
For you, O Khazrun, I see Lebanon as it truly is,

أرى لك يا خزرون لبنان في الورى

1. For you, O Khazrun, I see Lebanon as it truly is,
With words of honesty, no ambiguity in its attire,

١. أَرى لَكَ يا خَزرونَ لُبنانَ في الوَرى
أَحاديثَ صِدقٍ لا تُشابُ بِإِلباسِ

2. Its ugliness spread throughout the land,
You made it seem dogs were superior to people,

٢. مَقابِحُ شاعَت في البِلادِ بِأَسرِها
أَبَنتَ بِها فَضلَ الكِلابِ عَلى الناسِ

3. I passed by it hurriedly though I had no need,
As a drunkard passes by the shop of a vintner,

٣. مَرَرتُ بِهِ مُستَعجِلاً لا لِحاجَةٍ
كَما مَرَّ مَخمورٌ بِدُكّانِ هَرّاسِ

4. He was gracious as he did not stop me,
From the stench I inhaled when near him,

٤. فَأَحسَنَ بي إِذ لَم يَقُم لي مُؤَخِّراً
مِنَ النَتنِ ما اِستَنشَقتُهُ عِندَ جُلّاسي

5. And he asked me, so I slapped him,
I arose without a nose, he without a head.

٥. وَجَعمَسَني مُستَخبِراً فَصَفَعتُهُ
فَقُمتُ بِلا أَنفٍ وَقامَ بِلا راسِ