
Abu Zanna, your ancestors are still descending

أبا زنة لا زال جدك هابطا

1. Abu Zanna, your ancestors are still descending
And your limit is broken, and your efforts are in vain

١. أَبا زَنَّةٍ لا زالَ جَدُّكَ هابِطاً
وَحَدُّكَ مَفلولاً وَسَعيُكَ خَياّبا

2. And God Almighty has made you join a group
So you opened the door of beheading for them

٢. وَأَلحَقَكَ اللَهُ الكَريمُ بِعُصبَةٍ
فَتَحتَ إِلى ضَربِ الرِقابِ لَهُم بابا

3. So how many ropes do you have in spreading corruption
That lead to what God dislikes

٣. فَكَم لَكَ في بَسطِ الرَدى مِن حَبائِلٍ
تَكونُ إِلى ما يَكرَهُ اللَهُ أَسبابا

4. Are you not the one who enticed his followers against their master
And he returned without anything left of the kingdom

٤. أَلَستَ الَّذي أَغرى بِمَولاهُ جُندَهُ
وَعادَ وَما يَحوي مِنَ المُلكِ أَسلابا

5. And you returned to whoever settled in Damascus looking
So you widowed women and separated lovers

٥. وَعاوَدتَ فيمَن حَلَّ بِالشامِ ناظِراً
فَأَرمَلتَ نِسواناً وَفَرَّقتَ أَحبابا

6. And when you spread poverty and misery among people
They perished as you destroyed homes

٦. وَلَمّا عَمَمتَ الخَلقَ بِالفَقرِ وَالرَدى
فَبادوا وَأَوسَعتَ المَنازِلَ إِخرابا

7. You turned to one whose virtues cannot be counted
Even if the nomads and settled people were accountants

٧. عَمَدتَ إِلى مَن لا يُعَدَّدُ فَضلُهُ
وَلَو كانَ أَهلُ البَدوِ وَالحَضرِ حُسّابا

8. You strove so that the religion would lose its glory
And you sought what would not please the Lord of the Throne

٨. جَهَدتَ لِكَي ما تَسلُبُ الدينَ عِزَّهُ
وَكُنتَ لِما لَم يُرضِ ذاّلعَرشِ طَلاّبا

9. That was a plot that returned to harm its maker
It vanished and did not spare the wicked ones

٩. وَذَلِكَ كَيدٌ عادَ مِن قَبلِ ضَرِّهِ
هَباءً فَما أَخلى مِنَ الضَيغَمِ الغابا

10. And cunning that, thank God, befell its people
And the ill wish of the transgressor before it could rain harm

١٠. وَمَكرٌ بِحَمدِ اللَهِ حاقَ بِأَهلِهِ
وَعارِضُ بَغيٍ قَبلَ أَن يُمطِرَ اِنجابا

11. You have never wanted good for this kingdom, but rather
You were wicked and enticed the tyrants with one who perished

١١. وَلَم تَرجُ هَذا المُلكَ يَوماً وَإِنَّما
خَبُثتَ فَأَغرَيتَ الطُغاةَ بِمَن طابا

12. You wished security for him like your religion is his
And if the white one had delayed, he would still find you a liar

١٢. وَمَنَّيتَ أُمّاناً كَدينِكَ دينُهُ
وَلَو أَمهَلَتهُ البيضُ أَلفاكَ كَذّابا

13. You took on the traits of a dog except for its loyalty
Noisy with safety, but cowardly with fear

١٣. حَوَيتَ صِفاتِ الكَلبِ إِلا حِفاظَهُ
فَفي الأَمنِ هَرّاراً وَفي الخَوفِ هَرّابا

14. Like one who tries to deceive himself
You still remain defeated and He remains the Conqueror

١٤. كَأَفعالِ مَن حاوَلتَ بِالخَتلِ نَفسَهُ
فَلا زِلتَ مَغلوباً وَلا زالَ غَلاّبا

15. Permitting the sanctity of wealth to be violated if times get difficult
And preventing the kingdom from spreading if events become calm

١٥. مُبيحُ حِمى الأَموالِ إِن زَمَنٌ نَبا
وَمانِعُ سَرحِ المُلكِ إِن حادِثٌ نابا

16. If you dress in a garment of elevation and awe
You wear the clothes of vulgarity and disgrace

١٦. إِذا اِجتابَ ثَوباً مِن عُلىً وَمَهابَةٍ
لَبِستَ مِنَ الفَحشاءِ وَالخِزيِ أَثوابا

17. And if you consider Mirdas, Nasr, and Salih time of pride
You single out Shabib and Waththab at the height of arrogance

١٧. وَإِن عَدَّ مِرداساً وَنَصراً وَصالِحاً
لَدى الفَخرِ وَاِستَثنى شَبَيباً وَوَثّابا

18. You brag about Hannas and Tult with Tarwus
While they and the likes of them do not repent

١٨. بَجَحتَ بِهَنّاسٍ وَطُلتَ بِتَروَسٍ
وَزالا وَأَربابٍ تُضامُ فَلا تابا

19. With the sword they impose when you impose with cunning
And spend wealth while you spend titles

١٩. وَبِالسَيفِ يَسطو حينَ تَسطوبِحيلَةٍ
وَيُنفِقُ أَموالاً وَتُنفِقُ أَلقابا

20. He is above conceit with power and wealth
And you increased in admiration and pride despite humiliation and poverty

٢٠. تَنَزَّهَ عَن عُجبٍ مَعَ العِزِّ وَالغِنى
وَزِدتَ مَعَ الإِذلالِ وَالفَقرِ إِعجابا

21. And below him the seekers of knowledge have a barrier
If they come to your door other than the appointed gatekeepers

٢١. وَما دونَهُ لِلطالِبي العُرفِ حاجِبٌ
إِذا ما أَتَوا مِن دونِ بابِكَ حُجّابا

22. And beneath that door are only flattering sycophants
With whom you lived - may your life not be prolonged

٢٢. وَما تَحتَ ذاكَ البابِ إِلا دَهائِمٌ
بِها عِشتَ لا طالَت حَياتُكَ أَحقابا

23. If you are from a villainous people, you have not ceased
To be the least good and most blamable among them

٢٣. لَئِن كُنتَ مِن قَومٍ لِئامٍ فَلَم تَزَل
أَقَلَّهُمُ خَيراً وَأَكثَرَهُم عابا

24. You claimed that God has made you repentant
But these acts are not those of one who has repented

٢٤. زَعَمتَ لَحاكَ اللَهُ أَنَّكَ تائِبٌ
وَما هَذِهِ الأَفعالُ أَفعالُ مَن تابا

25. You challenged one filled with might and bravery
And he filled the dusty wasteland with Turks and Bedouins

٢٥. نَظارِتَرَ المَملوءَ بَأساً وَنَخوَةً
وَقَد مَلَأَ الغَبراءَ تُركاً وَأَعرابا

26. The King of Kings and the age is not pleased with you
Though he is unaware of what you have committed, he is not unaware

٢٦. فَما مَلَكُ الأَملاكِ وَالعَصرِ راضِياً
وَإِن غابَ عَمّا قَد جَنَيتَ فَما غابا

27. These are only mighty resolutions
That cut the Arabs to pieces and reach the Arabs

٢٧. وَما هِيَ إِلّا عَزمَةٌ عامِرَيَّةٌ
تُقَطِّعُ آراباً وَتَبلُغُ آرابا