1. My praise of you keeps me from thoughts of passion,
And pleasing you distracts me from the joys of youth.
١. لي بِاِمتِداحِكَ عَن ذِكرِ الهَوى شُغُلُ
وَبِاِرتِياحِكَ عَن عَيشِ الصِبا بَدَلُ
2. How could one who's attained your boundless gifts
Still hope to gain more, when hopes cannot climb higher?
٢. وَكَيفَ يَعدوكَ بِالتَأميلِ مَن بَلَغَت
بِهِ عَطاياكَ ما لَم يَبلُغِ الأَمَلُ
3. You've been generous, while men of former times were stingy,
So can you in your wisdom understand what they never grasped?
٣. أَسرَفتَ وَاِختَصَرَ القَومُ الَّذينَ مَضَوا
فَهَل عَلِمتَ بِصافي الفِكرِ ما جَهِلوا
4. I'll make no excuse for their ignorance,
But say truthfully you excelled when they were miserly.
٤. وَلا أُقيمُ لَهُم عُذراً بِجَهلِهِمُ
لَكِن أَقولُ مُحِقّاً جُدتَ إِذ بَخِلوا
5. You never left the paths of noblemen, though they did,
And you walked the way of wealth when they went astray.
٥. ما جُرتَ عَن طُرُقِ العَلياءِ إِذ عَدَلوا
عَنها وَجُرتَ عَلى الأَموالِ إِذ عَدَلوا
6. You gave it generously before being asked, with no
Favors or favors sought, even when asked.
٦. وَهَبتَها كَرَماً قَبلَ السُؤالِ بِلا
مَنٍّ وَمَنَّوا وَما مَنّوا وَقَد سُئِلوا
7. O you who listen to the poor, favoring some more than others,
And you who grant gifts, detailing some and summarizing others,
٧. يا مُسمِعي فِقراً تَفضيلُها لَزَمٌ
وَموسِعي مِنَناً تَفصيلُها جُمَلُ
8. Firm Quss and Suhaym and the refined people were stunned
If they could hear what you have let me hear.
٨. قُسٌّ وَسَحبانُ وَالقَومُ الأُلى فَصُحوا
لَو يَسمَعونَ الَّذي أَسمَعتَني ذَهِلوا
9. Their minds would never grasp a fraction, when you speak offhand,
Of what you've said in praise of us.
٩. لا يَبلَغونَ إِذا أَفكارُهُم تَعِبَت
مِعشارَ قَولِكَ فينا حينَ تَرتَجِلُ
10. The lands are bound by hands that only plunder wishes,
And allies that only slay hopes.
١٠. فُتَّ الوَرى بِأَيادٍ كُلُّها هُطُلٌ
عَلى المُنى وَعَوادٍ كُلُّها قُتُلُ
11. So what life have we, when fate and sustenance
Are yours to control, as is our appointed time?
١١. فَما لَنا في حَياةٍ عَنكَ مُندَفَعٌ
وَالرِزقُ طَوعُكَ فيما شِئتَ وَالأَجَلُ
12. Let your glory persist, though none praise you sycophantically,
Neither the owner of a camel or any assets speak.
١٢. فَليَسلُ مَجدَكَ رَغماً لا مُجامَلَةً
مَن مالَهُ ناقَةٌ فيهِ وَلا جَمَلُ
13. Let him have neither a true word in an oath of charity
Nor a true deed in an oath of labor.
١٣. وَلا لَهُ في يَمينٍ بَرَّةٍ صَدَقَت
قَولٌ وَلا بِيَمينٍ بَرَّةٍ عَمَلُ
14. If kings had seen you, their crown,
They would have submitted and confessed to being humiliated.
١٤. وَلَو رَأَتكَ مُلوكٌ أَنتَ تاجُهُمُ
لَأَذعَنوا وَأَقَرّوا أَنَّهُم خَوَلُ
15. What hopes could they have of catching up to you, when
You've attained what even your noble ancestors never grasped?
