1. Through you, religion fulfilled an obligation that was already due
And God fulfilled a promise that was hoped for
١. بِكَ اِقتَضى الدينُ دَيناً كانَ قَد وَجَبا
وَأَنجَزَ اللَهُ وَعداً كانَ مُرتَقَبا
2. So barrenness returned to fertility, and forbidden to sanctuary
And security settled, while fear was exiled
٢. فَعاوَدَ الجَدبُ خِصباً وَالمُباحُ حِمىً
وَالأَمنُ مُستَوطِناً وَالخَوفُ مُغتَرِبا
3. Your view illuminated, though days were gloomy
So it shone, and your effect dispersed sorrows
٣. أَنارَ رَأيُكَ وَالأَيّامُ داجِيَةٌ
فَأَشرَقَت وَجَلا تَأثيرُكَ الكُرَبا
4. You combined light and influence at a rank
That cannot be surpassed, so you gained the seven planets
٤. قَرَنتَ نوراً وَتَأثيراً بِمَنزِلَةٍ
لا تُرتَقى فَثَمَنتَ السَبعَةَ الشُهُبا
5. You repelled the misfortunes that conquered kingdoms and seized
What they deemed long foregone through the edges of spears
٥. ذُدتَ الأُلى قَهَروا الأَملاكَ وَاِنتَزَعوا
ما اِستَحقَبَتهُ بِأَطرافِ القَنا حُقُبا
6. Arrogants who spy on heroes you scattered
From what they wanted - a horseman who spies on news
٦. ضَراغِمٌ تَفرِسُ الأَبطالَ شَرَّدَها
عَمّا أَرادَت هِزَبرٌ يَفرِسُ النُوَبا
7. Indeed, you protected a land whose forest covers were impenetrable
So what do enemies reckon if it sprang forth?
٧. لَقَد حَمى مُلبِداً أَكنافَ غابَتِهِ
فَما تَظُنُّ بِهِ الأَعداءُ لَو وَثَبا
8. It severed necks without even unsheathing its blade
And brought down misfortunes subdued, though mounted
٨. جَذَّ الرِقابَ وَما إِن سَلَّ صارِمَهُ
وَاِستَنزَلَ الخَطبَ مَقهوراً وَمارَكِبا
9. And secured people from the discord they feared
Though time was too narrow for its least portion
٩. وَأَمَّنَ الناسَ ماخافوهُ مِن فِتَنٍ
ضاقَ الزَمانُ بِأَدناها وَإِن رَحُبا
10. In it, wealth did not avail the wealthy
Rather, the owner of a single garment envied the barefoot
١٠. لَم تُغنِ فيها عَنِ المُثرينَ ثَروَتُهُم
بَل ذو الحَليلَةِ مِنهُم يَحسُدُ العَزَبا
11. So how did you reveal its obscured fortresses
When even the full moon does not reveal a concealed darkness?
١١. فَكَيفَ كَشَّفتَ مَحجوباً حَنادِسَها
وَالبَدرُ لا يَكشِفُ الظَلماءَ مُحتَجِبا
12. Had they been equals, you would have marched out to them
With the vigor of your grandfather when he inverted the crucifixes
١٢. وَلَو يَكونونَ أَكفاءً بَرَزتَ لَهُم
بُرُوزَ جَدِّكَ لَمّا نَكَّسَ الصُلُبا
13. But you sat back, tempting misfortunes to befall them
Humiliating the twists of fate however difficult
١٣. لَكِن قَعَدتَ وَأَغرَيتَ الخُطوبَ بِهِم
مُذَلِّلاً مِن صُروفِ الدَهرِ ما صَعُبا
14. On which day of battle did they fight you and not
Cups of death revolved among them in multitudes?
