَم تَترُك لَها عَنكَ مَذهَبا

15. It is but the possession of one whose birth, ancestry and lineage are pure
And position and descent and appointment are righteous

١٥. فَما هِيَ إِلّا حَوزُ مَن طابَ مَولِداً
وَنَشراً وَأَخباراً وَعِرقاً وَمَنصِبا

16. And one whose nature is Saifian, Nasirite
Destiny has ordained for him to inherit the paternal uncle

١٦. وَذي شِيَمٍ سَيفِيَّةٍ ناصِرِيَّةٍ
قَضَينَ لَهُ أَن وُرِّثَ العَمَّ وَالأَبا

17. So he has become called with what he was called with
So there is no difference whether he is named or attributed

١٧. فَأَصبَحَ مَدعُوّاً بِما دُعِيا بِهِ
فَلا فَرقَ فيها أَن يُسَمّى وَيُنسَبا

18. When bounty descends, its singing enriches them
The customs of which are to be accurate

١٨. إِذا نَزَلَ العافونَ مَغناهُ جادَهُم
حَيا مُزنَةٍ عاداتُها أَن تَصَوَّبا

19. And they did not find the cloud of promises downpouring
Before it, nor the lightning of eloquence forked

١٩. وَلَم يَجِدوا غَيمَ المَواعيدِ زِبرِجاً
لَدَيهِ وَلا بَرقَ الطَلاقَةِ خُلَّبا

20. So compare him to the greatest downpours when it poured
And compare him to the firmest mountains when solid

٢٠. فَوازِن بِهِ أَهمى الغُيوثِ إِذا حَبا
وَوازِن بِهِ أَرسى الجِبالِ إِذا اِحتَبا

21. And if the supporter of the state did not verify the wishes
He would not have found other than accusation

٢١. وَلَو لَم يُصَدِّق ناصِرُ الدَولَةِ المُنى
بِأَنعُمِهِ لَم تَلقَ إِلا مُكَذِّبا

22. A people who were quenched with the nectar of valor to be strengthened
As iron was quenched with water to be hardened

٢٢. مِنَ القَومِ لَم يُغضوا لِباغٍ عَلى قَذىً
فَواقاً وَلَم يَرضَوا سِوى الحَمدِ مَكسَبا

23. Time obeyed them in attaining what they sought
And if it overpowered them, they gained it by overpowering

٢٣. أُناسٌ سُقوا دَرَّ الإِباءِ لِيَنتَخوا
كَما سُقِيَ الماءَ الحَديدُ لِيَصلُبا

24. If this life owns its people
Then you are surely its owners, whether it wished or refused

٢٤. أَطاعَتهُمُ الأَيّامُ في نَيلِ ما بَغوا
وَلو غالَبَتهُم أَحرَزوهُ تَغَلُّبا

25. And you are the abode of the kingdom eternally, and it is only
Seen descending upon other than you if it becomes estranged

٢٥. لَئِن كانَ هَذا الدَهرُ مالِكَ أَهلِهِ
فَإِنَّكُمُ مُلّاكُهُ شاءَ أَو أَبى

26. Your kingdom came from the rising of the sun resembling
Its radiance, so when it covered the earth it became estranged

٢٦. وَأَنتُم مَقَرُّ المُلكِ قِدماً وَإِنَّما
يُرى نازِلاً في غَيرِكُم إِن تَغَرَّبا

27. And the west used to want it to be the east
So the east started wanting it to be the west

٢٧. أَتَى مُلكُكُم مِن مَطلِعِ الشَمسِ مُشبِهاً
سَناها فَلَمّا طَبَّقَ الأَرضَ غَرَّبا

28. When you attend a predicament, the world witnesses
That you are more flowing and fulfilling than the torrents

٢٨. وَكانَ يَوَدُّ الغَربُ لَو كانَ مَشرِقاً
فَصارَ يَوَدُّ الشَرقُ لَو كانَ مَغرِبا