١٥. وَهَل لَهُم طَمَعٌ أَن يَلحَقوكَ وَقَد
بَلَغتَ ما لَم يَنَل آباؤُكَ الأُوَلُ
16. Those who do not worship the one whom time has worshipped
And who lack the courage of the formidable lion-slayers -
١٦. مَن لَم يَدينوا لِمَن دانَ الزَمانُ لَهُ
وَلَم يَدُوا مِن حُماةِ الرَوعِ مَن قَتَلوا
17. Their steeds on the day of battle are their resolve,
So they stab their foes vainly while utterly exposed.
١٧. تُغني عَنِ السُمرِ في الهَيجا عَزائِمُهُم
فَيَطعَنونَ العِدى شَزراً وَهُم عُزُلُ
18. If they had invaded Mecca in its days of ignorance,
The Quraysh would not have worshipped al-'Uzza or Hubal.
١٨. وَلَو غَزَوا مَكَّةً إِذ جاهِلِيَّتُها
قُرَيشُ لَم تُعبَدِ العُزّى وَلا هُبَلُ
19. They passed away, leaving behind immortal reports
In which the delicate and gentle are dared.
١٩. مَضَوا وَخَلَّوا أَحاديثاً مُخَلَّدَةً
تُحدى بِها في الدَياجي الأَينُقُ الذُلُلُ
20. You arose after they passed and time brought them down,
Taking the place of lions after the weapons were smashed.
٢٠. وَنُبتَ عَنهُم وَقَد طاحَ الزَمانُ بِهِم
نِيابَةَ البيدِ لَمّا حُطِّمَ الأَسَلُ
21. For a time Syria wandered among you, then came to you
With your true determination what transfers did not change.
٢١. تَنَقَّلَ الشامُ فيكُم بُرهَةً وَأَتى
مِن صِدقِ عَزمِكَ ما زالَت بِهِ النُقَلُ
22. Its food in the jaws of deadly swords, its water
Between the ropes of the pulleys in wells.
٢٢. أَكلاؤُهُ بِشِفارِ المُرهَفاتِ حِمىً
وَماؤُهُ بَينَ مَركوزِ القَنا غَلَلُ
23. Before your power, you gained mastery over it,
So decree, as your command reigns supreme.
٢٣. وَدونَ قَدرِكَ ما أَصبَحتَ مالِكَهُ
فَاِحكُم فَأَمرُكَ في الآفاقِ مُمتَثَلُ
24. After the word of the king of earth, what more, brother,
Can I seek, when all wishes fall short before it?
٢٤. ما بَعدَ قَولِ مَليكِ الأَرضِ كَيفَ أَخي
مِن مَطلَبٍ دونَهُ مَطلٌ وَلا عِلَلُ
25. He praised you, his noble self present,
As did books, when it became known and messengers delivered.
٢٥. أَثنى عَلَيكَ لَدُن شافَهتَ حَضرَتَهُ
وَنابَتِ الكُتبُ لَمّا بانَ وَالرُسُلُ
26. Renewing for you something he grants no other,
Since all that is new to him eventually grows old.
٢٦. مُجَدِّداً فيكَ أَمراً لا يَخُصُّ بِهِ
سِواكَ كُلُّ جَديدٍ عِندَهُ سَمَلُ
27. He settled you, when he made you his brother, in a position
No buyer hopes for, nor celestial sphere attains.
٢٧. لَقَد أَحَلَّكَ إِذ آخاكَ مَنزِلَةً
لا المُشتَري طامِعٌ فيها وَلا زُحَلُ
28. He shaded you with his grace of all kinds of nobility
And honor in its many forms.
٢٨. وَقَد أَظَلَّكَ مِن تَشريفِهِ مِنَحٌ
عَلى صُنوفِ العُلى وَالعِزِّ تَشتَمِلُ
29. Of his raiment that has eternal pride
A perpetual honor remains with you as garments wear out.
٢٩. وَمِن مَلابِسِهِ ما فَخرُهُ أَبَداً
باقٍ عَلَيكَ إِذا ما رَثَّتِ الحُلَلُ
30. Of the choice items he used to wear
Are steeds that war and fetters cannot subdue.
