
Your forefathers disdained glory to be debased

إباؤك للمجد أن يبتذل

1. Your forefathers disdained glory to be debased
People became gentle birds to you out of awe

١. إِباؤُكَ لِلمَجدِ أَن يُبتَذَل
أَصارَ لَكَ الناسَ طُرّاً خَوَل

2. Opinion supported you, it does not weaken
Resolve backed you, it does not fail

٢. وَآزَرَكَ الرَأيُ ما إِن يَفيلُ
وَضافَرَكَ العَزمُ ما إِن يُفَلّ

3. So you left no share of praise humiliated
Nor an opportunity to be debased

٣. فَلَم تَتَّرِك حِصَّةً في الثَناءِ
تُسامُ وَلا فُرصَةً تُبتَذَل

4. You surpassed people in her path
So you attained a rank never reached before

٤. عُلىً فَضَّتِ الخَلقَ عَن نَهجِها
فَأَفضَت إِلى رُتبَةٍ لَم تُنَل

5. It is no ordinary rank in the world
Can any stars for you from it be eclipsed?

٥. وَما هِيَ مِن رُتَباتِ الوَرى
فَهَل زُحَلٌ لَكَ عَنها زَحَل

6. A hand guaranteed you richness and piety
A hand that touched dew and was ready to strike

٦. لَقَد كَفَلَت بِالغِنى وَاِلتَوى
يَدٌ في النَدى وَالرَدى لَم تَطُل

7. Whenever it unsheathed sharp swords
Hope for it said: no weakness

٧. يَدٌ كُلَّما فَتَكَت بِالنُضا
رِ قالَ الرَجاءُ لَها لا شَلَل

8. You see it gives generously when asked little
And it refrains from stabbing with sharp blades

٨. تَرى بَذلَهُ بِيَسيرِ السُؤالِ
وَتَمنَعُهُ مِن نِصالِ الأَسَل

9. When people kiss the feet of kings
The soil protected your feet from kisses

٩. إِذا قَبَّلَ الناسُ راحَ المُلوكِ
وَقاها ثَرى قَدَمَيكَ القُبَل

10. The right of Majesty belongs to the Lord of Grandeur
Zeal fed it and shortcomings opposed it

١٠. وَحُقَّ الجَلالُ لِرَبِّ الخِلالِ
غَذاها الحِجى وَعَداها الخَلَل

11. So its path of justice does not tilt
And its attributes heard do not bore

١١. فَمَشروعُ إِنصافِهِ لا يَميلُ
وَمَسموعُ أَوصافِهِ لا يُمَلّ

12. He forgives those who pardoned or sufficed
And fulfils those who fulfilled or were just

١٢. يُعَفّي عَلى مَن عَفا أَو كَفى
وَيوفي عَلى مَن وَفى أَو عَدَل

13. He loves pardoning despite ability
And hates swords preceding Spears

١٣. وَيَشرَهُ في العَفوِ عَن قُدرَةٍ
وَيَكرَهُ سَبقَ الحُسامِ العَذَل

14. Impregnable if fate becomes hostile
Quick to respond if swords are unsheathed

١٤. مَنيعُ الجَنابِ إِذا الدَهرُ صالَ
سَريعُ الجَوابِ إِذا السَيفُ صَلّ

15. With extensive shadows and eloquent words
Firm, far-reaching, and elevated

١٥. مَديدُ الظِلالِ سَديدُ المَقالِ
شَديدُ المِحالِ بَعيدُ المَحَلّ

16. An elevated position that protects the elevated from him
Alive is its glory since it descended

١٦. مَحَلٌّ يَقي بِالنَدى المَحلَ عَنهُ
حَيا مُزنِهِ ما وَنى مُذ هَطَل

17. So glory never departed since it lodged
And praise never disconnected since connected

١٧. فَما اِرتَحَلَ المَجدُ مُذ حَلَّهُ
وَلا اِنفَصَلَ الحَمدُ مُنذُ اِتَّصَل

