
Darkness, who readied you for the nights?

ظلامة من أعدك لليالي

1. Darkness, who readied you for the nights?
And who but the virtuous extolled your favor?

١. ظُلامَةَ مَن أَعَدَّكَ لِلَّيالي
وَمَن أَثنى بِفَضلِكَ غَيرَ آلِ

2. O most trusted of trusts, prick up your ears,
To hear what vexes the exalted.

٢. أَيا ثِقَةَ الثِقاتِ أَصِخ فُواقاً
لِتَسمَعَ ما يَشُقُّ عَلى المَعالي

3. As for me, I assert compelling proofs
Of your glory in eloquent arguments.

٣. أَما أَنا مُثبِتُ الحُجَجِ القَواضي
لَكُم بِالمَجدِ في الحِجَجِ الخَوالي

4. You alone, for God's sake with gratitude,
Are known to friend and foe alike.

٤. وَمُفرِدُكُم لِلا سَبَبٍ بِشُكرٍ
تَعالَمَهُ المُعادي وَالمُوالي

5. My praise is not fabricated,
Nor my depiction forged from fantasies.

٥. ثَناءٌ لَم أَشُبهُ بِاِختِلاقِ
وَوَصفٌ لَم أَشِنهُ بِاِنتِحالِ

6. To you beyond all people my pride clings,
From you my resolve and seclusion sprang.

٦. إِلَيكُم دونَ ذا الخَلقِ اِعتِزائي
وَعَنكُم كانَ صَدّي وَاِعتِزالي

7. The world has heard in every land
That vileness is no trait of mine.

٧. وَقَد سَمِعَ الوَرى في كُلِّ أَرضٍ
وَلَيسَ المَينُ مِن شِيَمي مَقالي

8. When houses but Qusay's are named,
The family of Abi Uqayl is best.

٨. إِذا ذُكِرَ البُيوتُ عَدا قُصَيّاً
فَآلُ أَبي عَقيلٍ خَيرُ آلِ

9. You are their noblest kin and soul,
And strongest in honorable traits.

٩. وَأَنتَ أَعَزُّهُم جاراً وَنَفساً
وَأَغلَبُهُم عَلى شَرَفِ الخِلالِ

10. Your heights excel their gifts,
Your steadfastness surpasses theirs in strife.

١٠. عَلَوتَهُمُ بَناناً في العَطايا
وَفُتَّهُمُ ثَباتاً في النِضالِ

11. Are you not the son of Munabbih, whose merits
Mark the worth of all men thereafter?

١١. أَلَستَ اِبنَ المُنَبّي عَن سَجايا
بِهِنَّ تَفاوَتَت قِيَمُ الرِجالِ

12. His abode remains hope's refuge,
His door where all journeys end.

١٢. يَظَلُّ جَنابُهُ مَأوى الأَماني
وَيُمسي بابُهُ مَلقى الرِحالِ

13. To petitioners he rules with bounty.
Saving them from hands grasping and long.

١٣. يُحَكِّمُ في الذَخائِرِ سائِليهِ
وَيَمنَعُهُم مِنَ الأَسَلِ الطِوالِ

14. Such plenty persists despite calamity,
Lasting through gratitude despite the plight.

١٤. وَذاكَ الوَفرُ بالٍ وَهوَ باقٍ
بِهَذا الشُكرِ باقٍ وَهوَ بالِ

15. You truly gained praise through merit,
A precursor, while your father trails behind.

١٥. وَإِنَّكَ في اِكتِسابِ الحَمدِ حَقّاً
لِتَأتي سابِقاً وَأَبوكَ تالي

16. Time has diseased me with every art,
And ceaseless ills allow no rest.

١٦. تَحَيَّفَني الزَمانُ بِكُلِّ فَنٍّ
فَما أَنفَكُّ مِن داءٍ عُضالِ

17. Loyalty in it grew so sparse
That right and left hand guard against each other.

١٧. وَأَعوَزَتِ الأَمانَةُ فيهِ حَتّى
تَخَوَّفَتِ اليَمينُ مِنَ الشِمالِ

18. All I possessed is lost,
And here am I, inflamed by poverty.

١٨. وَأَذهَبَ كُلَّ ما أَحوي ضَياعاً