٣٠. وَمِن نَفائِسِ ما قَد كانَ مُمتَطِياً
جُردٌ يَعِزُّ عَلَيها الغَزوُ وَالقَفَلُ
31. Their ornament increased, and if they came to you bare
Of pure silk, plainness would not diminish them.
٣١. زادَت حُلاها وَلَو جاءَتكَ عاطِلَةً
مِن خالِصِ التِبرِ ما أَزرى بِها العَطَلُ
32. Before and behind are the standards of glorious victory
Guaranteed for one shaded by mighty honor.
٣٢. وَراءَها عَلَما النَصرِ اللَذا كَفَلا
لِمَن أَظَلّا بِعِزٍّ لَيسَ يُنتَحَلُ
33. From the shoulder of one embraced by victory, so he is
Never devoid of its shade.
٣٣. مِن عَقدِ مَن عُذِقَ النَصرُ العَزيزُ بِهِ
فَما لَهُ أَبَداً عَن ظِلِّهُ حِوَلُ
34. Chance after chance called you to it,
O you through whom the chance of nobles is seasoned!
٣٤. عَنَّت لَهُ فُرَصٌ شَتّى دَعاكَ لَها
يا مَن بِهِ فُرَصُ العَلياءِ تُهتَبَلُ
35. He handed over command auspiciously to his appointee,
One who dives resolutely into fright with triumph.
٣٥. وَقَلَّدَ الأَمرَ مَيموناً نَقيبَتُهُ
لِلهَولِ مُقتَحِمٌ بِالنَصرِ مُشتَمِلُ
36. When war loomed, none were present for his council
Who had greed, cowardice, or stinginess.
٣٦. إِذا عَرا الخَطبُ لَم يَحضُر مَشورَتَهُ
مَن فيهِ حِرصٌ وَلا جُبنٌ وَلا بَخَلُ
37. How could the sons of the age feel secure from tyranny
When their father fears its grip and shakes?
٣٧. وَكَيفَ يَأمَنُ أَبناءُ الزَمانِ سُطىً
أَبوهُمُ خائِفٌ مِن بَطشِها وَجِلُ
38. You terrified him in positions you subjugated,
Until even with his resolve paralysis overcame him.
٣٨. رَوَّعتَهُ في مَقاماتٍ قَهَرتَ بِها
حَتّى اِعتَراهُ عَلى إِقدامِهِ فَشَلُ
39. Your determination was never weakened by disasters,
So through you kingdoms and dynasties rose and fell!
٣٩. لا فَلَّ عَزمَكَ صَرفُ النائِباتِ فَكَم
عَزَّت وَذَلَّت بِكَ الأَملاكُ وَالدُوَلُ
40. The Romans - those who truly know
That whether they make peace or fight, they'll be safe or killed,
٤٠. وَالرومُ مَن عَلِموا حَقّاً بِأَنَّهُمُ
إِن سالَموا سَلِموا أَو قاتَلوا قُتِلوا
41. With no security unless their father is generous to them,
Banishing fear and tremors.
٤١. وَلا سَلامَةَ إِلّا أَن يَجودَ لَهُم
بِها أَبوها فَيَنأى الخَوفُ وَالوَجَلُ
42. They hope for safety through him, so their souls may live,
While safety comes down and souls depart.
٤٢. يَرجونَ أَمناً بِهِ تَحيا نُفوسُهُمُ
وَالأَمنُ يَنزِلُ وَالأَرواحُ تَرتَحِلُ
43. You've killed half of them in fright and half
Death takes in joy at attaining what they sought.
٤٣. قَتَلتَ شَطرَهُمُ خَوفاً وَشَطرُهُمُ
يُميتُهُم فَرَحاً إِدراكُ ما سَأَلوا
44. So pride yourself, for before you every sword of calamity
Has fear and caution take the place of its wielders!