29. You have filled the hearts of both worlds with awe
And it is deserving for the lion of the forests to be wary

٢٩. إِذا ما شَهِدتُم مَأزِقاً شَهِدَ الورى
بِأَنَّكُمُ أَجرى وَأَمضى مِنَ الظُبا

30. So how many glances were cast down in your presence
Humbly, and how many affections overflowed at the mention of you

٣٠. مَلَأتُم قُلوبَ العالَمينَ مَهابَةً
وَحُقَّ لِأُسدِ الغابِ أَن تُتَهَيَّبا

31. And how much did the beholder of your generosity and loyalty
Say that pride is only for the victorious

٣١. فَكَم غُضَّتِ الأَبصارُ عِندَ لِقائِكُم
خُضوعاً وَفُضَّت عِندَ ذِكرِكُمُ الحُبا

32. So O King who has remained pleasing to God
And provoking regarding the advice of the Caliphate

٣٢. وَكَم قالَ رائِي جودِكُم وَوَفائِكُم
وَبَأسِكُمُ ما الفَخرُ إِلّا لِتَغلِبا

33. And O you who folded the honor of enemies and did not unsheathe
A sword or set forth from galloping a steed

٣٣. فَيا مَلِكاً مازالَ لِلَّهِ مُرضِياً
وَلِلإِفكِ في نُصحِ الخِلافَةِ مُغضِبا

34. Rather, inhabited the white of eyelids stripping
Swords of resolve that do not weaken for them youth

٣٤. وَيا مَن طَوى عِزَّ الأَعادي وَما اِنتَضى
حُساماً وَلا أَنضى مِنَ الرَكضِ مُقرَبا

35. And insights that illuminate the darkness for them
And sincere thoughts that show them the unseen

٣٥. بَلى أَسكَنَ البيضَ الجُفونَ مُجَرِّداً
صَوارِمَ عَزمٍ لا يُفَلُّ لَها شَبا

36. You have long rescued a fearful one from falling into harm with security
And pardoned a sinner with forgiveness

٣٦. وَثاقِبَ آراءٍ يُضيءُ لَها الدُجى
وَصادِقَ أَفكارٍ تُريهِ المُغَيَّبا

37. If the glories of life are counted, you would be one
And if the fire of turmoil is kindled, you would be an extinguisher

٣٧. لَقَد طالَ ما اِستَنقَذتَ بِالأَمنِ خائِفاً
وُقوعَ الرَدى وَاِنتَشتَ بِالعَفوِ مُذنِبا

38. You have gathered and so you possessed glory, a noble soul
And a heart that turns over the vicissitudes

٣٨. إِذا عُدَّ أَمجادُ الدُنا كُنتَ واحِداً
وَإِن سُعِّرَت نارُ الوَغى كُنتَ مِقنَبا

39. And refinement that did not incline towards other than virtues
And hearing that did not flow except to praises

٣٩. جَمَعتَ فَحُزتَ الفَخرَ نَفساً نَفيسَةً
وَقَلباً عَلى صَرفِ النَوائِبِ قُلَّبا

40. Merits that have singled out Nizar adorning him
And gifts that have covered Nizar and Arabized him

٤٠. وَتَرفاً إِلى غَيرِ الفَضائِلِ مارَنا
وَسَمعاً إِلى غَيرِ المَحامِدِ ما صَبا

41. So you have revived the celebrations of time reigning
As the progeny of a noble lineage which one who covets it stumbles or falls

٤١. مَناقِبُ قَد خَصَّت نِزارَ يَزينُها
مَواهِبُ قَد عَمَّت نِزارَ وَيَعرُبا

42. And you have reached the farthest extent of aspiration in my father
Ali, so how generous, rescuing and fecund

٤٢. فَهُنّيتَ أَعيادَ الزَمانِ مُمَلَّكاً
ذُرى شَرَفٍ مَن رامَهُ زَلَّ أَو كَبا

43. It has flowed in an extent you have brightened in it praying
And not every good branch is of good origin

٤٣. وَبُلِّغتَ أَقصى غايَةِ السُؤلِ في أَبي
عَلِيٍّ فَما أَسخى وَأَنجى وَأَنجَبا

44. Time which is its essence has shown
About it today admiration and from it astonishment

٤٤. جَرى في مَدىً جَلَّيتَ فيهِ مُصَلِّياً
وَما كُلُّ فَرعٍ طَيِّبِ الأَصلِ طَيِّبا