18. Nor did blame about him exceed limits
Nor did hopes of people flee from him

١٨. وَلا جاوَزَ الذَمُّ فيهِ الثَنا
وَلا ذَعَرَ الناسُ عَنهُ الأَمَل

19. The Lord of the Throne chose for Muslims
A rescuer, the faith sufficed to be debased

١٩. تَخَيَّرَ ذو العَرشِ لِلمُسلِمينَ
غِياثاً كَفى الدينَ أَن يُبتَذَل

20. They embraced him with dark hearts
Stingy towards his dark mind

٢٠. يُحِلّونَهُ بِسَوادِ القُلو
بِ ضَنّاً بِهِ عَن سَوادِ المُقَل

21. He cared for them with a gentle gaze
And a heart from God, deterring calamity

٢١. رَعاهُم بِطَرفٍ كَثيرِ الرُنُوِّ
وَقَلبٍ مِنَ اللَهِ جَمِّ الوَجَل

22. So since he stayed up guarding them, he did not sleep
And since he protected them he did not neglect

٢٢. فَمُذ باتَ يَحرُسُهُم لَم يَنَم
وَمُذ ظَلَّ يَكلَؤُهُم ما غَفَل

23. Forbearing, though his gifts never ceased
Created in hast, though glorious

٢٣. كَثيرُ الأَناةِ وَإِن لَم تَزَل
عَطاياهُ مَخلوقَةً مِن عَجَل

24. Had virtues not been permitted by you
They would have remained prohibitions, never permitted

٢٤. مَكارِمُ لَو لَم تُحَلَّل لَدَيكَ
لَدامَت مَحارِمَ لا تُستَحَلّ

25. And when you bestowed them upon petitioners
They returned, even asking who did not ask

٢٥. وَلَمّا عَمَمتَ بِها السائِلي
نَ عادَت تَطَلَّبُ مَن لَم يَسَل

26. The easiest of them is like the incoming clouds
And the quickest of them is like lightning that descended

٢٦. وَأَنزَرُها كَالأَتِيِّ اِستَمَدَّ
وَأَيسَرُها كَالغُمامِ اِستَهَلّ

27. Their love came to you ahead of aloes
So you did not want to change course from it

٢٧. أَتاكَ هَواها أَمامَ اللِبانِ
لِذَلِكَ لَم تَبغِ عَنها حِوَل

28. And you connected it like one of high ambition
Of strong determination and tireless perseverance

٢٨. وَواصَلتَها وَصلَ ذي صَبوَةٍ
عَزيزِ السُلُوِّ عَسيرِ المَلَل

29. So O you whose goals cannot be attained
And O you whose efforts cannot be emulated

٢٩. فَيا مَن مَراميهِ لا تُنتَحى
وَيا مَن مَساعيهِ لا تُنتَحَل

30. And O flag of glory, judge of judges
And O the greatest of the revered ministers

٣٠. وَيا عَلَمَ المَجدِ قاضي القُضاةِ
وَيا سَيِّدَ الوُزَراءِ الأَجَلّ

31. You are indeed of good origin grown
More guiding than every fair witness

٣١. لَأَنتَ عَلى طيبِ أَصلٍ نَما
كَ مِن كُلِّ شاهِدِ عَدلٍ أَدَلّ

32. And you never stopped treading the roads of the lofty
Guiding towards them, never guided

٣٢. وَما زِلتَ في طُرُقاتِ العَلاءِ
تَدُلُّ عَلَيها وَما إِن تُدَلّ

33. Trickery sufficed you in time of cunning
A resolve leading when fury gathered

٣٣. كَفاكَ الخِداعَ أَوانَ القِرا
عِ عَزمٌ يَقُدُّ إِذا العَضبُ كَلّ

34. You were known through it and so were the valiant
Through prowess not through cunning

٣٤. عُرِفتَ بِهِ وَكَذاكَ الأَسو
دُ بِالحَولِ تَفعَلُ لا بِالحِيَل

35. You overpowered fate when it transgressed