٤٤. فَاِفخَر فَقَبلَكَ ما أَبصَرتُ سَيفَ وَغىً
يَنوبُ عَن مَضرِبَيهِ الخَوفُ وَالجَذَلُ
45. You've come openly to Antioch - before you are
Killers: terror and confusion.
٤٥. أَتَيتَ ظاهِرَ أَنطاكِيَّةٍ عَبَثاً
أَمامَكَ القاتِلانِ الرُعبُ وَالوَهَلُ
46. And every dark spear in its wood still hopes
After meeting you, no wood of theirs being devoid of promises.
٤٦. وَكُلُّ أَسمَرَ ما في عودِهِ طَمَعٌ
بَعدَ اللِقاءِ وَلا في عودِهِ خَطَلُ
47. And every white polished sword in its strikes
Is the model that strikes the studded heads.
٤٧. وَكُلُّ أَبيَضَ مَضروبٍ بِشَفرَتِهِ
رَأسُ المُدَجَّجِ مَضروبٍ بِهِ المَثَلُ
48. And every shining sword - you're the guarantor
That none will be taken as spoils in a raid.
٤٨. وَكُلُّ سَلهَبَةٍ أَنتَ الكَفيلُ لَها
أَلّا يُصابَ لَها في غارَةٍ كَفَلُ
49. Brown, like the night, or blond and pure,
To you in darkness appears a garment made by origin.
٤٩. دَهماءَ كَاللَيلِ أَو شَقراءَ صافِيَةٍ
تُريكَ في اللَيلِ ثَوباً حاكَهُ الأُصُلُ
50. Reminding of your father who plundered them with the sword when
Each thousand he scared away lost a man.
٥٠. مُذَكِّراً بِأَبيكَ المُستَبيحِهِمُ
بِالسَيفِ إِذ كُلُّ أَلفٍ فَلَّهُ رَجُلُ
51. They fled from two hundred thousand in two hundred thousand,
And the kingdom was never theirs for that proud man.
٥١. عَزَوا مِئينَ أُلوفٍ في مِئينَ فَلَم
يَثبُت لِضِرغامِ كَعبٍ ذَلِكَ الوَعِلُ
52. And victory was granted victory when he confronted them
With resolve unlike any who harbored hopes.
٥٢. فَخَلَّفوا المُلكَ إِذ جَدَّ العِراكُ بِهِم
نَهباً مُشاعاً وَلَولا ذاكَ ما وَأَلوا
53. You've gained victory free of their stratagems,
As the cycles of time can do what cunning never could.
٥٣. وَأُعطِيَ النَصرَ نَصرٌ يَومَ قارَعَهُم
بِعَزمَةٍ ما لِمَن أَمَّت بِها قِبَلُ
54. Among your wonders, you drew out a pearl
Whose diver is the white and whose burrow is the oysters.
٥٤. وَقَد تَخَلَّصتَ نَصراً مِن حِبائِلِهِم
وَالحَولُ يَفعَلُ ما لا تَفعَلُ الحِيَلُ
55. And yesterday you paired with it a pearl
Whose sea is desolate places and barren tracts.
٥٥. وَمِن بَدائِعِكَ اِستَخرَجتَ جَوهَرَةً
غَوّاصُها البيضُ وَالخَطِيَّةُ الأَسَلُ
56. Noble of husband and forefathers, adorning her is
A noble lineage connected to Abdullah.
٥٦. وَقَد قَرَنتَ بِها بِالأَمسِ لُؤلُؤَةً
بِحارُها مُقفِراتُ البيدِ وَالحِلَلُ
57. She complains of the years she spent lost in desolation
After being lost in exhaustion.
٥٧. كَريمَةَ البَعلِ وَالآباءِ زَيَّنَها
أَصلٌ كَريمٌ بِعَبدِ اللَهِ يَتَّصِلُ
58. You've reached what you hoped for and aspired to,
While the envious never attained their hopes.
٥٨. تَشكو الحِجالُ الَّتي تاهَت بِها زَمَناً
فِراقَها بَعدَ أَن تاهَت بِها الكِلَلُ
59. For you are gifts never marred by any bitterness,
Despite pure things that fault could never stain.
