
Console sorrow for its wishes with consolation

ذد بالعزاء الهم عن طلباته

1. Console sorrow for its wishes with consolation
Do not anger Allah in His pleasures

١. ذُد بِالعَزاءِ الهَمَّ عَن طَلِباتِهِ
لا تُسخِطَنَّ اللَهَ في مَرضاتِهِ

2. You have from your righteousness an advisor, nay, a reminder
That time has passed according to its habits

٢. لَكَ مِن سَدادِكَ مُخبِرٌ بَل مُذكِرٌ
أَنَّ الزَمانَ جَرى عَلى عاداتِهِ

3. It burdened him with its events and calamities
So be patient with it if he obtained some of its remains

٣. أَثكَلتَهُ أَحداثَهُ وَخُطوبَهُ
فَاِصبِر لَهُ إِن نالَ بَعضَ تِراتِهِ

4. It cracked the hearts with what came, assured
That it would not be blamed while you are among its virtues

٤. صَدَعَ القُلوبَ بِما أَتى مُستَيقِناً
أَن لا يُذَمَّ وَأَنتَ مِن حَسَناتِهِ

5. Indeed, the one whose affliction has spread among the people
And the paths of death have branched with his passing

٥. إِنَّ الَّذي عَمَّ الأَنامَ مُصابُهُ
وَتَشَعَّبَت شُعَبُ المُنى بِوفاتِهِ

6. They hoped to reunite the dispersed, their assumption failed
How, when you have been made master of gathering its pieces?

٦. أَمَلوا شَتاتَ الشَملِ خُيِّبَ ظَنُّهُم
أَنّى وَقَد مُلِّكتَ جَمعَ شَتاتِهِ

7. When he saw that the youth are a burden for the exalted
And weakness appeared in his movements

٧. لَمّا رَأَى أَنَّ الشَبيبَةَ لِلعُلى
وَزَرٌ وَبانَ الضَعفُ في حَرَكاتِهِ

8. He spared you from it for a respite
And ransomed your life, satisfied with his own

٨. وَلّاكَ مِنها ما تَوَلّى بُرهَةً
وَفَدى حَياتَكَ راضِياً بِحَياتِهِ

9. Thus he met his day cheerfully
Until we thought death was pleasant after its gentleness

٩. فَلِذاكَ لاقى يَومَهُ مُستَبشِراً
حَتّى ظَنَنّا الَموتَ بَعدَ عُفاتِهِ

10. And he knew well that you would take his place
After parting, so he did not understand his commandments

١٠. وَقَضى عَليماً أَن تَقومَ مَقامَهُ
بَعدَ الفِراقِ فَلَم يَفُه بِوصاتِهِ

11. You have been endowed with the honor he inherited
And protected by the supplications heard from his prayers

١١. مُلّيتَ ما وِرِّثتَهُ مِن عِزِّهِ
وَوُقيتَ بِالمَسموعِ مِن دَعَواتِهِ

12. Indeed, he passed away while kingdoms hoped for his return
So they would appease him and fear his might

١٢. فَلَقَد مَضى تَرجو المَمالِكُ رَدَّهُ
فَتَسومُهُ وَتَخافُ مِن سَطَواتِهِ

13. The lips that were protection for his family wept for him
As well as the refuge of his seeker, his honor and governance

١٣. فَبَكاهُ ثَغرٌ كانَ عِصمَةَ أَهلِهِ
وَمَعاذَ قاصِدِهِ وَعِزَّ وُلاتِهِ

14. The Lord of the Throne spared him, growing his deeds
And destined for him eternity in His Gardens

١٤. أَجناهُ رَبُّ العَرشِ غَرسَ فَعالِهِ
وَقَضى لَهُ بِالخُلدِ في جَنّاتِهِ

15. With gentleness, he attained while bidding farewell what he did not get
He softened the harshest kings with his silence and suppressions

١٥. بِالرِفقِ أَدرَكَ وادِعاً ما لَم يَنَل
أَنخى المُلوكِ بِكُمتِهِ وَكُماتِهِ

16. Until we would think him a prophet sent
And the beauty of manners among his signs

١٦. حَتّى لَخِلناهُ نَبِيّاً مُرسَلاً
وَمَحاسِنُ الأَخلاقِ مِن آياتِهِ

17. So possess what he possessed of hearts, belying
Whoever thought their deaths were with his own passing

١٧. فَاِملِك بِما مَلَكَ القُلوبَ مُكَذِّباً
مَن ظَنَّ أَنَّ مَماتَها بِمَماتِهِ

18. Why have I, worthless, advised one of vigilance
Who comes with benevolence I did not bring?

١٨. مالي ذَلِلتُ مُنَبِّهاً ذا يَقظَةٍ
يَأتي مِنَ الإِحسانِ ما لَم آتِهِ

19. His money is refused like his belongings
And his prayers discarded like his worship

١٩. أَموالُهُ مَرفوضَةٌ كَعُداتِهِ
وَصِلاتُهُ مَفرودَةٌ كَصَلاتِهِ

20. And if he dons fine garments, he ruins their splendor
You would know virtue is not among his tools

٢٠. وَإِذا أَزارَ الطِرسَ نِقسَ دَواتِهِ
أَيقَنتَ أَنَّ الفَضلَ مِن أَدَواتِهِ

21. Time kept foiling his resolves
So he fails them and is generous in his crises

٢١. مازالَ يَثني الدَهرَ عَن عَزَماتِهِ
فَيَفُلُّها وَيَجودُ في أَزَماتِهِ

22. The dignitaries of the time become some of his guests
And acts of good are from his nightly devotions

٢٢. تُمسي كِرامُ العَصرِ بَعضَ ضُيوفِهِ
وَيَبيتُ فِعلُ الخَيرِ مِن صَبَواتِهِ

23. The most generous is one who gave a documented hand
Who entrusted kindness with his trusted ones

٢٣. وَأَسَدُّ مَن أَسدى يَداً مَأثورَةً
مَن أَودَعَ المَعروفَ عِندَ ثِقاتِهِ

24. Patience, pride of the kingdom, praise the absence of what
You were empowered with, for patience is among its tools

٢٤. صَبراً جَلالَ المُلكِ تَحمَد غِبَّ ما
خوِّلتَهُ فَالصَبرُ مِن آلاتِهِ

25. Do not let time know you are shaken
By its deeds, so it dares in its betrayals

٢٥. لا تُشعِرَنَّ الدَهرَ أَنَّكَ جازِعٌ
مِن فِعلِهِ فَيَلَجَّ في غَدراتِهِ

26. For you are the glory of the kings of your time, so let
Who said the glory of its judges turn from his words

٢٦. فَلَأَنتَ مَجدُ مُلوكِ دَهرِكَ فَليَعُد
عَن قَولِهِ مَن قالَ مَجدُ قُضاتِهِ

27. And we knew that the one between you, whom
The exalted do not travel from his chambers

٢٧. وَلَقَد عَلِمنا أَنَّ بَينَكُمُ الَّذي
لا تَرحَلُ العَلياءُ عَن حُجُراتِهِ

28. My words have come to you consoling
Rather, hoping to overlook its slips

٢٨. وافاكَ مِنّي ذا الكَلامُ مُعَزِّياً
بَل راغِباً في الصَفحِ عَن زَلّاتِهِ

29. A saying came from illness and grief
So accept it, overlooking its defects

٢٩. قَولٌ أَتى عَن عِلَّةٍ وَفَجيعَةٍ
فَاِقبَلهُ مَستوراً عَلى عِلّاتِهِ