١٤. في أَيِّ يَومِ نَزالٍ حارَبوكَ فَما
دارَت كُؤوسُ المَنايا فيهِمُ نُخُبا
15. Until their king passed away complaining of an affliction that
Pleased you, though did not please him in the least
١٥. حَتّى مَضى مَلِكُهُم يَشكو وَغىً بَلَغَت
فيهِ رِضاكَ وَلَم يَبلُغ بِها أَرَبا
16. It is the complaint of a wounded man whose health is exhausted
Not like what a submerged drowned man complains of
١٦. شَكوى الجَريحِ الَّذي أَعيَت سَلامَتُهُ
لا مِثلَ ما يَتَشَكّى الغارِبُ القَتَبا
17. And Turkoman was not saved when you mobilized against him
From Amer a group by which you strengthened groups
١٧. وَما نَجا تُركُمانٌ إِذ نَدَبتَ لَهُ
مِن عامِرٍ عُصَباً أَعزِز بِها عُصَبا
18. Had his disregarder slowed down, they would have brought him to you
Like the jinn of Solomon brought his throne from Sheba
١٨. وَلَو تَمَهَّلَ مُرديهِ أَتَوكَ بِهِ
إِتيانَ جِنِّ سُلَيمانٍ بِعَرشِ سَبا
19. He came to your country deluded by its ruler
Ignorantly, so he met destruction before it
١٩. وافى بِلادَكَ مُغتَرّاً بِمالِكِها
جَهلاً وَحَيناً فَلاقى دونَها العَطَبا
20. The Turks were ignorant of the Bedouins
Until you allowed them to know the Arabs
٢٠. وَكانَتِ التُركُ بِالأَعرابِ جاهِلَةً
حَتّى أَتَحتَ لَها أَن تَعرِفَ العَرَبا
21. They met them with spears long broken
And the Indian canes succeeded them against foes
٢١. لَاقَوهُمُ بِرِماحٍ طالَما اِنحَطَمَت
وَاِستَخلَفَت في العِدى الهِندِيَّةَ القُضَبا
22. And they did not refrain, though their scabbards were created
Swords adorned with scabbards of gold
٢٢. وَما ثَناها وَإِن أَغمادُها خَلِقَت
صَوارِمٌ حُلِّيَت أَغمادُها ذَهَبا
23. Regiments whom God destined defeat for
Whoever turns from the truth in His rulings, stumbled
٢٣. جَحافِلٌ قَيَّضَ اللَهُ البَوارَ لَها
مَن نَكَّبَ الحَقَّ في أَحكامِهِ نُكِبا
24. And none of them escaped except some cavalry
That saved those near them carrying litters
٢٤. وَلَم يَفُت مِنهُمُ إِلّا أُغَيلِمَةٌ
نَجَت بِهِم مُقرَباتٌ تَحمِلُ الأُرَبا
25. Lamenting to the people the one they thought would arrive
But the purpose of the wicked is to rule Aleppo
٢٥. تَنعى إِلى القَومِ مَن ظَنّوا بِمَقدَمَهِ
وَالبَغيُ مَصرَعُهُ أَن يَملِكوا حَلَبا
26. Like the croaking raven of Bani Asad, silent before his death
Until when his time came, he croaked
٢٦. غُرابُ بَينٍ صَموتٌ قَبلَ مَقتَلِهِ
حَتّى إِذا ما أَتاهُ حَينُهُ نَعَبا
27. They had high hopes through him, so no wonder
That after him, their staff became entangled in branches
٢٧. رَجوا بِهِ الغايَةَ القُصوى فَلا عَجَبٌ
أَنِ اِستَطارَت عَصاهُم بَعدَهُ شُعُبا
28. As if their own souls were followers of his inclination
And the sincerity of their determination was part of what was taken
٢٨. كَأَنَّ أَنفُسَهُم أَتباعُ مُهجَتِهِ
وَصِدقَ إِقدامِهِم مِن بَعضِ ما سُلِبا
29. And a fire smolders when its kindler is absent
And the spark dies down unless the strike ignites it
٢٩. وَالنارُ تَخبو إِذا ما غابَ موقِدُها
وَالزَندُ إِن لَم يُعِنهُ القَادِحونَ كَبا
30. So let violence be left to its rightful people
Violence, no doubt, is noble when attributed
٣٠. فَليُترَكِ البَأسُ لِلأَولى بِنِسبَتِهِ
فَالبَأسُ لا شَكَّ كَعبِيٌّ إِذا اِنتَسَبا
31. If they lost composure when they approached Aleppo
They did reach it when they resolved to flee
٣١. إِن ضَيَّعوا الحَزمَ لَمّا نازَلوا حَلَبا
فَقَد أَصابوهُ لَمّا أَزمَعوا هَرَبا
32. On the morrow, they turned reinforcements into a burden to them
While they fancied in fear it fortified them
٣٢. غَداةَ وَلَّوا عَلى جُردٍ تَشُدُّ بِهِم
وَهُم يَظُنّونَ خَوفاً شَدَّها خَبَبا
33. From an awe of you - its risks were endless
Had they been in fresh sweet water, it would not be drunk
٣٣. عَن هَيبَةٍ لَكَ لَم تُؤمَن بَوائِقُها
لَو أَنَّها في الزُلالِ العَذبِ ما شُرِبا
34. Without the spoils, there are horrors that embitter it
And in defeat, there is salvation - so why did they flee?