٥٩. بَلَغتَ ما أَنتَ راجيهِ وَآمِلُهُ
فيهِ وَلا بَلَغَ الحُسّادُ ما أَمَلوا
60. Over all of this that you embody
Of noble deeds and virtue nothing prevails,
٦٠. لَكَ العَطايا الَّتي ما شابَها كَدَرٌ
مَعَ الخِلالِ الَّتي ما شانَها خَلَلُ
61. Are gifts that leave even the clouds behind, absent,
While rain cannot match them in its plentitude.
٦١. عَلى جَميعِ الَّذي تَحويهِ مِن نَشَبٍ
مِنَ المَكارِمِ والٍ لَيسَ يَنعَزِلُ
62. As for your chastity - do not deny it, for after
Ambitions have collapsed around you, what have they to gain?
٦٢. مَواهِبٌ تَخلُفُ الأَنواءَ غائِبَةً
وَيَعجِزُ الغَيثُ عَنها وَهوَ مُحتَفِلُ
63. Its driver and precursor have come to your meadow,
O sea of dew, hasty.
٦٣. أَمّا عُفاتُكَ لا أَكدَوا فَما لَهُمُ
إِذا المَطامِعُ طاحَت عَنكَ مُرتَحَلُ
64. They have abandoned aspiring through any path to your kingdom
Where people and camels and cattle do not compete.
٦٤. جاءَت وَسائِقُها وَخدٌ وَسابِقُها
إِلى حِياضِكَ يا بَحرَ النَدى عَجِلُ
65. Jesus roams the hands of horses wherever they tread
While the select purge the pressure of their knees.
٦٥. فَأَقلَعَ المَحلُ عَنهُم حينَ مُدَّ لَهُم
لِيَرتَعوا في كَلا إِنعامِكَ الطِوَلُ
66. So pave roads never smoothed for them, for the paths
Have narrowed with those who came seeking your generosity.
٦٦. يُقَبِّلونَ ثَرىً دامَت تُظَلِّلُهُ
سُحبُ النَدى فَهوَ في أَفيائِها خَضِلُ
67. Stay well, as holidays continue to return,
Triumph welcome, shade outstretched.
٦٧. لَم يَظفَروا بِطَريقٍ نَحوَ مُلكِكَ ما
تُزاحِمُ الناسَ فيهِ الخَيلُ وَالإِبِلُ
68. You appeared among us, affirming the eyes, and none
Exceeds hoping for your permanence, however much they call and implore!
٦٨. فَالعيسُ تَدرُسُ أَيدي الخَيلِ ما وَطَسَت
وَالمُقرَباتُ تُعَفّي وَطأَها القُبَلُ
69. When your army marched, four were worth two hundred thousand -
However they struggled, they excelled or were superior.
٦٩. فَاِشرَع لَهُم طُرُقاً ما ذُلِّلَت فَلَقَد
ضاقَت بِمَن جاءَ يَبغي جودَكَ السُبُلُ
70. They surpassed ancestors and forefathers, so their pride
Echoes on through time, connected and separate.
٧٠. وَاِسلَم وَلا زالَتِ الأَعيادُ عائِدَةً
وَالعِزُّ مُقتَبَلٌ وَالظِلُّ مُنسَدِلُ
71. Its detail: Ibn Buwayh and Ibn Ziyad,
While with Nasr, ally of generosity, it remains connected.
٧١. ظَهَرتَ فينا فَأَقرَرتَ العُيونَ وَما
يَعدو بَقاءَكَ مَن يَدعو وَيَبتَهِلُ
72. And you, most generous father, their pride
In the land is lasting and to come.
٧٢. وَزانَ جَيشَكَ لَمّا سارَ أَربَعَةٌ
إِن ناضَلوا نَضَلوا أَو فاضَلوا فَضَلوا
73. They lasted and never camped except in honor,
Eternally, never going silent or weary.