فَها أَنا ذا بِنارِ الفَقرِ صالِ

19. What little remained I gave a friend for safekeeping,
Exposing the remnants to ruin.

١٩. وَقَد أَودَعتُ ما أَبقى صَديقاً
فَعَرَّضتُ البَقِيَّةَ لِلوَبالِ

20. As if entrusting beauty to a lumbering camel,
Seeking smoothness from roughness personified.

٢٠. وَقَصَّرَ عَن أَمانَتِهِ كَأَنّي
طَلَبتُ الوَخدَ مِن جَمَلٍ ثَقالِ

21. So do not cling to ominous times,
Swift to change the hopeful's state.

٢١. فَلا تَركُن إِلى زَمَنٍ خَؤونٍ
لِآمِلِهِ سَريعِ الإِنتِقالِ

22. In them, of good and evil, a little lingers,
Quick to pass, soon to decline.

٢٢. فَما يَكُ فيهِ مِن خَيرٍ وَشَرٍّ
قَليلُ اللَبثِ مُنتَظَرُ الزَوالِ

23. A man has strayed, aspiring to subdue me,
Yet I accompany no people astray.

٢٣. لَقَد ضَلَّ اِمرُؤٌ رامَ اِهتِضامي
وَلَستُ مُشايِعاً أَهلَ الضَلالِ

24. He who sought to provoke one such as I
Proceeded on a course his like proscribed.

٢٤. وَأَقدَمَ مَن بَغى إِغضابَ مِثلي
عَلى أَمرٍ ثَناهُ عَلى مِثالِ

25. That is a rule whose might revered ambition,
Never occurring to the unjust of mind.

٢٥. وَتِلكَ حُكومَةٌ عَزَّت مَراماً
فَما خَطَرَت لِذي ظُلمٍ بِبالِ

26. The Lord of the Throne sustained Christian monks,
Blessed them from asceticism's spring.

٢٦. سَقى ذو العَرشِ رُهبانَ النَصارى
وَجادَهُمُ بِمُنهَلِّ العَزالي

27. They refused no deposits by their keepers,
For any kind of questionable gain.

٢٧. فَما مَنَعوا الوَدائِعَ مودِعيها
لِضَربٍ مِن ضُروبِ الإِعتِلالِ

28. Nor did they clench fists over them,
To seize through lawsuit and contention.

٢٨. وَلا شَدّوا أَكُفَّهُمُ عَلَيها
لِتُؤخَذَ بِالخُصومَةِ وَالجِدالِ

29. I wrote him gently dissuading,
But he ignored any words or deeds,

٢٩. كَتَبتُ إِلَيهِ أَعطِفُهُ بِذُلٍّ
فَأَضرَبَ عَن مَقالٍ أَو فِعالِ

30. Read no Scripture, nor any book,
By which the lawful is known from forbidden.

٣٠. وَما قَرَأَ الكِتابَ وَلا كِتاباً
بِهِ عُرِفَ الحَرامُ مِنَ الحَلالِ

31. I named him not, to keep affection,
But asked him not, nor he me.

٣١. وَما أُسميهِ إِبقاءً لِوُدٍّ
سَلا عَنهُ وَما أَنا عَنهُ سالِ

32. If intimacy among men today is like love
Between lizard and wall, what of it?

٣٢. وَإِن كانَ الوِدادُ اليَومَ بَينَ ال
رِجالِ كَوُدِّ رَبّاتِ الحِجالِ

33. When his flood surged, pouring generosity,
He turned to excuses and delays.

٣٣. وَلَمّا سيلَ فِيَّ وَفاضَ جوداً
أَحالَ عَلى التَعَلُّلِ وَالمِطالِ

34. So he gained by weakness what timidity lost,
Closing off my path of patience and endurance.

٣٤. فَشَدَّ بِذا قُوىً ضَعُفَت حَياءً
وَسَدَّ طَريقَ صَبري وَاِحتِمالي

35. While you, if any foe attacks my arms,
Are an unassailable fortress, though fate assails me.

٣٥. وَأَنتَ إِذا عَدا باغٍ سِلاحي ال
حَصينُ وَإِن عَرا خَطبٌ ثِمالي

36. Your command permeates us, so deliver
My due, for justice' sake untainted.

٣٦. وَأَمرُكَ نافِذٌ فينا فَأَطلِق