Though it had a tendency, so you made it just

٣٥. سَطَوتَ عَلى الدَهرِ لَمّا اِعتَدى
وَقَد كانَ ذا مَيَلٍ فَاِعتَدَل

36. So your fear rests in its breast
And your order is implemented when directed

٣٦. فَخَوفُكَ في صَدرِهِ ماثِلٌ
وَأَمرُكَ في صَرفِهِ مُمتَثَل

37. You armed your opinion before the swords
So its implications sufficed unsheathed

٣٧. وَجَرَّدتَ رَأيَكَ قَبلَ السُيوفِ
فَأَغنى مَواضِيَها أَن تُسَلّ

38. And you implemented it, and cast aside spears
Due to the defects latent within them

٣٨. وَأَعمَلتَهُ وَاِطَّرَحتَ الرِماحَ
لِما في عَوامِلِها مِن خَطَل

39. When the steps of the climbers grew short
You possess the longest steps

٣٩. إِذا قَصُرَت دَرَجُ المُرتَقينَ
فَإِنَّكَ ذو الدَرَجاتِ الطُوَل

40. And the Leader saw you as the best prepared
For a momentous command, so he assigned it to you

٤٠. وَإِنَّ الإِمامَ مَعَدّاً رَآ
كَ خَيرَ مُعَدٍّ لِأَمرٍ جَلَل

41. So he delegated authority to you in his kingdom
As the Brave was assigned the standard

٤١. فَقَلَّدَكَ الحُكمَ في مُلكِهِ
كَما قُلِّدَ المَشرَفِيَّ البَطَل

42. So who was fit to carry your load independently?
And who was able to bear your burden?

٤٢. فَمَن ذا لِذَبِّكَ عَنهُ اِستَقَلَّ
وَمَن ذا بِعِبئِكَ فيهِ اِستَقَلّ

43. And you endowed him with the sword of conquests
So it exposed what garments it drew

٤٣. وَأَتحَفتَهُ بِحُسامِ الفُتوحِ
فَعاضَكَ ما اِجتابَهُ مِن حُلَل

44. Conquests came and spears had not yet cast
At their positions, while horses were in ravines

٤٤. فُتوحٌ أَتَت وَالقَنا لَم يَرِم
مَراكِزَهُ وَالظُبى في الخِلَل

45. You destroyed the elite substitutes with a raid
So their leader missed what he hoped for

٤٥. أَنَختَ بِصَنهاجَةَ النائِباتِ
فَفاتَ زَعيمَهُمُ ما أَمَل

46. You thus untied bonds the wars had tied
And erased traces the ravages had erased

٤٦. فَمِن عُصَبٍ عَصَبَتها الحُروبُ
وَمِن ثُلَلٍ قَد مَحاها الثَلَل

47. And one who was named Mighty since you challenged him
Became known as Humiliated instead

٤٧. وَكانَ يُسَمّى مُعِزّاً فَمُذ
تَحَدَّيتَهُ صار يُدعى مُذَلّ

48. So your fleeing victim has no hope of relief
Wherever he settles, scared and confused

٤٨. فَما يَأمُلَن فَرَجاً بِالبِعادِ
طَريدُكَ مُستَضعَفٌ حَيثُ حَلّ

49. If fear left him he would be guided
But instead his terror intensified and remained

٤٩. وَلَو أَقلَعَ الخَوفُ عَنهُ اِهتَدى
وَلَكِنَّهُ زادَ رُعباً فَضَلّ

50. And fear of Hudhayfah blinded him
With cowardice, as long as he did not carry a burden

٥٠. وَخَوفُ حُذَيفَةَ عَمّى عَلَي
هِ بِالجَفرِ ما لَم يَغِب عَن حَمَل

51. Had he sought protection at your door
He would have protected his kingdom from what he lost

٥١. وَلَو أَمَّ بابَكَ مُستَعصِماً
بِهِ صانَ مِن مُلكِهِ ما بَذَل

52. The kingdoms willingly surrendered to their Lord