45. When I visit him I do not know whether I came to a sitting
That contained the totality of the eminent or whether I came to an office

٤٥. لَقَد أَظهَرَ الدَهرُ الَّذي هُوَ عَينُهُ
بِهِ اليَومَ إِعجاباً وَمِنهُ تَعَجُّبا

46. Where I meet the garb of knowledge in wisdom
Embroidered and forbearance overwhelming youth

٤٦. إِذا زُرتُهُ لَم أَدرِ هَل جِئتُ مَجلِساً
حَوى جُمَلَ العَلياءِ أَم جِئتُ مَكتَبا

47. I saw his brother resembling him and I saw him
Accompany some of his charming sons in procession

٤٧. بِحَيثُ أُلاقي حُلَّةَ الفَضلِ بِالحِجى
مُطَرَّزَةً وَالحِلمَ يَستَغرِقُ الصِبا

48. They are two stars of good fortune gleaming and radiant
So they do not set as long as the night shines a star

٤٨. رَأَيتُ أَخاهُ مِثلَهُ وَرَأَيتُهُ
يُسايِرُ مِن أَبنائِهِ الغُرِّ مَوكِبا

49. Listening to my words is the most precious of my rewards
So say to distraction wait, for bargaining is not permitted

٤٩. هُما كَوكَبا سَعدٍ أَنافا وَأَشرَقا
فَلا أَفَلا ما أَطلَعَ اللَيلُ كَوكَبا

50. I will praise to the extent of my ability the victorious
And I do not seek what your merit deserves and so I am overcome

٥٠. سَماعُكَ قَولي مِن أَجَلِّ جَوائِزي
فَقُل لِلُّهى مَهلاً فَما حُلِّلَ الرِبا

51. And if I hoped that my praises would stand
With the easiest of what comes I would have resembled branches

٥١. سَأُثني بِقَدرِ الجَهدِ لِلعيِّ غالِباً
وَلا أَبتَغي ما تَستَحِقُّ فَأُغلَبا

52. Your generosity has made the water of praise gush
And you have purified it from your overwhelming generosity as a drink

٥٢. وَلَو كُنتُ أَرجو أَن تَقومَ مَدائِحي
بِأَيسَرِ ما تَأتي لَأَشبَهتُ أَشعَبا

53. So there is no excuse for poetry whose sea has overflowed
If it is not profuse in describing your merit

٥٣. أَصارَ لِماءِ المَدحِ جودُكَ مَسرَبا
وَأَصفَيتَهُ مِن جودِكَ الغَمرِ مَشرَبا

54. And these efforts are needless of my qualities
But they have not become weary except to write

٥٤. فَلا عُذرَ لِلشِعرِ الَّذي فاضَ بَحرُهُ
إِذا لَم يَكُن في وَصفِ فَضلِكَ مُطنِبا

55. And the Guardian has not ceased to prevent with you injustice
Your position from one higher than the people or who loved

٥٥. وَهَذي المَساعي عَن صِفاتي غَنِيَّةٌ
وَلَكِنَّها لَم تُملِ إِلّا لِأَكتُبا

56. And you continue to clarify events and make evident
The prime of rhythms what the dawn clarified of humps

٥٦. وَلا بَرِحَ المولي بِكَ العَدلَ مانِعاً
مَكانَكَ مَن أَعلى مِنَ الناسِ أَو حَبا

٥٧. وَلا زِلتَ تَجلو الحادِثاتِ وَتَجتَلي
عَذارى القَوافي ما جَلى الصُبحُ غَيهَبا