٧٣. عَلَوا جُدوداً وَأَجداداً فَفَخرُهُمُ ال
مُذاعُ مُتَّصِلٌ طَوراً وَمُنفَصِلُ
74. O supporter of the faith through striving, you've risen to
This position, though the heights are difficult to attain.
٧٤. تَفصيلُهُ اِبنُ بُوَيهٍ وَاِبنُ زائِدَةٍ
وَعِندَ نَصرٍ حَليفِ الجودِ يَتَّصِلُ
75. And by the wars you inflamed, the lands of those who
Before did not isolate themselves have become isolated.
٧٥. وَأَنتَ يا أَكرَمَ الآباءِ والِدُهُم
فَمَجدُهُم في الوَرى ماضٍ وَمُقتَبَلُ
76. Strategy and discord do not meet together,
When swords and spears part ways.
٧٦. بَقوا وَلا خَيَّموا إِلّا عَلى شَرَفٍ
مَدى الزَمانِ وَلا خاموا وَلا خَمَلوا
77. You've filled odes over their capacity,
So that neither professional nor amateur can critique you.
٧٧. يا ناصِرَ الدينِ بِالجِدِّ اِرتَقَيتَ إِلى
هَذا المَحَلِّ عَلى أَنَّ العُلى نَحِلُ
78. Virtues have filled my poetry with their throngs,
Preventing any trifling or amorous verse.
٧٨. وَبِالحُروبِ الَّتي سَعَّرتَها اِعتَزَلَ ال
بِلادَ مَن لَم يَكُن مِن قَبلُ يَعتَزِلُ
79. So listen to unraveling by the discerning judge on earth,
Like the sun, backed in its zodiac mansion by Aries:
٧٩. وَلَيسَ يَجتَمِعُ التَدبيرُ وَالخَلَلُ
إِذا تَفارَقَتِ الأَسيافُ وَالخِلَلُ
80. Swift though it always seems to settle
In each land as it travels on ceaselessly,
٨٠. لَقَد مَلَأتَ القَوافي فَوقَ ما وَسِعَت
فَما لَها عَنكَ تَعريدِ وَلا مَيَلُ
81. Never repeated in hearing, so that its repetition
Would bring annoyance or boredom.
٨١. فَضائِلٌ مَلَأَت شِعري بِكَثرَتِها
مِن أَن يَفوزَ بِهِ التَشبيبُ وَالغَزَلُ
82. Your attributes have confounded any words that could encompass them,
Until poet and plagiarist were rendered equal.
٨٢. فَاِسمَع لِمُحكَمَةٍ في الأَرضِ حاكِمَةٍ
كَالشَمسِ مَكَّنَها مِن بُرجِهِ الحَمَلُ
83. Exploits spread to the horizon were publicized,
So no critic undertaking to describe them felt embarrassment.
٨٣. سَريعَةِ السَيرِ إِلّا أَنَّها أَبَداً
تُقيمُ في كُلِّ أَرضٍ وَهيَ تَرتَحِلُ
84. I seek refuge for your glory from the evil eye, for how often
Has the eye smitten kingdoms before they reached perfection!
٨٤. وَلا تُكَرَّرُ في سَمعٍ فَيَحدُثَ مِن
تَكرارِها ضَجَرٌ مِنها وَلا مَلَلُ
85. Merits filled my poetry, in their excess,
To grasp them, though hope falters and wishes prove false.
٨٥. جَلَّت صِفاتُكَ عَن قَولٍ يُحيطُ بِها
حَتّى اِستَوى شاعِرٌ فيها وَمُنتَحِلُ
86. Stay well and holidays continue ever returning,
Triumph on its way and shade being cast.
٨٦. مَناقِبٌ في أَقاصي الأَرضِ قَد شُهِرَت
فَما اِعتَرى مُطنِباً في وَصفِها خَجَلُ
87. You've appeared among us, satisfying the eyes, and none
Can outlast hoping for your continuance, however much they call and implore!
٨٧. أُعيذُ مَجدَكَ مِن عَينِ الكَمالِ فَكَم
أَصابَتِ العَينُ أَملاكاً وَما كَمَلوا