So they remained like scattered wool

٥٢. مَمالِكُ أَسلَمَها رَبُّها
وَفَرَّ فَظَلَّت كَشاءٍ هَمَل

53. Every fearsome lion snatched them
And every ancient hearing submitted to you

٥٣. تَخَطَّفَها كُلُّ لَيثٍ أَزَبَّ
وَدانَ بِها كُلُّ سِمعٍ أَزَلّ

54. When the heels of the brave desired
No female hyena with cubs could deter them

٥٤. إِذا رامَ رَيَّ كُعوبِ القَنا
ةِ لَم تَثنِهِ كاعِبٌ ذاتُ دَل

55. The Bedouins since you became their protection
Saw all injustices against the truth vanish

٥٥. أَعاريبُ مُذ صِرتَ رِدءاً لَها
شَفَت مِن عِدى الحَقِّ كُلَّ الغُلَل

56. And when you feared discord upon it
And glory only shifts with discord

٥٦. وَلَمّا خَشيتَ عَلَيها الخِلافَ
وَما اِختَلَفَ العِزُّ إِلّا اِنتَقَل

57. You refused to shackle their necks
And safeguarded their spoils from being plundered

٥٧. أَبَيتَ لِأَعناقِها أَن تُغَلَّ
وَصُنتَ غَنائِمَها أَن تُغَل

58. And you sent among them a trustee, sufficient for you
Who distributed with justice that bounty

٥٨. وَأَرسَلتَ فيهِم أَميناً كَفاكَ
فَقَسَّمَ بِالعَدلِ ذاكَ النَفَل

59. And he answered until he answered the call
With determination, whoever was misguided in them

٥٩. وَجابَ إِلى أَن أَجابَ الصَريخَ
مَهامِهَ مَن دَلَّ فيها أَضَلّ

60. A desolate land, if the hardy warrior traveled it
Relying on his knowledge of the trails, he would not succeed

٦٠. مَفاوِزَ لَو أَمَّها الشَنفَرى
عَلى عِلمِهِ بِالسُرى ما وَأَل

61. He went announcing the banner of the Leader
And his flags in their rightful places

٦١. مَضى مُعلِناً بِشِعارِ الإِمامِ
وَراياتِهِ في مَحَلٍّ مَحَل

62. Your sharp sacred limit supports him
And your glorious ancestors help him

٦٢. يُؤَيِّدُهُ حَدُّكَ المُتَّقى
وَيَعضُدُهُ جَدُّكَ المُقتَبَل

63. Until he reached the Qayrawan
From its onion peel every unjust one darkening it

٦٣. إِلى أَن أَناخَ إِلى القَيرُوا
نِ مِن بُزلِهِ كُلَّ دامي الأَظَل

64. So he accomplished the affairs that neither
A protector or failure had accomplished

٦٤. فَقَضّى المَآرِبَ ما عاقَها
شِماسٌ وَلا عاقَ عَنها فَشَل

65. And he particularly gifted with the best endowments
Those who were steadfast in their conquest and shackling

٦٥. فَخَصَّ بِأَوفى العَطِيّاتِ مَن
يُسَدِّدُ في غَزوِهِ وَالقَفَل

66. So whoever fate did not return
From the turnover of his days was not returned

٦٦. فَمَن لَم يُدِلهُ الأَجَلُّ المَكي
نُ مِن صَرفِ أَيّامِهِ لَم يُدَل

67. He took possession of the realms of this time
With what he wasted upon its previous kings

٦٧. فَناقَضَ أَملاكَ هَذا الزَمانِ
بِما بَذَّ فيهِ المُلوكَ الأُوَل

68. Who only used deceit, which availed them naught
And thought, which did not help them

٦٨. فَما اِستَعمَلوا الغَدرَ إِلّا وَفى
وَلا أَعمَلوا الفِكرَ إِلّا اِرتَجَل

69. They only paraded the Nile, which in turn flooded