بِمَحضِ العَدلِ حَقّي مِن عِقالِ

37. You do not tire of even justice among disputants,
Nor lean to one side, nor favor.

٣٧. فَإِنَّكَ لا تَمَلُّ العَدلَ بَينَ ال
خُصومِ وَلا تَميلُ وَلا تُمالي

38. Oh how time has vilified me, for what it did,
To this wretched state and bitter end!

٣٨. لَقَد آلَت بِيَ الدُنيا فَقُبحاً
لِما صَنَعَت إِلى هَذا المَآلِ

39. And the days made light of my status and plenty,
Deeming my praises cheaper than all that's cheap.

٣٩. وَغالَ الدَهرُ مَنزِلَتي وَوَفري
فَأَرخَصَ مِن مَديحي كُلَّ غالِ

40. The generous are gone, guarding my face,
With what they spent safe from vile begging.

٤٠. مَضى الكُرَماءُ صانوا ماءَ وَجهي
بِما بَذَلوهُ عَن ذُلِّ السُؤالِ

41. Now after them among the people I seek
A generous one to buy my gratitude with wealth.

٤١. وَها أَنا بَعدَهُم في الناسِ أَبغي
كَريماً يَشتَري شُكري بِمالي

42. I see the base shining bright, their drinkers beaming.
While my gleam from pure water is denied.

٤٢. أَرى الأَكدارَ يَشرَقُ شارِبوها
فَواشَرَقي مِنَ الماءِ الزُلالِ

43. Perhaps, son of Abdullah, you will heed
Long affection, or lament my state,

٤٣. لَعَلَّكَ يا اِبنَ عَبدِ اللَهِ تَرعى
قَديمَ الوُدِّ أَو تَرثي لِحالي

44. And not withhold your bounty from a loyal one,
To you, and spreading your superior merit.

٤٤. وَلا تَحبِس جَميلَكَ عَن مُوالٍ
لَكُم وَلِنَشرِ فَضلِكُمُ مُوالي

45. In both withholding and giving
I am thankful, in any case.

٤٥. وَفي الأَمرَينِ مِن مَنعٍ وَبَذلٍ
فَإِنّي شاكِرٌ في كُلِّ حالِ

46. Why speak more of my injustice?
One like you inclines not to the absurd.

٤٦. وَماذا القَولُ تَمهيداً لِظُلمي
وَمِثلُكَ لا يَميلُ إِلى المِحالِ

47. My affair is clear, not opaque, though your father's is,
So I attribute it to the injustice of time.

٤٧. وَلَيسَ بِغامِضٍ وَأَبيكَ أَمري
فَأَنسُبَهُ إِلى جَورِ اللَيالي

48. If it weren't for want, that grew and raged,
I'd have shielded your loftiness from this talk.

٤٨. وَلَولا فاقَةٌ فاقَت فَعاقَت
لَصُنتُ عُلاكَ عَن هَذا المَقالِ

49. I will reluctantly leave this land,
Not by choice, and abandon its people.

٤٩. سَأَترُكُ ذي البِلادِ بِلا اِختِيارٍ
وَأَهجُرُ أَهلَها لا عَن تَقالِ

50. In a state, if my enemy but saw it,
He would grieve for me, or mourn me.

٥٠. بِحالٍ لَو تَأَمَّلَها عَدُوّي
لَساهَمَني الرَزِيَّةَ أَو رَثى لي

51. So provide me with sufficient provisions
To be talked of in Iraq and Syria alike.

٥١. فَزَوِّدني بِما تَأتي حَديثاً
سَيُروى في العِراقِ وَفي الشَمالِ

52. For I have been impoverished of camels and speech,
While you are more generous than Bilal.

٥٢. فَإِنّي فُقتُ غَيلاناً مَقالاً
يَسيرُ وَأَنتَ أَكرَمُ مِن بِلالِ

53. May God, to whom in your protection is my plea,
Grant you enduring supremacy and triumph!

٥٣. أَدامَ لَكَ العُلى وَالنَصرَ مَولىً
إِلَيهِ في حِراسَتِكَ اِبتِهالي