٣٤. دونَ الغَنيمَةِ أَهوالٌ تُكَدِّرُها
وَفي الهَزيمَةِ مَنجاةٌ لِمَ هَرَبا
35. It is a gift of glory constantly blowing with
The winds of your determination until it made it blow away
٣٥. طَودٌ مِنَ العِزِّ مازالَت تَهُبُّ بِهِ
رِياحُ عَزمِكَ حَتّى صَيَّرَتهُ هَبا
36. They ascended to a difficult pinnacle, but their effort disappointed them
They saw their own effort as play next to it
٣٦. سَمَوا إِلى مُرتَقىً صَعبٍ فَعاقَهُمُ
جِدٌّ رَأَوا جِدَّهُم في جَنبِهِ لَعِبا
37. A star is not illuminating like its companion star
Unless it is supported by determination that breaks through the veils
٣٧. وَالنَجمُ لَيسَ بِمُعلٍ نَجمَ صاحِبِهِ
ما لَم يُؤَيِّدهُ جِدٌّ يَخرُقُ الحُجُبا
38. A group that lost this world and the next -
Not all who were ill-fated in life were ill-fated in destiny
٣٨. جَماعَةٌ عَدِمَت دُنيا وَآخِرَةً
ما كُلُّ مَن ساءَ مَحياً ساءَ مُنقَلَبا
39. And wherever it descended, it does not cease to overshadow them
With an army of fear, though it is not audible
٣٩. وَحَيثُ حَلَّت فَما تَنفَكُّ تُطرِقُها
جَيشاً مِنَ الرُعبِ لَم تَسمَع لَهُ لَجَبا
40. You sufficed in sparing them, though had you wished to conquer them
You would have left no head or tail among them
٤٠. كَفَفتَ عَنهُم وَلَو شِئتَ اِجتِياحَهُمُ
لَم تَتَّرِك مِنهُمُ رَأساً وَلاذَنَبا
41. Did you intend deliberately to spare a nation that witnessed
The decisiveness of your ferocity, so as to warn the unseen?
٤١. فَهَل تَعَمَّدتَ بُقيا أُمَّةٍ شَهِدَت
ثَباتَ جَأشِكَ حَتّى تُنذِرَ الغَيَبا
42. If days relent with dislike
After exercising more patience than is wondrous
٤٢. إِن أَقلَعَت غِيَرُ الأَيّامِ راغِمَةً
فَبَعدَ أَن أَكثَرَت مِن صَبرِكَ العَجَبا
43. They did not raid the Levant except after gathering
Among the clan those chosen and those seized
٤٣. لَم يَطرُقوا الشامَ إِلّا بَعدَ أَن جَمَعوا
مِنَ العَشيرَةِ مُختاراً وَمُغتَصَبا
44. Plots that deluded them into plotting with it
What were devices for their lions during battles
٤٤. مَكايِدٌ أَوهَمَتهُم أَن تُكادَ بِها
كانَت لِآسادِهِم عِندَ النِزالِ زُبى
45. And a fire of war they kindled, in which they inflamed the land for a time
So when you confronted them, they became its fuel
٤٥. وَنارُ حَربٍ شَوَوا فيها الوَرى زَمَناً
فَحينَ قارَعتَهُم صاروا لَها حَطَبا
46. For what reason do you fear their happiness
When it has vanished into what vanished?
٤٦. بِأَيِّما سَبَبٍ تَخَشى سَعادَتَهُم
أَنّى وَقَد ذَهَبَت في ضِمنِ ما ذَهَبا
47. With the swords you unsheathed their strikers
Or with the hearts in which you resided fear?