And they only feigned words, which they implemented

٦٩. وَلا بَرَّضوا النيلَ إِلّا أَفاضَ
وَلا مَرَّضوا القَولَ إِلّا فَعَل

70. If they hastened, their destruction was with deliberation
And if they slowed down, their ruin was swift

٧٠. إِذا أَمرَعوا فُقتَهُم في المُحولِ
وَإِن أَسرَعوا فُتَّهُم بِالمَهَل

71. While they are a pasture in the eyes of the sublime
You and your sons are its kohl

٧١. فَهُم مَرَهٌ في عُيونِ العُلى
وَإِنَّكَ وَاِبنَيكَ فيها كَحَل

72. Your resemblance in ancestry will not alter
Nor will your lineage ever be undone

٧٢. شَبيهُكَ في العَهدِ ما إِن يَحو
لُ يَوماً وَفي العَقدِ ما إِن يُحَل

73. Will you allow after excellence for me to count
Among those deficient, the blemished?

٧٣. سَحابَي نَوالٍ زَمانَ الجَدا
وَسَهمي نِضالٍ أَوانَ الجَدَل

74. If the utmost you enabled me with proves too immense
Then grace for me is greater

٧٤. فِداؤُهُما كُلُّ مُرخي الإِزا
رِ جَلّى أَبوهُ وَلَمّا يُصَل

75. So increase the chagrin of enviers through it
And keep harming those who plot and scheme

٧٥. إِذا عُدَّ فَخرُ الأُصولِ اِعتَزى
وَإِن عُدَّ فَخرُ الفُروعِ اِعتَزَل

76. And limit praise, if you mention others, it appears
Falsehoods on the faces of states

٧٦. أَتَرضى مَعاليكَ لي أَن أَعُدَّ
بَعدَ النَباهَةِ فيمَن خَمَل

77. Praise that circles the furthest lands
And is found residing wherever it settles

٧٧. لَئِن جَلَّ ما خَوَّلَتني لُهاكَ
فَإِنَّ الكَرامَةَ عِندي أَجَلّ

78. Do not deny the pride of wishes
For you enabled their lengthening

٧٨. فَضاعِف بِها كَمَدَ الحاسِدينَ
وَزِد في مَضاي تَزِدهُم وَهَل

79. I did not make my worth while so it does not
Become one of endless hopes until it withers away

٧٩. وَحُز مِدَحاً إِن سِواها اِنطَوى
بَدَت غُرَراً في وُجوهِ الدُوَل

80. The fast left in anticipation of your
Most excellent words and most pure deeds

٨٠. ثَناءٌ يَحولُ بِأَقصى البِلادِ
وَيُلفى مُقيماً إِذا ما رَحَل

81. And the feast returned to praise you
So may you remain its adornment forever

٨١. وَلا تُنكِرَنَّ جِماحَ المُنى
فَأَنتَ مَدَدتَ لَها في الطِوَل

82. And God has heard sincere prayers for you
From those who beseech and implore

٨٢. وَلَم أَعدُ قَدرِيَ كَي لا يَكو
نَ ذا أَمَلٍ طالَ حَتّى أَمَلّ

83. No community was deprived asking it
That called the Magnificent for long life

٨٣. مَضى الصَومُ مُحتَقِباً مِن تُقا
كَ أَحسَنَ قَولٍ وَأَزكى عَمَل

84. May God suffice the perfection of your glory
For whoever attained the fullness of his goal, perfected

٨٤. وَعاوَدَكَ العيدُ يُثني عَلَيكَ
فَدُمتَ لَهُ زينَةً ما أَظَلّ

٨٥. وَقَد سَمِعَ اللَهُ فيكَ الدُعا
ءَ مِمَّن دَعا مُخلِصاً وَاِبتَهَل

٨٦. وَلا حُرِمَت سُؤلَها أُمَّةٌ
دَعَت لِلأَجَلِّ بِطولِ الأَجَل

٨٧. كَفى اللَهُ مَجدَكَ عَينَ الكَمالِ
فَمَن نالَ أَوفى مَداهُ كَمَل