٤٧. أَبِالسُيوفِ الَّتي فَلَّلتَ قاطِعَها
أَم بِالقُلوبِ الَّتي أَسكَنتَها الرُعُبا
48. Had it not been for dogs, their armies would not have raided
These countries nor extended in them their poles
٤٨. لَولا كِلابٌ لَما جاسَت جُيوشُهُمُ
هَذي البِلادَ وَلا مَدّوا بِها طُنُبا
49. They wanted affability from the most hostile of their enemies
That view strayed far from correctness
٤٩. راموا المَوَدّاتِ مِن أَعدى عُداتِهِمُ
وَذاكَ رَأيٌ إِلى غَيرِ الصَوابِ صَبا
50. So they met an opponent whose rains were widespread
And they headed for the shine of lightning long proven to lie
٥٠. فَقارَعوا عارِضاً عَمَّت مَواطِرُهُ
وَيَمَّموا لَمعَ بَرقٍ طالَما كَذَبا
51. Like a herdsman whose camels are well fed on fertile land
Yet he hopes for pasturage where there is herbage
٥١. كَطارِدٍ إِبلَهُ وَالأَرضُ مُخصِبَةٌ
يَبغي سِباخاً يُرَجّي عِندَها العُشُبا
52. Until when their assumptions proved false about them
They turned to you with an assumption far from lying
٥٢. حَتّى إِذا كَذَبَت فيهِم ظُنونُهُمُ
فاؤوا إِلَيكَ بِظَنٍّ جانَبَ الكَذِبا
53. So your nearness returned a glory that had parted from them
And revealed a star that had set
٥٣. فَرَدَّ قُربُكَ عِزّاً كانَ مُنتَزِحاً
عَنهُم وَأَطلَعَ نَجماً كانَ قَد غَرَبا
54. With it, they attained the highest pinnacle, which foiled them
With brightness from prophethood and the lofty dunes
٥٤. حَلّوا بِهِ الذِروَةَ العُليا وَعاضَهُمُ
مِنَ النُبوِّ مَضاءً وَالوِهادِ رُبا
55. And they met a dutiful son with their old age
And for the adolescent among them, an elderly father
٥٥. وَصادَفوا وَلَداً بَرّاً بِكَهلِهِمُ
وَلِلمُراهِقِ مِنهُم وَالِداً حَدِبا
56. One who is generous when they hope for it out of greed
And pardons when they fear him out of awe
٥٦. مَن يُجزِلُ العُرفَ إِذ يَرجونَهُ رَغَباً
وَيَبذُلُ العَفوَ إِذ يَخشَونَهُ رَهَبا
57. When resentment and animosity inspire what they perpetrated
He wipes away overlooking, and pardon does not record
٥٧. إِذا وَحى الحِقدُ وَالشَحناءُ ما اِجتَرَموا
مَحا تَجاوُزُهُ وَالصَفحُ ما كَتَبا
58. If he is harsh, death is but one of his arrows
And if he forgives, his wrath knows no fury
٥٨. وَإِن سَطا فَالمَنايا بَعضُ أَسهُمِهِ
وَإِن عَفا خِلتَهُ لا يَعرِفُ الغَضَبا
59. One who returned the dead nation alive and its factions
Angry and blamed the rebellious people so they split
٥٩. مَن رَدَّ مَيتَ المُنى حَيّاً وَذاوِيَها
غَضّاً وَلاءَمَ شَعبَ المُلكِ فَاِنشَعَبا
60. Lord of resolves - if only they were materialized
Every onlooking eye would fancy them meteors
٦٠. رَبُّ العَزائِمِ لَو كانَت مُجَسَّمَةً
لَظَنَّها كُلُّ طَرفٍ ناظِرٍ شُهُبا
61. In length they grow if the sinner falls short of intention
And flow if the edge of the swords drips
٦١. تَزدادُ إِن قَصَّرَ الخَطِّيُّ عَن غَرَدٍ
طولاً وَتَمضي إِذا حَدُّ الحُسامِ نَبا
62. He put on the wrap but its amulets did not leave
His neck, loving the safe since loving
٦٢. حَلَّ السِماكَ وَما حُلَّت تَمائِمُهُ
عَن جيدِهِ وَحَبا العافينَ مُنذُ حَبا
63. If he decides, nights are hampered against their will
Conquering, and if he speaks, tongues flow long
٦٣. إِن صالَ كَفَّ اللَيالي عَن إِرادَتِها
قَهراً وَإِن قالَ طالَ الأَلسُنَ الذُرُبا
64. He encompassed knowledge innately without fatigue
Multiples of what wearied students working
٦٤. حَوى مِنَ الفَضلِ مَولوداً بِلا تَعَبٍ
أَضعافَ ما أَعجَزَ الطُلّابَ مُكتَسَبا
65. He listened to it until it became his abode
So if he surpasses it - but he will not - he will not part
٦٥. صَغا إِلَيهِ إِلى أَن صارَ مَوطِنَهُ
فَلو عَداهُ وَلَن يَعدوهُ ما اِغتَرَبا
66. It manifested the ambiguous meaning in its lucidity
So it escaped who exhausted thoughts in conciseness
٦٦. وَأَظهَرَت غامِضَ المَعنى بَديهَتَهُ
فَفاتَ مَن أَتعَبَ الأَفكارَ مُقتَضِبا
67. Behind you people in grace and in generosity
So tell your effort to slow down and profit from fatigue
٦٧. وَراءَكَ الخَلقُ في فَضلٍ وَفي كَرَمٍ
فَقُل لِسَعيكَ مَهلاً تَربَحِ التَعَبا
68. Stop for this greatest period, for you are one who
Fell in glory magnitudes of what was sought
٦٨. وَقِف لِذا الأَمَدِ الأَقصى فَإِنَّكَ مَن
هَوى مِنَ المَجدِ أَضعافَ الَّذي طَلَبا
69. Glory you alone among kings attained
Seeking praise, avoiding blame
٦٩. مَجدٌ تَفَرَّدتَ يا عِزَّ المُلوكِ بِهِ
لِلحَمدِ مُجتَنِياً لِلذَمِّ مُجتَنِبا
70. God granted you kingship benevolently
From Him, and God will not take back what He gave
٧٠. إِنَّ الإِلَهَ حَباكَ المُلكَ مَوهِبَةً
مِنهُ وَلَن يَستَرِدَّ اللَهُ ما وَهَبا
71. If your mention is enjoyed in nomad camps and settlements
Their practice is to lower sights and profess love
٧١. إِن عَنَّ ذِكرُكَ في بَدوٍ وَفي حَضَرٍ
فَدَأبُهُم غَضُّ أَبصارٍ وَفَضُّ حُبا
72. So time yielded until whatever you did not do, did not
Even if your enemies' course was reprehensible
٧٢. فَأَذعَنَ الدَهرُ حَتّى ما أَتَيتَ أَتى
وَما أَبَيتَ وَإِن سيئَت عِداكَ أَبا
73. I soften my saddlecloth in the land of a king
Who left me no discomfort in God's land
٧٣. إِنّي أَنَختُ رِكابي في ذَرى مَلِكٍ
لَم يُبقِ لي في بِلادِ اللَهِ مُضطَرَبا
74. His favor was unmarred by innuendo or number
That drags reluctance - had it not been for people, no blinking
٧٤. ما شابَ إِنعامَهُ مَنٌّ وَلا عِدَةٌ
تَجُرُّ مَطلاً فَلَولا البِشرُ ما قَطَبا
75. Eloquence flows when you visit his gathering
You won highness, wealth, status, and courtesy
٧٥. طَلقُ المُحَيّا إِذا ما زُرتَ مَجلِسَهُ
حُزتَ العُلا وَالغِنى وَالجاهَ وَالأَدَبا
76. He kept hearing my poems and praising them
Until I counted his great gifts as interest
٧٦. مازالَ يَسمَعُ أَشعاري وَيَمدَحُها
حَتّى عَدَدتُ عَطاياهُ الجِسامَ رِبا
77. I do not ask you for more favor after describing to me
My sufficiency in reaching this extent is enough
٧٧. لا أَستَزيدُكَ نُعمى بَعدَ وَصفِكَ لي
حَسبي اِنتِهائي إِلى هَذا المَدى حَسَبَ
78. You have spread favor and benefaction, so you did not cease
To adorn your traits in poems and speeches
٧٨. بَرَّحتَ فَضلاً وَإِفضالاً فَلا بَرِحَت
تَزينُ أَوصافُكَ الأَشعارَ وَالخُطَبا
79. So it remains for eulogies to be gifted to you
As it remains for virtues to be attributed to them as originator
٧٩. فَخرُ المَدائِحِ أَن تُهدى إِلَيكَ كَما
فَخرُ الفَضائِلِ أَن تُدعى لَهُنَّ أَبا